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20. Januar 2006, 00:14:34
Thema: Re:
skipinnz: LOL
looks like navy to me, thats naval weaponry

14. November 2004, 19:52:36
Its wrong, at the end, she definately wouldnt say sorry LOL

14. November 2004, 16:48:28
There was a web addy written at the bottom and was a pervy site :o(

14. November 2004, 13:04:12
good job the mods didnt pick up on it LOL

14. November 2004, 12:57:34
ooooooops i just looked again, i guess you were on about the site url that was put ontop of the picture at the bottom.
Thanks for pointing that out

oh bum, was a funny story too :o(

14. November 2004, 12:53:11
Its a newspaper cutting that someone sent a link to me via email. whats wrong?? its a natinal uk paper and even goes overseas

14. November 2004, 12:34:40
Thema: unfortunate name LMFAO
Verändert von Stevie (14. November 2004, 12:56:23)
removed link

20. August 2004, 01:48:04
I got 78 LOL Have you been doing it for the last hour to get further ? LMAO

9. August 2004, 10:25:52
ewwwwwwwwwwww LOL

5. August 2004, 21:59:34
Cool, I like the joke :oD even my electrician just read it and is married to a Jamaican he also found it funny LMAO

5. August 2004, 21:48:55
pm it to me LOL

5. August 2004, 21:40:09
"our military" yep :o)

5. August 2004, 21:34:45
LMFAO@Skyking and Dano

3. Juli 2004, 15:19:51
something else to laugh at LOL

2. Juli 2004, 22:30:10
Thema: How long does it take sneak to get changed?
Dunno, ask them LOL

2. Juli 2004, 22:27:41
with a careful monitor LOL

2. Juli 2004, 22:27:06
how do you stand on a screen though? LOL

2. Juli 2004, 22:25:05
Thema: biggest joke
Kammy, I thought you were leaving BK? LOL

24. November 2003, 13:04:46
Thema: Aussies
Whats the difference between an Australian and a pig?
Pigs dont turn into Australians when drunk

How do you get an Australian onto a roof?
Tell them the drinks are on the house

What do you call an Australian woman with 2 brain cells?

What did the Australian girls right leg say to the left leg?
Nothing..they never met

Why do Australians men prefer Blondes?
They like the interlectual company

Why do Australians put XXXX on cans of lager?
Because they cant spell beer

What do you call an Australian in a suit?
The defendant

NEWSFLASH An Australian library burnt down at the weekend and 2 books were destroyed

22. November 2003, 00:49:33
hollyhocks ;oÞ

14. November 2003, 19:35:13

13. November 2003, 15:59:30
This is true, cos we all know the Britts have a better sense of humour, and its not always understood on the other side of the pond LMAO

13. September 2003, 23:17:35
the only good thing about closing time, is a lanlord who likes lock-ins :o)

13. September 2003, 14:32:39
Thema: Ill start you off then Princess
Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in
what oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht
the frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl
mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do
not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.


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