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headius: Thank you. Ok, I am also refering to a permanent disagreement between the players about dead stones. What does happen then? Message to Fencer? Consider this situation: I pass, my opponent passes, I mark dead stones, he disagrees. Now the program gives the oportunity to prove the situation and it's my turn. But when I now put a stone it will diminuish my points or am I wrong? Maybe I am also just exaggerating and this one point is not important, don't know. Anyway. Thanks for the answer.
One question: As far as I know it should not make a difference if both players agree that a game is over and count stones or if both keep on playing.
Am I right, that the passing rule is making a difference here, as in otb games there is no "passing" and a player would be forced to play a stone which will be automatically dead or diminuish his own territory if he refuses to accept that a game has ended or that a certain group of his stones is dead, while on Brainking he could just pass?
I hope I made myself clear, seem to have some difficulties with the english language today
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