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BBW's Tips on how to speed up page load the brainking site
Computers (BIG BAD WOLF, 2007-03-12 20:16:01)

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6. August 2007, 14:17:54
Thema: Re:
Gordon Shumway: wow! That is a lot different. I'll have to remember to click it when my eyes are tired. Thanks for that!

6. August 2007, 08:07:58
Thema: Re:
Gordon Shumway: thanks for that i can see things alot clearer now

6. August 2007, 03:12:30
Family Man 
Thema: Re:
Gordon Shumway: Thanks, ill try that!

6. August 2007, 03:08:02
Thema: Re:
Family Man: You could then change your browser's default font (and font size) to what you'd like it to be, as the No Font option means your browser's defaults are used. In Firefox you find the corresponding setting in preferences -> content.

6. August 2007, 01:33:36
Family Man 
Thema: Re:
volant: I think thats what I am on....

6. August 2007, 01:09:37
Thema: Re:
Family Man: have you tried the No Fonts version of BK?

6. August 2007, 00:58:21
Family Man 
Verändert von Family Man (6. August 2007, 15:54:20)
I often use the "control +" combo to increase my text size on a website like Brainking. But I end up having to do it every time I come back. Is there a way to make the text stay larger until I change it manually?

21. Juli 2007, 22:46:16
Thema: Re: help
ellieoop: I tried IE7 and it drove me so crazy, that it actually got me to go full time with Firefox. I don't use IE at all anymore and I'm much happier for it. lol

I know that's not the answer you were looking for, but that was my solution.

21. Juli 2007, 21:27:14
Thema: Re: help


     I can't figure that out.  I'm running IE 7.0.5730.11 here, and I still see the current number of games whee it's my turn to move--both on the tab's label, and also on the browser window (whenever the BK tab is the active one).  But I'll keep looking...

21. Juli 2007, 19:43:46
Thema: help
i lost the # of games that i have to play here in explorer, it alway's showed rignt next to the bk link, it works fine in firefox, but i recently downloaded the latest version of explorer and since then it's gone. i also have no idea how to get my game folder to open in tabs, at firefox i made a folder and when i click it says, open in tabs. that's easy, i am not good at all with computers, but i miss seeing how many games i have here, i use explorer cause it's the only browser that makes gt a little faster. is there anyone with enough patience to make it easy for me to follow.
thx. ellie

20. Juli 2007, 22:22:33
The Col 
Thema: I found this story quite unnerving
An alarming white paper concludes that the Apple iPhone contains a backdoor spyware module that allows hackers or the government to conduct secret surveillance of the user, part of an established trend of corporations and the state working hand in hand to eavesdrop on citizens via widely-used software and hardware products.

Earlier this week, a technology group in Russia released the results of their attempts to reverse engineer the iPhone, concluding that the product has "A built-in function which sends all data from an iPhone to a specified web-server. Contacts from a phonebook, SMS, recent calls, history of Safari browser - all your personal information can be stolen."

The module could act as a backdoor for trojan developers or AT & T, said the report, adding that "government structures" would have access to the information.

Since AT & T displayed no hesitation in handing over information about their subscribers to the U.S. government as part of the controversial and illegal NSA wiretapping scandal , it would be no surprise to learn that included in the trendy new must-have gadget is a spyware module that allows the government to listen in to your conversations.

AT & T were chosen by Apple as the exclusive service provider for the iPhone, at present all other cellphone companies are blocked from offering any kind of service compatible with the iPhone.

The revelation is also not without precedent - a plethora of companies now include backdoor access in both software and hardware products that allow the state to step in and conduct warrantless covert surveillance, a blanket violation of the 4th Amendment.

Digital cable TV boxes, such as Scientific Atlanta, have had secret in-built microphones inside them since their inception in the 1990's and these originally dormant devices were planned to be activated when the invasive advertising revolution arrived - 2006 marked that date.

