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BBW's Tips on how to speed up page load the brainking site
Computers (BIG BAD WOLF, 2007-03-12 20:16:01)

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5. Oktober 2007, 11:21:52
Thema: Re:
diogenysos: Well i think we have found the problem
It seems if she boots without her printer connected, its fine (but still slow), but why the printer should be causing a problem i do not know
Anyway, i have to go to hers to sort a few things today, so i will have another look

5. Oktober 2007, 10:11:34
Thema: Re:
MadMonkey: how about connecting a different monitor to your sisters pc?

4. Oktober 2007, 10:48:41
Thema: Re: Probably a stupid question.
rod03801: "Stuff on Desktop, etc."

Well, what's shown on your desktop is just the content of the folder %HOMEPATH%\Desktop. You can just copy it from, for example,
C:\Documents and Settings\rod1\Desktop
C:\Documents and Settings\rod2\Desktop
You can do that with your documents from "My Documents" as well. And for some applications this will work if you copy what's in %APPDATA%
C:\Documents and Settings\rod1\Application Data

2. Oktober 2007, 21:36:55
Thema: Probably a stupid question.
If I set up another "User" on my computer, is there an easy way to get everything from my current "user" to the new "user" (Stuff on desktop, etc..)

2. Oktober 2007, 21:09:28
Thema: Re: Snap, thats the only conclusion i could come up with, thats why i told her to unplug the Ethernet cable.
The only other thing she has is a printer, just waiting for her to call back.
Crazy things these PC's

2. Oktober 2007, 21:03:23 
Thema: Re:
MadMonkey: The only thing that quickly comes to mind is some sort of device hooked to the PC is causing it to hang.

As a side note, I just troubleshot a laptop which about every 2 of 3 bootup would hang as it was initializing it. Found the problem to be a newer USB thumb drive that he kept attached to the laptop. He actually had 2 attached - the older one never caused a problem, but with the newer one attached, the bootup process would just hang. Now he just waits until windows boots up before plugging it in.... and remembering to remove it before next bootup.

2. Oktober 2007, 20:43:57
Now i think i am quite good with Computers, as i spend all day working and repairing them BUT todays problem is a good one i may have to look at tomorrow AGAIN, even though i have just spent 2 hours sorting it out (so i thought)

My sister has a PC with XP running on it at her home. She rang me to say when it boots, it gets to the select user screen, but when you select someone it just sits there, shows egg timer for a bit, then nothing, just stays where it is. It will not let you go past there

She brought the base unit to me today. I managed to get it to boot past there BUT very, very slowly. She had not run a disk clean ever and it had just about 2gb of rubbish on there which i got rid of.

Anyway, after that i downloaded CCleaner & Auslogics Disk Defragmenter so she could run these 2 great programs every so often.

I connected it to my cable, booted it up and logged in as normal, it was fine, just a bit slow if anything, but she does not have much RAM so thats ok.

It worked fine......Now she has taken it home, plugged it in, AND it stuck in exactly the same place. It will not let her get past that select user screen (With or without cable connected).

Problem............Why is it doing it over her house and not here ???

2. Oktober 2007, 13:17:15
Adaptable Ali 
Thema: Re: Thank you once again, that worked.

30. September 2007, 14:35:00 
In the menu bar on top - go to VIEW - then find the increase font option to make it bigger.

You can also hold down the CTRL key on your keyboard and use your mouse wheel to increase/decrease the font in a web browser.

30. September 2007, 14:09:09
Adaptable Ali 
For some reason when i visit a website the print seems very small does anybody know how i can increase the size of the print. For example i was ordering from a clothes catalogue and the text was tiny, never used to be like that.

27. September 2007, 19:08:59
Thema: Re:
Czuch Czuckers: There are some utilities that are supposed to store everything you copy to clipboard for easy access. For example:

I've never used that or anything similar, i just know such sw exists :)

27. September 2007, 15:25:50
Thema: Re:
rod03801: yeah, I was hoping there was some easier way that I wasnt aware of, thanks!

27. September 2007, 15:10:24
Thema: Re:
Czuch Czuckers: I don't know if there is a simpler way, there might be. But what I do is copy the item, put it in Notepad, copy the next item, go back to Notepad and Edit the entry and add the new item.

