Liste der Diskussionsforen
Es ist Dir nicht erlaubt, Nachrichten in diesem Forum zu schreiben. Man muss dazu mindestens den Mitgliedsrang Brain Bauer (Pawn) haben!
ah blah - let them remain meaningless for competitive players
- not me though - too strong for just being comfortable with my ratings,
and (again) declaring invitations within a proper bkr range welcome ... . ~*~
3 days ago I checked a game KingCrimon vs Krasnososov (wedge main line)
when I wanted to share it with my opponent today, it was gone - and the stats
are telling me unlikies, like only 4 games played on that ... :O ... ~*~
although it's an open-pente game
(again could not resist a tourney-group vegetating with 3 players only)
I'd lightly apply for a brilliancy-prize
( for that game-type after all ... ) :D
a hammer-formation won by black,
and my opponent asked me where he missed his chance ...
I had a surgery around noonish and would doubt the accuracy
of my analysis today ... maybe one of our sharks cAn spare a moment.
I wonder why players who don't even play pente feel particulary
encouraged to rant around here ... - although I too already have
teased Dmitri, for his 'Holy Anger' ;) cheap attacks on top players
are just an expression of envy in my humble opinion ... ~*~
first of all welcome to our young pente-shark samwise ;)
good to see you here also. :)
what about the forgotten option that webtv players could have the
move restriction by courtesy ? as Mark pointed out, playing the
smaller board might level the advantage of having the first move ...
couldn't kpente be a proper training then ?
without offending our highly honourable stars ? :D
the webtv restrictions, per se, are a reason to have it, no harm done by
additional games anyway (imho) I just don't play them if I have the choice.
as I learned pente by doing and being disassembled. :D - I yet gladly rely
on the deep knowledge and analysis of top players like Dmitri and Mark ...
good to have the both of you here ( not to mention Gary ) ... :) ... ~*~