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26. März 2004, 21:08:24
as paying members of brain king shouldnt we all be allowed to see these posts and vote on wether we think a ban is in order?

26. März 2004, 21:06:11
No that isn't right, IMupChucKing. In fact my name was mentioned as someone he wouldn't touch! What a relief for me, eh?
But I can't send you the posts as I would be breaking the rules, as stated by yourself.

26. März 2004, 21:01:15
Thema: Re:
I do think you (women) tend to be more sensative and emotionally driven....

26. März 2004, 20:59:56
Thema: Re: Harley
I still have not seen any of the posts yet, and am patiently waiting to do so, as have requested they be sent to me by PM.

Do I understand correctly... Your name, Harley, was mentioned directly, and that someone wanted to rape you? That sounds pretty harsh to me!

26. März 2004, 20:59:35
Well I don't know, ughaibu. Maybe we just have higher standards.

26. März 2004, 20:54:36
Thema: BBW & harley
Thanks for your help. I was searching all over the place and now I know.

26. März 2004, 20:51:48
Star of Darkness, there is a list of BK representatives at

26. März 2004, 20:49:35 
Representatives and info can be found at:

26. März 2004, 20:48:30
No big cover up. I've said I'll pass the name along. Not that it would really matter, enough people were unhappy that if it hadn't been one person, it would have been another.
Ughaibu, you can't say nobody has a case to answer apart from the person who expressed concerns. Its not ok to talk in this way about women. Thats the bottom line. Not how it got out of the cave. Once people started talking in this way it became the business of the people named in there. And in my personal opinion, the business of every woman here who has a right to know how they are being talked about in this fellowship. But thats just my personal opinion.

26. März 2004, 20:48:00
Thema: Question???
Just who are all the Brainking Representatives and where are they listed on this site?
Also, If Fencer is the one who made site rules, it should be up to him alone as to deciding how the rules were broken, who broke the rules and the punishment for breaking the rules. Fencer alone should decide what is best for his site....after all, he is the Creator. The Brainking Representatives are the site's "watchdogs" which should give them the right to report their findings to Fencer. Fencer should have the final say as to what the punishment should be.

26. März 2004, 20:47:58 
Actually the debate about what can and can not be done with Fellowship post seems to be about Fellowships!

Maybe in the next couple of days once people have the answers that they need, the Moderator can go through and clean up all these messages and just point them to the user agreemenet which has the correct rules which should be followed.

26. März 2004, 20:43:31
Thema: Arghh
This is not a debate board. I read this board to see the newest fellowship ads. The debate on the rules does not deal with fellowships so move it someplace else.


26. März 2004, 20:36:46
Thema: Re:
All they had to do, if they did not want to bother Fencer, is tell you that there might be something on this board worth looking at, and then you could have 'bothered' Fencer, and he could have looked for himself, without any rules being broken.

Sending this message to you because they did not want to bother Fencer sound dubious to DOES sound like someone wanted to 'cause trouble with it', and it worked...unfortunatly for them, they broke the rules in doing so.
This obviously was not handled to descretely as far as Mad and Steve were concerned, why should this other rule breaker have the luxury or breaking the rules without public scrutiny for it? If what they did was so rightous, then why the big cover up?

26. März 2004, 20:30:34
OK, IMupChuckKing, have it your way. I'll tell Fencer who sent me the posts, and he can deal with them as he sees fit.

26. März 2004, 20:29:20 
They placed a post elsewhere on this site - in your mailbox! Unless Fencer is going to change the rules to allow it, as the rules are written now - this is not allowed!

26. März 2004, 20:28:20 
Link to User Agreement if people have not read it yet.

26. März 2004, 20:28:16
No, I do not have unlimited access.
Its not breaking the rules to report something that you think is wrong here. Because I do not have access to the cave, they had to send me the conversation. Thats a big difference to plastering it all over BrainKing and using it to cause trouble with.

26. März 2004, 20:26:36 
User Agreement

Guideline #2

"... Users may not copy another user's post and place it elsewhere on the site."

The first infraction should be a written warning - since I don't know who did this, or if they got a written warning yet - but that should be done if Fencer wants to keep his rules respected.

26. März 2004, 20:24:37
Thema: Re:
he rule is to not paste any messages from a discussion board anywhere else on this site. Thats what happened. It is not your responsibility to cover it up, let the cat out of the bag, and let justice fall where it may.

