This may be an old question but can black rooks no longer open up a third fellowship? It doesn't work for me.
Also, I temporarily made someone a BB of a fellowship and now she can't change it back to me. Odd. So out of curiosity I tried to open a new fs and that failed. I now only have one fellowship. Am I missing something?
Subjekt: Re: Can anyone explain why we need a "Black Rooks" discussionboard or fellowship?
Andersp: I will tell everyone what this board is for. After much careful and deep thinking and thoughtful contemplation of the universal truths that guide us all into our daily lives of verbal and non-verbal communication, a bright light of revelation, if you will, suddenly came to me in a flash of deep and immense understanding.
Andersp: Everyone can give imput on the BK board. This is just a special board for lifetime members. A perk like the extra fs we can have ;) I think this board has multipurposes.
Fencer: And I had the honor of the first post. :) Thanks for such a quick response. I'm off to bed. Enjoy the day. And many hello to fellow Black Rooks as they discover this board :)
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