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Minimum raise is not correct. In no limit and pot limit re-raise always has to atleast equal what was raised before in current betting round. For example: blinds are 5/10 and someone bets to 50 chips. The bet was 40 more, so if someone wishes to raise that he/she must raise atleast 40 more to 90 chips total.
Same players should never have to pay bb or sb two rounds in a row. Currently this happens if new player arrives between dealer and blind positions. Button should be moved before considering new players.
Also, on most sites i've played at new players are not dealt any cards before they post big blind. Arriving players can choose to put in amount equal to bb in their current seat or wait untin they are sitting in bb position. This is done to avoid people constantly sitting out and moving around trying to avoid blinds or gain better position.
Fencer: I'm not sure if such thing as official rules even exist for Texas Hold em :) Anyways, i can't think of anyplace where minimum bet works otherwise.
I just found out one another "bug". If you have less chips than minimum raise, you cannot raise. But you should always be able to raise all-in, even when you have less chips than min raise.
Just a note to everyone, if you are having troubles with the tables stopping from playing (or freezing up), you can hit refresh on your browser or F5 to reset the table.
Remember that this is still in testing mode and things are still being tweeked
when it doesnt give me my half of the pot because it doesnt split properly..will refresh help that?
the best 5 cards makes the hand....this means that if 2 or more players have the same pair..but their kicker is lower than the board...its a split pot.
Bwild: Fencer is still working on which rules he will implement, I addressed that exact situation to him and at that time his answer is "kicker is always in the blind" but he is thinking about final version and monitoring this board for suggestions.
Vikings: I justed cleaned out my cookie's.There was a bunch of crap in there from BK .There's only 2 left.the second one i can't remove it.I am even faster on here now
I like the sound that has been added, and would be nice if it could be more customized someway.
For example - I could care less about the sound of the card / bet / raise / shuffle - but like the warning when there is 10 seconds left to bet. (Something I might be able to do with my customized CSS - but I don't have the time to figure out how to do that...)
I would love to be able to turn off the first 4, and just keep the warning one.
... and actually, if there was a way to add a new sound - a sound when it is your turn to do anything. (That way on a 60 second board, i don't hold up everyone 50 seconds before the warning reminds me that I need to do something - if there was a beep at the start IN ADDITION to the warning, I would LOVE that.)
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