20. Juli 2007, 07:10:49
Thema: RTE problem
I have noticed that when I use RTE then my computer becomes slower.
Ad-Aware SE Personal shows 5...12 Neglitible objects MRU List.
When I remove those objecs, it becomes normal again.
Is here a correlation? I asked this question in Feature Requests at first.

19. Juli 2007, 23:06:22
Thema: Checkers is Solved

That's the title of an article in the current issue of Science, by Jonathan Schaeffer, Neil Burch, Yngvi Björnsson, et al, from the Department of Computing Science at the University of Alberta.

Article abstract:
The game of checkers has roughly 500 billion billion possible positions (5 x 1020). The task of solving the game, determining the final result in a game with no mistakes made by either player, is daunting. Since 1989, almost continuously, dozens of computers have been working on solving checkers, applying state-of-the-art artificial intelligence techniques to the proving process. This paper announces that checkers is now solved: perfect play by both sides leads to a draw. This is the most challenging popular game to be solved to date, roughly one million times more complex than Connect Four. Artificial intelligence technology has been used to generate strong heuristic-based game-playing programs, such as DEEP BLUE for chess. Solving a game takes this to the next level, by replacing the heuristics with perfection.

18. Juli 2007, 21:10:41
I just got back online.I had to go wireless.Its called portable here.You just plug it into a hydro outlet.I am in between to towers in the country.On this site it is very slow.Is there something i can do to help speed it up?

17. Juli 2007, 15:46:49
Thema: Re: Ipod
rednaz23: I bought a Microsoft Zune 30 gb...same pricerange, easier to upload music/videos, bigger screen and it has FM radio which i dont think any Ipods have.

17. Juli 2007, 15:42:53 
Thema: Re: Ipod
rednaz23: iPod Video vs. iPod music player.

I guess the question would be do you want to watch video? I have iPod video which I won about a year ago from a local TV station - and in the year, other then just playing around to impress friends that I had it - only 1 time have I actually used it. (when driving 4 hours down to an amusment park, I loaded a few movies on it for my wife to watch) - other then that, it sits on my shelf collecting dust.

Now as for a music player - the question would be iPod (Nano) vs. other mp3 players.

Let me tell you - I HATE loading music on an iPod. Why? Because lets say I have 30 songs I want on my mp3 player. For the iPod, I first have to load there software. I then in the software, have to make a library and import the songs that I want in there - then I have to sync the library with the iPod. And on top of that, the iPod can only be "synced" with the main computer. That is if I help load some songs on a friends iPod, if they take it home to their computer, they will be unable to sync it without removing all the songs I first put on there. I'm sure there are some hacks and such to get around this, and I'm sure it is probable pretty friendly to first-time users who don't know much - but it's a pain for me.

Oh, and the process of adding the 30 songs to just about any other mp3 player. Open my computer, and click & drag the songs over to the mp3 player. All done. Nothing to load - nothing to sync - etc.....

I have 2 SanDisk MP3 players. A regular 1gig one that I gave to my wife, and another 1 gig one that also takes extra memory cards to hold more music. (So I can put certain types of songs on different memory cards to play them.)

17. Juli 2007, 04:53:29
Thema: Re: Experience from wireless network
Andersp: Actually greenbob did the work, but yes, it was easy. LOL, he says it depends on your definition of easy. <snicker>

How about you, A.W.?

17. Juli 2007, 03:48:31
Thema: Ipod
My fiance is wondering which is better, an Ipod Video 30GB or an Ipod Nano 8GB... Any suggestions for her?

Also, can she add music from her computer to the Ipod?


Phil (rednaz23)

17. Juli 2007, 01:21:34
Thema: Re: Experience from wireless network
Eriisa: Was it easy to install? did you do it yourself?

17. Juli 2007, 01:19:43
oh I forgot to add we have 3 desktops (used to be 4) and 2 to 3 laptops at the house.

17. Juli 2007, 01:18:30
Thema: Re: Experience from wireless network
Andersp: LOL, I had to come home to look! Mine is also the Linksys Wireless-G. This is a 4000 sq foot single story home and I get reception through out the house.