Then I compose the message around those URL's

(I'm talking about putting links to multiple ponds/tournies in one PM, as an example)

27. September 2007, 15:03:03
How do I copy more than one item at a time to paste into a message?

26. September 2007, 04:36:01
Anyone having any issues with google earth? I havent been on in awhile, and tonight its not working like I remembered?

24. September 2007, 23:17:11
Thema: Re: Network
wetware: Havent tried that, but i doubt that that's the problem since that computer didnt work when i had it connected direct to the router either, but of course ill try your suggestion :)  thanks

24. September 2007, 23:08:08
Thema: Re: Network

Andersp: Have you tried switching the connections from the hub?  Just to make sure that's not the problem.  I've had a couple of Linksys devices that have lost some (but not all) of their ports due to nearby lightning strikes and associated power surges--despite their being connected behind a decent battery backup system that offers pretty good clamping.  Kaboom!  And 4 port devices became 2 port devices.

24. September 2007, 19:16:40
Thema: Network

I have 3 computers connected to a hub, 2 are working fine but the third doesnt work.  Any ideas why?



24. September 2007, 19:00:44
Thema: Re: anyone ever get this?
MadMonkey: HUH!!

24. September 2007, 15:38:00
Thema: Re: anyone ever get this?
MadMonkey: LOL!!! I understood what you wrote, but I bet Oppsidaisy's eyes just glazed over.

24. September 2007, 12:33:37
Thema: Re: anyone ever get this?
ellieoop: Never seen the problem before, but i had a look about for it (Google is great for finding errors answers lol)
Have a look at this page ip address conflict
in essence just follow this start > run > type cmd from the command prompt type ipconfig /release then hit enter.... when that finishes hit the up arrow and make the "release" into "renew" then hit enter, exit from cmd

24. September 2007, 06:28:03
Thema: anyone ever get this?
i have a 1 year old compaq presarrio laptop, starting today i have been getting an alert that pops up on the bottom to the right of start where the icons are, and at least every 10 min. it has a yellow triangle with ! in it and on top it says, windows-system error, there is an ip address conflict with another system on this network, i restarted it, it's still there, i tried clicking it to see if there was any info about it but it vanishes the second i click it. it's working as fast and as perfect as it always does. i also have a mac laptop that's also working fine and there is no alert on that. i know very little about puters but because the mac has no alert and they're both working i would say it has nothing to do with the modem, router or dsl. of course i could be very wrong. can anyone help with this.
thx. ellie

21. September 2007, 19:01:20
Thema: Re: When i downloaded it i also downloaded the Web Security which runs in the background as the article i read does recommend it (but i guess that for people who have no such software installed)

I also have the software that runs with my Broadband package, thats running all the time as well, but i do not trust it. They want me to upgrade to a paying version.

Thats partly the reason i was interested in the review in the first place

21. September 2007, 18:41:35 
Thema: Re:
Eriisa: SpyBot actually has a warning when you first start it giving some sort of warning about the Ad-aware program - but I never had any problem.

Also - I DO NOT use any type of feature of any of those program to let them run in the background while I'm doing other things - I simply use them as stand alone scanners. I have not tried the Spyware Terminator yet - but did notice when I went to download, you have to be carefull to get just the Spyware Terminator - and not the one that includes some sort of "web security" which I think runs in the background all the time.

I just use these occasionally to scan my PC.

So if you are running 1 in the background and try to use another one at the same time - then yes, there might be conflicts between the programs.

21. September 2007, 18:30:39
Thema: Re: I thought I heard that if you use 2, they can detect each other or something.

21. September 2007, 18:10:24 
Thema: Re:
MadMonkey: Hum... well I will have to give Spyware Terminator a try.

I use both SpyBot & Lavasoft Ad-Aware Personal as "free" spyware scanners. I use both since I have found sometimes 1 will find something the other does not... but always looking for new ones.

21. September 2007, 17:35:22
I have used Spybot S & D for a while now, and it has always worked well

I have recently read an article in WebUser magazine on SpyWare programs where they have tried out the latest about (free and paid for).

Its funny that the 2 that came 1st and 2nd are both free ones, with SpyBot coming 2nd.

The one that came top was Spyware Terminator, which i downloaded and tried yesterday. Its easy to use, fast and has some great features.

