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6. června 2005, 17:52:38
Jake Lopez 
Subjekt: Re:
John Baker: It doesn't change or affect my life in any way Mr. Baker. And I SLIGHTLY care because everyone should care about removing cheaters. It's obvious he cheats here at BK (My claim) and has been cheating for many years (Anonymous claim). It's not that hard to log in to Kurnik and play me some games. I've never been false about accusing someone of being a cheater in draughts and I know I'm not wrong about Mr. Trice, who seems to be the biggest program user in online draughts history.

6. června 2005, 15:36:07
John Baker 
Give it up Jake. If you succeeded in getting Ed to play you and he won, you'd just accuse him of using his program. And if he lost, he'd say it was just one game and you'd really have to play dozens of games in order to get accurate results. Why do you care so much anyway? How do the actions (or claims) of Ed change your life?
John Baker

6. června 2005, 00:55:28
Jake Lopez 
Well you didn't show up to the Kurnik tournament. Fine players like John Chappell, Dustin Sherear, Carter Williams, and Clayton Nash participated. Missed out on a good oppurtunity to show your true skill. The best way to play true/safe checkers online is at Kurnik and VOG.

Why won't you go to Kurnik?

6. června 2005, 00:10:02
Grim Reaper 
Subjekt: Two checkers losses
Změněno uživatelem Grim Reaper (6. června 2005, 00:46:39)
As for the earlier comments about my endgames.

Look at these two games.

Game 1


My opponent could win on the next move with d2-e1 but he played d2-c1 instead. If I was using a computer program, I would never have gotten into this psotion to begin with. I will allow someone like George Miller to confirm I am in a loss. I can't be responsible for my opponents not winning.

Here is a second example, when I forgot the Andrew Jackson Defense to the Switcher...


From here I should lose. f8-g7 was the way to draw that line, and I played it enough to know better, I just merely forgot it.

So, again, Jake and his far-flung assessments are demonstrated false. Every prorgam has moves in the opening book to avoid the early loss, and endgame databases can salvage draws from a great distance, which could have saved the first game.

5. června 2005, 22:15:42
Jake Lopez 
....Who the hell is Pedro...

You're going to judge my skill by 6 games? Fool.

It is obvious you are scared to reveal your true skill at Kurnik. So it's obvious you use a program. It's easy to lose 16 games on purpose to throw us off but those games were obviously lost on easy mistakes you made on purpose. Play in the Kurnik tournament today at 5:15 eastern and see how you do.

5. června 2005, 22:05:17
Pedro Martínez 
What a blast...

5. června 2005, 22:04:20
Grim Reaper 
Oh, I get it. Jake is Pedro's pawn account, now it all makes sense. Jake is Pedro. Got it. Bye bye (hides Pedro.)

5. června 2005, 21:55:28
Grim Reaper 
Změněno uživatelem Grim Reaper (5. června 2005, 22:02:10)
I see Pedro needs a new hobby. Gee whiz Pedro. Don't you have a life, or are you still trying to derail the Gothic Chess Federation, lol.

5. června 2005, 21:52:22
Pedro Martínez 
[Grim Reaper, United States, Brain Rook, Male] Grim Reaper (hide) Re: 21. May 2005, 17:45:06
- viewing profile (Grim Reaper) -
Jake Lopez: If you don't know the answer to that, you don't get the American Checker Federation bulletin. You are now on hide Jake, I will no longer respond to you. Have a great life.

5. června 2005, 21:46:25
Grim Reaper 
Jake Lopez's Checkers record:

4 wins, 0 draws, 2 losses

Why am I even wasting my time with you?

You are now on hide.

Have a great life in your little imagined world of greatness. I am sure you will be the World Champion in no time.

(laughs so hard I almost fell off the chair.)

5. června 2005, 21:39:08
Grim Reaper 
Say what you want, you can't make a 3000 member organization that was based in Canada disappear. The PGN of the games exist, I have seen them, I went over the games from my tournament, the move list is accurate.

I have computed the 10-piece database. Not only that, it has perfect play information, not just "win-loss-draw" like other programs. It also has an Aggressive Draw Hueristic that will put you into the position with the fewest legal moves to draw, move after move after move, until your own 8-piece database program's draws are beyond its horizon, meaning you will spiral into a loss before you software realizes it.

