Wanted To borrow one lap top puter. It will enjoy 5 wonderful days in florida on the beach! CAUTIONUser will not be held responsible for spilt Bud Light or sand damage.
Seriously, it could just be an added tactic. What if I said I am only going to bid 10 this next round. Say I had actually done so in the past and lucked out because someon believed me and bet 11 and I actually bid 15? Now I have gained from that NEW added tactic. It does have merit for discussion doesn't it? There are games in poker where you bluff?
Bry: hmmmmmmmmmm If I am serious it might be ruled as cheating based on what Chuck has just said but, if I am joking then everything will be fine? Now which is Clay doing? Guess wrong and go wrong.
Czuch Chuckers: It has helped a lot with being able to go back and see how people bid. I agree it's all about out thinking the other players. I got started late but will improve, I hope.
Czuch Chuckers: I was using that example as if in one partcular round. Everyone bids in this particular round in the 200 range and one player bids 1500 in that same round. This person follows that procedure in practically every round and has a rating of 2100. They probably never have fallen early because of the constant high bid.
hehehehehe I guess what I was fussing about is I am only at 1800 because I play close to the edge hoping to win.
BIG BAD WOLF:Yes, but when someone bids 1500pts in order to receive the 500 bonus points ever round and everyone else bids in the 200 range which are reasonable bids, then it removes from the strategy the chance to get the high bid from players that are playing to be competitive.
I have been in games with particular people that bid 1000 points higher EVERY bid so that they can just be around in the top 5. The final 4 would have figures like 12,000 points and the 5th place finisher have 300 points left.
It doesn't happen in every game but seems that tactic is growing.
Once you spot and learn the people that do that, it's not a big deal, but it removes the 500pts factor for everyone else in that particular game.
Could there be installed some way into the scoring system, if you make the top five and your over say maybe 2000 or 3000 points behind the next guy you get no points?
Would this stop the HIGH bidders from riding the game out, just to make the top five?
BIG BAD WOLF:I think I have been trying to play too close to the edge too early in the game, trying to save 10 points, when a lot of people are still staying close to the edge. After all of them fall in, if your playing close, the greater the chance you aren't going to be around for the finish.
Watch Foxy Lady. She bids high constantly and winds up in the final 5 a lot of the time. Staying in the middle or favoring the bottom 1/3 is what I have recently been trying to do.
I haven't finished enough games yet to know for sure if this is good strategy.
Vikings:Well we have a home computer, I would have used it all though it is sooooooo dang addictive I try not to! The problem with it is we cannot get on line. Wife is suppose to call comcast (lcl cable) but hasn't yet after 3 weeks. She says she is a computer widom! I think she has hidden motives!
Have you noticed how inexpensive lap tops have become?????????
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