This board can be used as a missing folks board for people who are away from the site for a period of time. This rpobably would mean a month or longer.
If anyone has info on some one who hasn't been at the site for some time please let others know. The original intent of this board was to get and give info on missing people after Katrina and Rita hit the US..
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pattypoo: Hi sorry to have people worry I'm here and ok just had a lot going on my mother sold her house so going to the next town to help clean n pack all most done but have a few days totally for got about my vacation days Sorry cathy for timing out on our game and everyone else i timed out on and irishkiss is fine to still waiting for those twins to drop and she is getting ready to move herself and the oldest son is doing his first communion next week so she has been busy with that also I'm sure she will be back soon too
alexlee: I know prettymama plays at PM and GT and it could have been at one of those sites i saw her last. I never checked tho. But will today. rod03801: Rod youre probably right as time does fly...
TexasToest: Please Check with your local Lions Club. A huge portion of what Lions are centers around vision and needs. Seeing eye dogs, children blind camps, vision care and medical expenses for vision. There may be a grant out there to help curb those expenses and there might also be some other help as well. Please call them and ask. They are there for those who need it. Please let either me or mom or even my Dan know what you find out.
I am alive and well. To catch you up, I am nearly blind from a cataract. My insurance won't pay for the surgery until July. It takes me a long time to read stuff, and I can't scan pages very fast anymore. I can't work, can't keep a contract, and my reserves are about down to the ding.
However, I am working on forming a not-for-profit foundation for people like me who ARE indicative of the health care system in this country. I had an epiphany while talking with a woman with the ADA in Washington.
Mine is a very exciting project. If you would like to have my e-publications on it, you can add yourself to my e-mailing list by sending an email entitled "ADD ME" to I will start putting out information this week, as soon as I am sure my name is secure. I am working on communications this week, and another thing I am going to put up is a forum. I'll let you know by email when it is up and running.
Let me say to my friends who will believe with me, that as soon as I told God I would quit ignoring His jabs, and start this thing, money, and people have fallen into my lap to help. Information has bombarded me from every corner of my existence. I am positive this is the direction I am supposed to take. I've been unemployed for 2 years. All the doors were closing, and there were no windows....except the one I refused to look through.
Yes, I am running a club on Gold Token. It's called Castaways. We have 150 members - in other words, it is full. If you play on GT, and would like to become a member, just PM stormy rebel, and she will put you on the waiting list. NO! WAIT! We had 149 members today. You should have an invitation to join in your box to join, Alexlee. Anyway, Castaways keeps me busy. I have a music board over there too, but until I get Castaways on the level, it's just sitting there.
OK, enough. I miss all my friends here terribly. But, I'm kind of off on another tangent right now. I'm around though, if you care to look for me.
Purple: Ok, thank you I hope so too. She had asked about someone who had passed away. I found a picture of him on GoldToken and thought she may like to see it but do not know if she plays at that site or not. I sent her a message here so will find out when she returns.
UzzyLady: oops I think your right. My mistake for not figuring that out! I only read the last post and thought he was asking about srnity. Thank you so much!
srnity: Thank you and a very Happy New Year to you as well. I was only telling your friend that you were not "missing" as you had been here yesterday. I did not think that was unkind? The purpose of this board, as a site board, is for members who have not been here for much longer as the previous post about Jules and Alan. They would be consider missing. I do understand people worry even after a couple of days if you normally are here every day but that was not the case here.
He has not been on line for 3 months. He is from the Czech Rep. Anybody know anything? (he is a top notch checker player who has timed out a lot of games)
Purple: Good point! If anyone has any doubt if it is a personal reason someone is not here better not to post anything at all. It would be nice if a regular member knew they were going to be off for a while if they would post that on their profile. Then others would not be so concerned and worried.
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