It sits on a box down at the University of Pennsylvania with 256 Gigabytes of RAM and 32 separate 2-terrabyte hard drives to store the databases. Its search speed is about 8 million positions per second.

I can't remember if I sent Purple an early copy of the paper I was writing on it, or not. He can reply if he wants.

If I used that program against people on here, I would have 0 draws, not 16.

You should really do some more research before you say fairly unintelligent things.

You can start your research here:

(a book I am in...)

By the way, I helped to correct the Chinook 8-piece databases, which had errors in them until late 2001. It is mentioned in that book, page 210. Write to the publisher, ask them to email you the "Acknowledgements" paragraph from that page. Or send an email to Dr. Jonathan Schaeffer himself, he will tell you.


As for my abilities, articles I had written for Draughts Razoo, and English magazine, were very well received. And World Champion Alex Moiseyev said my annotation of one of HIS games was the best quality of analysis he has seen, and it will be given the most real estate in the book he is publishing. I guess a computer program I wrote distilled the essential strategic concepts and was able to put them into laymen's terms as well.

And I don't have 2 computers, I have about 175 or so in my company.

5. června 2005, 21:14:09
Jake Lopez 
Subjekt: Re:
Grim Reaper: You are green with envy. Are aren't a nobody, you're a green man.

The tournamet you attented wasn't legit. Just like the state fair tournament I attended. I didn't bother mentioning it because it's a worthless tournament just like yours.

Do you consider yourself a draughts master?

Why do 99% of your endgame moves match up my 8pc endgame program? Do you think like a computer?

At kurnik you can't use a program unless you use 2 computers - But we can make the timer fast enough where you will not have time to switch from comptuer to comptuer. Lets play some games there and see how good you really are.

5. června 2005, 19:40:15
Grim Reaper 
Změněno uživatelem Grim Reaper (5. června 2005, 19:41:18)
So you criticize my play, yet I have played in a live tournament, while you have not.

I see no logic in your statements.

If I am such a "nobody", and, using your own metric of "nobodiness", you are less of a nobody, I don't think anyone would care about the result of of "nobody" vs. "less than nobody" contest.

So, why don't you go play with yourself.

5. června 2005, 18:37:28
Jake Lopez 
I never said I played in live tournaments. I'm going to my first one this summer. We should meet at Kurnik and play some games.

5. června 2005, 16:53:00
Grim Reaper 
Still waiting for you to tell us where you have played live tournaments. All games from the 22 NACA tournaments are in the Wyllie Games Archive from what I have been told.

5. června 2005, 08:10:49
Jake Lopez 
I don't see any results for this tournament online. Care to give them out? Or are those results not to be discussed either? If you are still online right now (around 11:10pm pac time) - Go to Kurnik.org and play me some games.

5. června 2005, 07:14:52
Grim Reaper 
That's because Alex asked me not to discuss the result

I beat Kingsrow 1-0 with 19 draws, get your facts straight. That version of Kingsrow had the 2.9 trillion positions in the 9-piece database and an opening book of 800,000 moves.

How well would you do against it?

Present at the NACA tournament were two past and present Canadian champions, some mail players, and some people who started playing checkers about 20 years before I was born. While the Canadian Checker Federation was not as sizeable as the ACF, it has master members who have taken points off of ACF masters, and I took points off of them.

Say what you want. I played 32 games in 3 days, lost none, and won 18.

I played in one tournament, and, from what I saw, checkers tournaments don't have a lot going for them.

Let me hire you as the President of my company. You are now making $675 an hour.

Here are your choices.

Work Friday and half of Saturday, and earn about $8100 in straight time pay.

Or, take off Friday, earn none of the aforementioned money, travel about 600 miles to a tournament playing site to breath smoke for hours at a time, win maybe $50 - $75 in a checkers tournament, drive another 600 miles back, then listen to more buttheads like yourself say "Gee you only won 1 tournament... you couldn't win if condition X-Y-Z happened."

Now, Mr Lopez, care to disclose your checkers tournament career?

5. června 2005, 06:19:05
Jake Lopez 
Subjekt: Re:
Grim Reaper: lol NCAA tournament? Are you kidding me? Who actually showed up to that to give any regular online player a challenge. That is like playing in a state fair checkers tournament. You were just playing amatuers. After your 2-0 win over kingsrow...It doesn't matter if Moiseyev went to your house. You beat kingsrow 2-0 with draws. That is a master-level result. I don't see Moiseyev telling anyone that you're a master after playing you at your house.