I did have a Netgear ummm one of the higher range ones - I , and it worked ok, Its up at my other home in Denison but sometimes the wireless on it just drops for no reason while the ethernet ports are just dandy.

17. Juli 2007, 01:07:28
Thema: Re: Experience from wireless network
Arctic Warrior: WOW!..200 feet, thats very good. You can be Internet provider for your neighbors too :)

I've been looking at the G with speedbooster...we have 7 ! desktops and 2 laptops in the house :)

17. Juli 2007, 00:49:29
Baked Alaskan 
Thema: Re: Experience from wireless network

Linksys wireless G router.
Running 2 desktops and 2 laptops and a printer.
Not sure of the exact distance but have taken my laptop outside and had no problems up to  200 feet.   Love being outside in the sun with my WWW 

16. Juli 2007, 20:48:56
Thema: Re: Experience from wireless network
Verändert von Andersp (16. Juli 2007, 21:36:21)

Thanks for your replies :)

Eriisa: Yes ive been looking at Linksys, which model are you using?

Fencer: I've "googled" your router but it seems its not so common here, they dont sell that brand in "my stores" anyway :(

16. Juli 2007, 20:38:05
Thema: Re: Experience from wireless network
Andersp: I have a Linksys Router that works nicely at home. Here at the warehouse I use AT&T provided 2-wire Gateway (DSL router & modem). Never a problem with it, and I get great reception in this 3000 sq ft warehouse/office.

16. Juli 2007, 19:02:47
Thema: Re: Experience from wireless network
Andersp: Avoid Siemens Access -Point/Router/DSL-Modem devices!
I only had trouble with them, the signal is very unstable if you're more than 5m away...

16. Juli 2007, 18:45:02
Thema: Re: Experience from wireless network
Andersp: I am using ASUS WL-566gM WiFi Access Point/ Router for my home network (3 computers, 1 wireless printer and 1 PocketPC). No problems so far. The signal is great in all rooms.

16. Juli 2007, 16:51:34
Thema: Experience from wireless network

Should appreciate if anyone has experience from wireless network

such as what router you are using, connectionproblems, "cut offs", range.




6. Juli 2007, 18:55:39
Thema: Re: Monkey XP tip of the day (year....whatever)
MadMonkey: thanks for two great tips. 

6. Juli 2007, 16:50:32
Thema: Re: Monkey XP tip of the day (year....whatever)
Bernice: (Part 2) Just to add a shortcut......

1. Right-click on the icon you created and choose Properties > Shortcut
2. Click in the box that says Shortcut Key. The cursor will appear after the word None. Hold down the Key combination you want to use for the shortcut (e.g. CTRL - ALT - X). The shortcut will replace the word None
3. Click Apply and OK.

Windows will now shut instantly you use that key combination

5. Juli 2007, 23:24:25
Thema: Re: Monkey XP tip of the day (year....whatever)
MadMonkey: thanks for the great tip :)

5. Juli 2007, 11:19:54
Thema: Monkey XP tip of the day (year....whatever)
Verändert von MadMonkey (5. Juli 2007, 11:21:11)
1. Right-click anywhere on your desktop and choose New > Shortcut (a dialogue box will open)
2. In the item location box type: %windir%\system32\shutdown.exe -s -f -t 00
3. Click Next
4. Give the shortcut a name You choose, mines Bye Bye
5. Click Finish

A new icon will appear on your desktop. Just double click it and Windows will shut down immediately

22. Juni 2007, 17:00:38
Verändert von jessica (22. Juni 2007, 17:39:23)
my avg e-mail scanner isn't going back down off the screen after scanning any new e-mail. how do i fix this.
never mind found out and fixed it.

