We could set up a small single elimination tournament, this is a lot faster. We'd best choose small fast i guess, so pawns who enter this one are ready for the next tournament once it starts. How about it?
Tian-Xian: We want to have players move at least once a day so the tournament doesn't take forever. If you can play several times on other days no one will make a problem of you not moving on sunday.
Tian-Xian: Yes, click on Settings on the left, and choose the Calendar tab, and you will see where you can choose your own weekend days. (they can really be any 2 day combo)
good to see a new member in the espionage community!
I'm currently taking part in an older tourney: the SL-SFE#2, where, thanks to Mark, I LOST MY FIRST GAME in the second round! Grmpf***§$F#!!!! ... well, that's another topic.
Thus, as a non-member I won't be able to join a second one.
But, as a warm-up I'm happy to send you an invite for small espionage ...
Mikong: imwith the understanding that you prefer to have a tourney in the small espionage with the volcanoes? if so im in as many other will be. but lets make sure we get the fast players.
Mikong: Welcome to espionage! just to let you know i recently completed a game with sandoz that lasted 321 moves. Since we both moved Quickly it didnt last that long but a match like that could last years. Tourneys aren't suggested for those variants unless Fischer clock is used. Open is the preference here.
Hmm.. Good idea about inviting "fast" players or those who don't play too slow. Then, let's start asking guys who'd like to participate. I can guarantee to play at least 1 or 2 moves a day :)
Mikong: Hi Mikong, welcome on the espionage bord, great to see you here :) What kind of tournament did you have in mind? Small espionage isn't popular to all espionage fans because of the length of the game. It's much slower than small fast or open fast espionage. Though I do believe there are some who especially like the variant, I think Nothingness and Altermann do and the Alchemist and I believe Sandoz still likes the variant. I'd be willing to join as well.
Also, we haven't had a serieus small espionage competition for some time which would be a good arguement for doing it. The biggest problem would be not just the length of the game, but the length of the entire tournament. We've been discussing the issues on that matter on this board. Maybe a single elimination would take some of the problems and inviting only those who don't play extremely slow.
it makes a huge difference if you know what pieces are where prior to setup especially with bombs and bases as apposed to moveable pieces. There is a big advantage to the person revealing the bombs. the game totally changes. the same is in chess i guess with an adjournment. so one person dont have too much advantage.
Nothingness: it would be difficult to tell before set up because in that case the opponent would make a set up based on that, giving their information back, leading to a change in set up from the 1st person etc. I'd say you make the set up and give the information before the 1st move.
I only have 1 problem: I don't think I can play two such games at the same time because of the tracking. If it's okay with you I'll play Eric first. Shouldn't take that long given the way and frequency of our play.
Nothingness: "it would be impossible to win a game with someone having prior knowledge of your bombs for 5 1s being revealed."
Interesting that you believe this. Indeed cookie monster has offered a lot more than this just for the five 1s, and I'm still not sure if this was a good deal! Eliminate the pieces, assume equal information exchange in the process (and remove from the equation) and we are left with the three revealed 1s, an unrevealed recon (forgot about this one previously) against one revealed recon. Which gives (3x1 - 2) = 1 against 1. Have assumed an unrevealed recon = 2 and a revealed recon = 1.
But if you still think it would be impossible for me to win if I share the location of my mines (and base) in exchange for the knowledge of your five 1s, I will send you an invite on this basis. Note, you will have some very difficult decisions to make, e.g. whether you will exchange a 2 for a recon!
perhaps a mini elimination tourney with this. of course extensive note taking would have to take place and a constant reminder from opp of the location of the pieces.
cookie monster: Sorry Eric, wasn't trying to hussle another 1, just didn't think this through. I have found some additional value that should balance this difference, making your original offer acceptable and fair (doubt I would throw in an extra 1), though I just know I won't like your set up :) I will send you an invite.
Chaos: My precious 4s and base! I would accept this offer. Anything else you would care to exchange in this game? I would be interested in learning the location of some of your recons. I put my 2s on the table.
Změněno uživatelem SL-Mark (18. září 2010, 00:51:24)
cookie monster: Interesting! Swap them all out (useful pieces, i.e. those that can move) we are left with my remaining three revealed 1s against your revealed recon. So I have given you a value of 3 in exchange for 2! Throw in another 1 please and game on! I won't need the location of your base or mines :)
cookie monster: as said, I'd happily take a shot Only problem is you can't reveal them without me revealing my recons. Or I'd have to make an enormous amount of notes. I'm willing to try though. After my holidays an invite will be waiting :)
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