5. června 2005, 02:21:18
Grim Reaper 
Změněno uživatelem Grim Reaper (5. června 2005, 04:49:48)
I wonder why World Champion Alex Moiseyev came to my house on December 18, 2004?

Hmmmm... I wonder.

And what tournaments have you played in?

By the way, I won a NACA tournament in 1997 (an Open invitation held in Nyak, NY), 28 points out of 32, with no losses. It was 11-man ballot.

Did you forget about that one tournament result?

I don't know if all checkers tournaments are like this one, but there were 3 people there under 60 in my section (myself and two others) and it was not played in the best of locations. The cafeteria featured creaky wooden chairs that were very uncomfortable and not well balanced. There was some Bridge event going on not far from us, which allowed smoking, so the place stunk like old cigars (though the cigarette smokers outnumbered them probably 10 to 1, the cigar smoke was what I remembered most.)

The mens room was crowded at times, and in the summer the pungent odor of urine wafted you when you were still 50 feet away. It was enough to make you wish for a third kidney.

There were only about 40 players in the so-called Masters Section, with a surprising 60 or more in what was labeled the "Mixed Amateur" section. There were only 2 ladies present in the whole event.

NACA ran events from 1996-1999 and was relatively short lived, based somewhere in Canada. They claimed to have 3000 members, but offered no publication (just a BBS online) and only organized 11-man ballot checkers, bridge, and some other non-poker card game that I cannot remember.

4. června 2005, 22:06:54
Jake Lopez 
Ed Trice has not played in a live tournament. He is an unknown compared to George Miller.

4. června 2005, 17:45:00
Grim Reaper 
Ahh yes, that's it, have been reviewing some lassie games since i am playing a few now, i know i saw one somewhere, thanks

4. června 2005, 17:21:19
Subjekt: Re: Interesting Question to the group
Grim Reaper: This is a run up from a famous shot/stroke on the Ayrshire Lassie. On move #8 White has 3 jump choices: x1 x2 or x3. This occurs in the middle of an 18 piece exchange.

1. 11-15 24-20 2. 8-11 28-24 3. 4-8 23-19 4. 9-14 22-17 5. 5-9 26-23 6. 9-13 20-16 7. 11x20
30-26 8. 13x22 25x4 9. 14-18 23x14 10. 10x17 21x14 11. 3-8 4x11 12. 7x30 14-10 13. 6x15
31-26 14. 30x23 27x11 15. 20x27 32x23 DRAW

4. června 2005, 16:37:30
Grim Reaper 
Subjekt: Interesting Question to the group
How many different legal jumps can 1 player have on one turn, stemming from an actual game (not a constructed problem)?

I have seen, on more than one occasion, positions where I had 3 jumps choices (which is usually a little surprising since jumps are forced.)

This usually comes about in a turbulent position where double jumps have occured in pairs.

Does anyone have a game runup where there is more than 3 jumps available for the side to move?

4. června 2005, 16:32:34
Grim Reaper 
I usually go by the name of Ed, but maybe cousin Al is pretty good too.

4. června 2005, 16:31:24
bristoljohn: I agree with that! And any player can have an off game.

4. června 2005, 16:25:31
George Miller is an excellent player, but Al Trice is also very strong, Ustica also has a claim,lets wait to see who wins they will be number 1

3. června 2005, 18:23:31
Subjekt: Re: BEST PLAYER
Purple: Thanks Purple

3. června 2005, 18:20:14
Subjekt: Re: BEST PLAYER

3. června 2005, 18:03:06
Jake Lopez 
I think George Miller is the best player true player who plays here, regardless if he wins the "BEST PLAYER" tournament.

3. června 2005, 17:59:54
Subjekt: Re: BEST PLAYER
Purple: I don't know how To post a link LOL

3. června 2005, 17:57:07
Subjekt: Re: BEST PLAYER
THE HIT MAN: Post a link here if it will help the sign-up.

3. června 2005, 17:51:23
Subjekt: Re: BEST PLAYER
Purple: Heres a back up Tournament.Purple.The Mobs Checkers Challange.If you can Win both tournaments You will be the Best Here at BK Good Luck Have Fun and Enjoy Looking forword to Playing all the Best players because you are all the best.