15. Juni 2007, 22:37:27
Thema: For those who do not read the Fellowship Board
If you are into computers, well more to the point Firefox and have not read the brainking Fellowship Board, we now have:

The Firefox Fellowship

This Fellowship is here for uses on brainking to discuss anything at all about Firefox and other Mozilla products.
It will be kept up to date with all the latest happenings in the world of Firefox, the latest releases, new extensions & themes and any other information about it.

Also, for the member here, we can talk about any problems you may have, advice can be given or found out (via MozillaZine), advice on altering your about:config (Configuration Console) and hopefully creating your own Extension in the future (i am working on one now).

Oh, and as we are on brainking, we will have the odd few Tournaments

Come and join The Firefox Fellowship

15. Juni 2007, 15:22:50
Thema: Re:
jadarite: I think you should move your "I want realtime chat" discussion to another board, like "Other game sites". This has nothing to do with computers or with the original spyware thread.

And, for the record: Most of us here like the turn based nature of BrainKing, and we wouldn't be here if we were desparate for realtime chats. And our gaming experience is extraordinarily great. Thanks for caring.

15. Juni 2007, 08:41:09
Thema: Re:
jadarite: hide function come's in real handy too sometimes

15. Juni 2007, 01:48:36
Thema: Re:
jadarite: Glad you found a solution. Guess I missed that when you told us the first time.

Enjoy your games.

14. Juni 2007, 21:27:02
Thema: Smiley Shortcut...........
From todays blog "An abnormal keyboard shortcut Ctrl-Alt-F12 invokes a smiley popup window, so you don't need to search a mouse while typing. But you have to use it anyway to click the smiley"

Ctrl-Alt-F12 brings up a window for Intel Extreme Graphics 2 (whatever that is)

14. Juni 2007, 19:30:24
Thema: Re: Drivecleaner Hijacking
Eriisa: thanks it did

14. Juni 2007, 18:33:20
Thema: Re: Drivecleaner Hijacking
wfroelich: LOL...earlier this week it was ErrorProtector at home; this morning (according to Symantec) I was infected by the DriveCleaner virus at work, as soon as I logged in here. Our InfoTech department won't be happy with me; no more BrainKing for wetware while at work! :-)

14. Juni 2007, 18:16:18
Thema: Re:

quote "this is a game server"

Yes it is, so play some games.
You have been here for 2 weeks. In that time you have resigned 1 game after 0 moves, resigned a second game after 3 moves and are playing 1 game. In the same 2 weeks you have made over 60 posts. And most of them were to complain and let us know how we are doing everything wrong and how you could do it better.

I suggest you go play a few games and rethink your attitude for you will never meet a nicer bunch of people than the ones who play here.

14. Juni 2007, 18:06:35
Thema: Re: Drivecleaner Hijacking
wfroelich: That's the same thing I found with the blank white banner. It was a weight watcher ad tho. I couldn't get it to repeat (lol - like I would want that, eh?)

Google Toolbar's Pop-up blocker will block it on IE, and Adblock Plus on Firefox seems to completely remove the ads from even showing.

Jessica, I hope this will help you.........

14. Juni 2007, 17:21:39
Thema: Drivecleaner Hijacking
I have also been plagued with this recently and can confirm it is specific to an ad on this site (affecting me on IE and Firefox). I do not believe it is not the result of my machine(s) being infected with spyware.

My solution was to download the flashblock add-on which has solved the problem. One of the flash ads is hijacking my browsers. It appears to happen when the add area at the top or bottom displays a blank white banner. Then the next click hijacks everything.

Not sure how to best get this resolved but thought I would pass this along.

14. Juni 2007, 16:03:26
Thema: regarding the errorsafe message
i had it happen to me just today and i scanned my computer and it was clean .

14. Juni 2007, 15:56:11
Thema: Re:
jadarite: I thought the whole thread was that we were trying to help you with the pop-ups. Guess I got confused.

Good luck with resolving it.

14. Juni 2007, 15:16:03
Thema: Re:
jadarite: yeah ok

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