I have tried to invite some more players to the Tournament: Small fast espionage I has started from the top of the BKR-list so hopefully we can get some more good players.
ive had many games go over 300 moves but not in small fast. mostly in small. as for the larger versions they can go anywhere between 30-300 moves. small fast is by far the fastest games which is why i chose that version for this particular tourney.
Thad: Answering the question how long should an espionage game take:
Small Fast is generally done in under 60 moves. Usually well under (95% of the time at least one of the players knows who will win within 30 moves), though about 2% of my games go 100 moves. 113 moves was the longest of mine.
Open Fast is generally done in under 70 moves. I don't think I've ever had a game go 100 moves. Open Fast games often remain in doubt a bit longer but generally resolve very quickly because of the extra moves.
The games with obstacles can go much longer . . . I think I once heard of a 300+ move game.
I am generally a patient player, so my wins tend a bit to the long side.
I've had to withdraw due to possibility of being offline for a time in october which just found out about . I will put up some very fast games in the meantime if anyone fancies a quick crack
Jonraon / lightningbolt will probably not be able to enter since he is currently locked in a fierce battle in another one of my tournies in which there is a free lifetime membership at stake. He also is not a member and is limited to 1 tourney.
Tian-Xian: If you have finished all your games in a tournament and if you will not advance to the next round, then you can ask Fencer nicely and he will usually let you out of that tournament so you can enter another.
I can't join the tourney as I am already playing in 1 & I'm not a paying member. I'm nearly knocked out. Does anyone know if you can play in another as soon as you are out or you have to wait for everyone in that round to have finished ?
Disregard the other tournies that were made by me. i had some technical difficulties and they should have been deleted. this is the one i meant to create.
Mark- I am trying to go two months with-out a time-out.
Nothingness - I see your tournament is filling up. I mentioned it to jonaron today. I also asked Tony Gardner about a possible comeback but he doesn't see it happening in the near future.
eric_hanson: Hello Eric, hope you had a good sabbatical and welcome back. The SL'ers are slowing appearing at the top of the BKR ratings for the espionage games. Expect to see you there very soon too!
DarkS0uL: welcome :) we're trying to set something up here, but we haven't got many players yet. still a lot of work to do... I have become more of a passive observer; I still play the game, but I'm not an active organiser anymore.
Hey there all! Well then, I recently joined Bk. I've been playing sabotage on IYT for some tome now, and came across the Sabotage League site, only to find out it no longer is as active as it once was :( But found a link to this site here: now my question Is there already a new ''league'' around espionage (sabotage twin) active? With tournaments and stuff? Are you at the beginning? If so, just tell me how I can join ya all ;) Take care !
Změněno uživatelem Nothingness (15. července 2008, 22:59:00)
i got punished by the fisher clock and i was moving fast... its broken... IMO...i was killing the guy and i was making 3-4 moves per day and i lost b/c i didnt make the LAST move of any day. Its a who can stay on the longest clock. i work 3rd shift so i made my last moves at 5 pm and did not get back on until 9 am.
Games generally can take anywhere from 1 week to 1 month depending upon the speed of the players i have finished games in a few hours and i have had games last a few months. I notice that people here on BK take much longer to move. the vacation days do hurt things, more than likely ill have no days off but make the limit 5 days. small fast is looking like the game of choice.
Thad: If you use time per move, does the option 'No days off'' not prevent vacation days from being used?
If using Fischer (time per game), then a 5 day move limit without vacation can still be set up, as the bonus and limit options can also be set to 5 days!
Chaos: There is no way to limit how much vacation a player can use. It's all or nothing. Too bad Fencer can't (or won't) program BK so that the game/tournament creator can limit how many vacation days a player can use in any one game/tournament. That's one of the things that keeps this site from being good.
I am currently stuck in a tournament where my opponent has burned thru more than 80 vacation days and hasn't moved since March 3rd!! I absolutely, positively will not play in any tournament that doesn't use Fischer's clock.
basically the fellowship is in a holding pattern until we get more iyt cross overs. Eventually i will be hold a big tourney. just waiting for the right opportunity. i would rather have someone else be in charge of my fellowship. there are a few big bosses.
The Other Me: Hi, indeed there's nothing much going on around here as far as espionage is concerned. We had a very active sabotage (that's waht it's called at IYT) group (the League mentioned) at IYT, but the League has died because the messageboards at IYT disappeared. We try to build up a new League here, but it hasn't proved succesful so far...
Reviewing the link, it appears that here is nothing going on with that fellowship. Certainly nothing close to what the League mentioned below has going ( or is it "had going" ?)
I like the game, however I cannot see paying just to join a list.
We could play games here, and likewise on IYT. Of course, Brainking espionage League-members should be announced about IYT's sabotage game. I say that all of us should tell about Brainking to many IYT sabotage-players, starting with all SL members. Chaos, can You post here a list of announced SL players?
Chaos: I don't want to put a damper on things, just want to remind you that as a pawn member, you are only eligible to play in one tournament at a time You can, however, all join the same stair, or, organize for an example, a single elimination tournament here and have everybody cooperate with creating their own games
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