26. März 2004, 20:22:31
Thema: Re:
As customer service, do you have unlimited access to read all of the fellowship posts?
Had someone been concerned, they could have asked Fencer to take a look, this would not have broken the rules, sending it to you, did break the rules, whether you like it or not. Rules are rules. ither enforce them all, or lose credability.

26. März 2004, 20:21:07
Nobody broke any rules. They reported a conversation to me. I took it to Fencer.

26. März 2004, 20:19:12
Thema: Re:
Sorry Harley...its not your decision to decide...
hand over the snitch who broke the rules.... you are playing God, deciding which posts are offensive, and which rules are ok to be broken, and when and by whom... you are not God, nor do you own this site

26. März 2004, 20:16:31
No. It was sent to me so as not to bother Fencer with them. They could just have easily sent it to any other customer service rep. Thats what we're here for, to report things to that you're not happy with. They're not being protected or defended, they did not plaster it all over any board here, it didn't appear anywhere but in my mail box. I took the decision to report it to Fencer because I was disgusted with the content and it was too much for me to deal with. They were not 'snitching', I was the one to do that. They just expressed a concern about the content. I was the one to take it further.

26. März 2004, 20:11:21 
So it is OK to break Fencer's rules if a person thinks it is OK to do so?

26. März 2004, 20:11:18
Thema: Re:
So who is the snitch...and why are they being defended after breaking the rules themselves???

26. März 2004, 20:10:22
I don't think the person who sent me the posts should be banned. It wasn't done for spite, or for trouble. It was done by a very concerned member who could see things getting out of hand.

26. März 2004, 20:10:06 
harley - shouldn't the person who sent you the post also be punished?

I thought Fencer made a rule that you are not allowed to copy-paste things out of private fellowships?

The correct thing to do if the post were bad were to contact Fencer directly and let me take care of it.

I'm glad you got to see all the post - I trust your judgement that it was not taken out of context then.

26. März 2004, 20:06:10
BBW I read all the posts leading up to that. But even those posts alone, would be bad.

IMupChucKing, I had them sent to me, NOT by Bumble as some people seem to think, although he was also quite rightly angry about the posts.

26. März 2004, 20:05:12
Thema: Re:
I agree BBW...
I'm not sure Harley agrees, since she is mum on where or how she read it.

26. März 2004, 20:02:49 
I have not read the post, but if someone took a post out of the cave, and posted or pasted it to another user (other then Fencer) - then that person should be removed from this site also!

26. März 2004, 20:00:36 
... and did you read just that post, or all the post that led up to the "bad" post?

26. März 2004, 19:54:57
Thema: Re:
How did you come to read it?

26. März 2004, 19:53:30
BBW, I understand what you're saying, but nothing was taken out of context. I'm really trying to avoid posting exactly what was said, but it could not have been made to look any worse.

26. März 2004, 19:47:02 
... but the point is that a post or part of a post taken out of context could look worse then it was! That is all I was trying to say. :-)

26. März 2004, 19:46:11
BBW! I said dont let the door hit u in the A** on the way out.. that cant be taken as rape in any context that I know of now can it?

26. März 2004, 19:44:09 
I would like to see the posts in question - that is the "bad" post and all the post that lead up to the offending post.

Just reading one part of a post can be easly taken out of context - for example, Rose wanted to do things to a mans butts with a DOOR! (Almost sounds like rape if it's taken out of context!)

Again, I haven't taken sides other then Fencer has done what he felt is best for this GAME site, and I know that the cave even though it is a private board, had been warned about the language and content that was posted there.

26. März 2004, 19:37:59
ughaibu, let me ask you this. I'm assuming you've now seen the posts from there? If you saw men discussing your wife in this manner, would you not be highly offended?
If you found YOU had been discussed in this way, in a place you would not normally visit, would you not feel used? Your name and image being used for perverted 'chat'. It really isn't pleasant.

26. März 2004, 18:04:13
Ughaibu, maybe its because if men want to discuss their own preferences among themselves, thats up to them, but if they discuss the same subject about women who have no way to defend themselves in that fellowship then thats a whole new ball game. Then the subject is being discussed about women without their knowlege or consent. So when these women find out what has been said, it makes them mad that they are being talked about in such a vulgar way. Why is that difficult to understand?

26. März 2004, 18:02:48
Thema: Re: Sorry Harley, but I feel ...
that it was taken out of context.

But that is my opinion!!

26. März 2004, 17:50:45
Thema: Re: Harley
I heard that the ant eaters are from the same ancestory as humans!! lol

26. März 2004, 17:48:53
So you're saying that the cave was full of Bonobos?

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