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Profil: KornFlakes

KornFlakes (Carlos R.S.) - Brain pěšec, 0 Mozků, 5 úspěchových bodů
Celkové skóre: 56 výher, 0 remíz, 41 proher, 1 vyhraný turnaj

Osobní údaje

Členství:Brain pěšec
První login:8. února 2003, 07:30:30
Poslední akce:21. července 2013, 21:07:39 - prohlíží profil (KornFlakes)
Počet žetonů:
Volné dny:Sobota a Neděle
Zbývající dny dovolené:10 dnů - používá automatickou dovolenou

Přidat uživatele KornFlakes ke svým přátelům | Přidat uživatele KornFlakes ke svým nepřátelům

Vyzvat hráče KornFlakes ke hře
Popis:Latest news: Proud winner of 1800+ Backgammon tourney Number 3 (9/09/03) !! (10 "S-B" final points)
Membership: Guest Status
From: Baja California, Mexico
Days Off: Saturday and Sunday
Profile: Charities: .......mmmmmm trying to helping myself !!!!!!!
Education: Photography, University Computer Sistems, nowadays.
Family / Pets: I am single, and two pets; Kimba 3 years old chow chow and his father chow, 10 years old dog. (but still missing my Springel Spaniel called Nipper.)
Favorite Books: Ci fi: Asimov,Clarke, Sturgeon, Horror: Lovecraft, the best of the best !! (I hate Stephen King). novel: Dickens, Sola,
Lorenz, Magdaleno (Mexican), Balzac etc many many more....... I really loves read !!
Favorite Foods: foods? mexican, Italian, argentinian...........but always enjoy a coffee cup along a gentle convers with nice company.
Favorite Games: PC games; microsoft flight combat, and flight sim of this manufacturer, F-22 lightning 3, MiG-29 Fulcrum,(Novalogic), dogfighter (WWII planes) (Paradox) Table games. definitive Gammon, and a little chess.
Favorite Movies / TV shows: New Films (not too new now) but good enough; "The green mille","Chocolate" full of feelings Old but exelent: citizen Kane. one silent movie? well, the Best: Fritz Lang's "Metropolis" one of the best i have ever seen. Ahhhhh tv show; the Third Rock of the Sun, these "martians" are very very "humans" And funny too. and other but not was too long on tv screen: Real Helm. (Ci-Fi) one more i have "discovered" few days ago: Cold Squad, a Canadian police tv series; very very good!! oh i was forgetting have u ever watched that astronomy TV series called COSMOS by Carl Sagan?, Awesome!! (and the book is too!)
Favorite Places to Travel: I like mountains and cold places instead of the sunny beach.
Favorite Quotes: The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in times of great moral crisis mantain their neutrality. (Dante Alghieri)(1265-1321). Look at competition as a positive thing, not a necessary evil, Then develop a plan that will give you the competitive edge. Without Imagination knowledge is not enough.... Albert Einstein (1879-1955). Adults are not the answer. (Bart Simpson)
Game-playing History: Could be better.....jejejeje ( am i pretentious?) naaaaaaa!!!
Gender: male
Goals in Life: Find a good woman......... who can give me many many children. Lol. (teasing)---- I am doing????
Hobbies: friends, music, rock, jazz, blues, classical. books, and internet.
Musical Interests: see hobbies
Occupation: I am owner of a little service office machine business.
Personal Statement: single
Religion: Catholic but not too much. but i believe in God certainly.
Sports: NONE I HATE THEM !!! sorry beer couch potatoes :-)
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