Změněno uživatelem Thad (12. října 2004, 20:22:24)
The volcanos are always placed symetrically so that each player has them in the same positions. There are 10 squares in which they can be placed (in any of the ten squares in the row on 'your' half of the board farthest from the edge). The formula for the number of ways to choose two squares out of ten is 10!/(10-2)!x2! = 10x9/2 = 45 ways.
Změněno uživatelem Thad (11. října 2004, 20:35:26)
Good point, but for casual play against different opponents, it can be a great feature. Also, the problem you mention exists now the way things are. Also, I usually load a saved board and change just a couple of things. Makes it different enough to keep my opponents guessing without making me start from scratch each time. ;-)
Shouldn't we be able to save boards in both Fast Espionage and regular Espionage and use them in either game? I couldn't figure out how to do it if you can.
It would be nice to see the exact list of pieces for small Espionage. I know we start with 20 guys, but it wold be nice to have them listed. That way, in the middle of a game, I could just click on the rules link to recall what I started with!!
Also, we really need a captured pieces section like in chess.
(skrýt) Chcete-li hrát hru s hráčem podobné úrovně, můžete definovat požadovaný rozsah BKR pro novou výzvu ke hře. Pak nikdo, jehož BKR leží mimo tento rozsah, nebude schopen vidět/přijmout vaši výzvu. (Katechka) (zobrazit všechny tipy)