3. června 2005, 15:20:32
Subjekt: Practice Partner Wanted
I'm looking for a partner to practice GAYP (freestyle) published play lines with. Books and/or manuscripts allowed. I can usually play my games fairly quickly moving several times a day. If anyone is interested please send me a PM. Thanks.

1. června 2005, 13:44:19
The checker tournament kicks off and with the addition of Ed Trice the bar is raised even higher (if that is possible.) Good luck to everybody in this tournament where players who are only "good" can expect to lose most of the games. But everybody can learn. Thanks to all who entered.

28. května 2005, 05:48:08
Grim Reaper 
If anyone tunes in to Channel 6 tomorrow at 10 AM, they can see me at the Franklin-Wyndham Hotel in Philadelphia in the Main Exhbition Room. In front of me is a checkerboard, and a member of the hotel staff that will be making the moves Chinook sends via instant messenger to his laptop.

27. května 2005, 21:16:15
Artful Dodger 
Subjekt: Re: The Best Checker Player
JamesHird: Yes he has.. ;)

26. května 2005, 17:46:47
Jake Lopez 
Subjekt: Re:
EdTrice: So which program will you be using against it, Trice?

26. května 2005, 14:03:05
Grim Reaper 
That version of Chinook has the 6-piece database only and the 1990 version of its opening book.

I will not be playing that one.

The machine I will be playing against has a boatload of RAM (32 GB) and either 4 or 8 processors (I forget which). This will not be done via the web.

26. května 2005, 13:59:16
Subjekt: Re: Interesting News
EdTrice: I always enjoyed playing Chinook. It was very fast and with your moves it would send you little game notes like "oh oh..you screwed up now." LOL. I started getting mad at a machine. It counted draws as wins for Chinook so it had a big home court advantage.

26. května 2005, 06:31:13
Grim Reaper 
Subjekt: Interesting News
Dr. Jonathan Schaeffer of the University of Alberta has agreed to let me cross swords with the strongest version of the Chinook checkers program. Once it solves the next slice of databases it is working on, it will have over 39 trillion positions solved (39,000,000,000,000).

Stay tuned for more info.

25. května 2005, 16:58:46
Subjekt: BEST PLAYERS Tournament
Změněno uživatelem Purple (25. května 2005, 17:11:18)
There have been some sensational results in the sign up so far. We have the number one rated CW, the legendary George Miller, the seldom (if ever) beaten Ustica and many more stars. I am still hoping Bristol (who is very busy) will join as well as some other outstanding players who can only join one tournament and are locked into other ones for now. Also some slightly lower rated people have not joined because they say they have no chance..but I have asked them to see the movie "Rocky" LOL. There is still time and anything can happen. If we can not pull an upset at least we can learn something. So request an invite and no one will be refused.

24. května 2005, 12:50:00
Subjekt: Re: The Best Checker Player
Změněno uživatelem Purple (24. května 2005, 13:43:04)
bullet: Of course, good luck.

24. května 2005, 12:40:53
The Usurper 
Subjekt: Re: The Best Checker Player
Purple: can i get invited?

24. května 2005, 01:36:02
Subjekt: Re:
Jake Lopez: It is real easy to fall into the trap of thinking that anyone who beats you must be using a program. As comforting as that thought may be it is not always accurate. I have learned that myself.

24. května 2005, 01:06:57
Jake Lopez 
They're all progs

23. května 2005, 14:24:55
Subjekt: Re:
JamesHird: A knight can only join one tournament. I would upgrade him myself but he is scaling down his activity. We already have three of the most awesome players on BK signed..all 2300+ ratings..so while everyone is welcome I again caution that these are highly skilled players.

23. května 2005, 04:39:55
as a knight I think you can join this tournament if you are invited and Purple said he sent you an invite so it should be joinable right?
Maybe someone can offer to upgrade you to a rook :)

23. května 2005, 01:23:43
Subjekt: Re: The Best Checker Player
JamesHird: It was nice of you to suggest
someone upgrade my membership,only i am sure people have better things to do with there money than sponcer a down and out checker player,for the moment i am cutting back on internet activities, so my knight status is adequate.

22. května 2005, 19:11:09
Subjekt: Re:
EdTrice: I hope there will be room for both. "Slugfest" sounds pretty fancy to me for a title. LOL. Good luck to everybody.

22. května 2005, 19:00:53
Grim Reaper 
my tournament is open for all, non-exclusive. it doesn't have a fancy title, and that's the one I will be playing in.

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