I totaly agree. On top on that, we have to be called by the property owner/manager to come tow there car AND they have to sign for it. But who do you think they get mad at lol.
It amazes me...whemn someone parks where they shouldnt..then moan about consequenses. Thats like speeding then moaning when you get a ticket...If you cant take consequences...DONT DO IT
nope. there are cleary posted "Tow Away Zone" signs at all the lots we tow from. If people are too lazy to find a public parking lot, they will pay to get there car out.
Well lots of people decided they don't know what the no parking signs mean last night. We pulled 125 cars in 5 hours. We could have gotten more, but the yard was full lol. Happy new year and good night, I'm going to bed!
Steve I thought about you last night, I towed a 05 WRX from an accident. Had 1400 miles on it. Whole front end was used a crumple zone lol. I didn't have a camera with me so no pics :(.
That's for sissy's lol. Besides, that's a good way to get an airbag in the face. Bwild, the trucks I'm driving now are a 04 Ford F-650SD with a 21' century bed and a 05 Ford F-450SD Vulcan intruder self-loader. the self-loader is my fav, I love not having to get out of the truck to steal cars lol.
Nah..this book was for the breakdown associations. Non destructive entry. So it listed where to access central door locking bypass, and where to "knock" under a car to pretend to be in an accident to release locks also..etc etc etc
yep! takes about 10 seconds per tire to put them on, then just roll the car away lol. we have lots of fun toys. I've gotten really good at unlocking cars. I can be in most of them in under 10 seconds.
"do you tow, or lift onto the bed?"-Depends on the truck I'm driving. If I work days, it's a flatbed, if I work nights, it's a repo truck doing impounds.
(I'm the guy those parking signs warned you about)
LOL...I see now they offer after market kits for that...back when I was a kid and you could still buy airplane fuel...we'd wire a spark plug to the exhaust and run a throw swith on the dash.Local cops loved us....shame they knew where we lived...they couldnt catch us!!
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