Indy's loop personal private tournament One game with each opponent. 6 or 7 players only that I have invited to participate 'cause these are pals I always like to play along. I also wanted that there's wasn't too much higher rated players (+ 2000 BKR for exemple) that I also know or play to keep it in a certain way... (For those, it could be another time and tourney later on maybe). 7 days/time limit for one move... Players invited : Bobes, Goodfoods, Parasucor, Grillyx, Pawnme, Spocko (if they accept all) and myself will play in. If one of these players or more refuse(s) to play, it will be to my discretion to invite some player(s) else to keep the players level at 6 or 7. Thanks! All the best to all players who accepted the invitation and joined. Good luck to all! Zpět na seznam turnajů
Druh zápasu: Obyčejná hra Typ turnaje (?): každý s každým jednu partii Úroveň členství: Minimální počet hráčů: 6 Maximální počet hráčů: 7 Maximální počet hráčů v sekci: 7 Finální zápas pro sekci se dvěma hráči: Zápas na 3 výhry Časová kontrola (?): 7 dnů, standardní dovolená BKR hráčů: 1000 <= BKR <= 2000 Hráči bez BKR: ne Nehodnocené hry (tento turnaj neovlivní žádná BKR): ne Soukromý turnaj (budete posílat osobní pozvánky): ano Řadit hráče podle BKR: ano Stav: ukončené