It was close between this and SpyBot, but they think that SpyBot's user interface is better suited to Windows 98 than XP or Vista

Anyway, give Spyware Terminator a go, it appears to do everything needed

18. September 2007, 02:00:29
anybody in here heard of this?

it must be pretty powerful for hacking

28. August 2007, 01:16:35
Thema: Re: .VRO file extention I also saw a free version at but im afraid they add some little worms and horses too :)

27. August 2007, 23:49:23
Thema: Re: .VRO file extention NeroVision can read vro files and export them in another format. It's not free but it comes bundled with in many dvdr packages. Maybe you have that already?

27. August 2007, 23:30:23
Baked Alaskan 
Thema: Re: .VRO file extention

Yes, but I only need it for right now  hehe
I dont see me paying $40 for a one time use....

27. August 2007, 23:21:50
Thema: Re: .VRO file extention   all free downloads gives you a watermark...:)   if you pay 39.95 its gone LOL

27. August 2007, 23:15:47
Baked Alaskan 
Thema: Re: .VRO file extention


Yep,   I  got that and tried it.. It puts a banner in the middle of the video output.

Thanx tho 

26. August 2007, 22:16:05
Thema: Re: .VRO file extention  Have you tried this program?

26. August 2007, 21:44:40
Baked Alaskan 
Thema: Re: .VRO file extention
Gordon Shumway:

Here is what it is  .VRO

I plug my camcorder in my DVD recorder and burn snippets to DVD. I then take that DVD and put it on my laptop and it plays fine as a .VRO extention but none of my friends can see the video nor can I upload it to youtube.

26. August 2007, 21:38:28
Baked Alaskan 
Thema: Re: .VRO file extention

Yes, so far thats the only way I can watch it. (Is on my PC)   But I'm trying to upload it to youtube and it doesnt accept .VRO extentions. 

26. August 2007, 16:14:16 
Thema: Re: .VRO file extention
Gordon Shumway: It's just another format for video file.

I can't help with converting since when I want to watch it on the PC, I just play from the .vro file - or when I want it burned, I just burn the .vro file - I never convert it so I'm no help with that.

26. August 2007, 16:10:38
Thema: Re: .VRO file extention to be honest, I don't even know what VRO files are

25. August 2007, 22:09:39
Baked Alaskan 
Thema: Re: .VRO file extention

No one?   well sheeeesh 

22. August 2007, 14:27:39
Thema: One question Quiz lol
Verändert von MadMonkey (22. August 2007, 14:30:08)
Question: How many have people have downloaded Firefox now ?

Answer: Roughly 400,000,000

21. August 2007, 15:40:05
Baked Alaskan 
Thema: .VRO file extention
Can anyone help me in the direction of a "free" decent converter?
I have a .VRO and want to change it to .WMV       

I have found some free converters  but they put their logo in the middle of the video    so thats useless  LOL

Thanx for the help in advance  

13. August 2007, 12:10:44
Thema: Re: Oh Why, Oh Why ?........ I thought about that, but i have changed nothing lately. What makes it funnier (or worse to try and sort) is today it is as fast as ever, yet i have altered nothing.
Process of elimination says that it may be something one of the Add-ons is getting hooked up on OR something else is taking up the RAM that Firefox needs, but when i look at all the running processes there is nothing and Firefox has all it should need.
So whats the problem lol

12. August 2007, 19:18:34
Thema: Re: Quicker IE7 Page Loading
wetware: I wonder if there is something similar in Firefox? I looked under Tools -- Options, but didn't see anything. I may not be looking for the right thing though.. lol..

12. August 2007, 18:43:19
Thema: Re: Quicker IE7 Page Loading
wetware: Thanks wetware, for this tip. I did what you suggested and it does make a difference on my games. Thank you.. ..

12. August 2007, 15:45:05 
Thema: Re: Oh Why, Oh Why ?........
MadMonkey: If you have a lot of add on's, it could be one of those that is causing problems. Maybe even disabling a few and testing/playing to see if having certain ones disabled will help the speed

12. August 2007, 12:23:17
Thema: Re: Oh Why, Oh Why ?........
diogenysos: Yes my friend, i think i will give that a go
Best i make a list of my Add-ons first

12. August 2007, 11:57:11
Thema: Re: Oh Why, Oh Why ?........

in fact, ive got no idea why this may happen, except firefox being damaged in certain way (probably by using it too frequently, it simply wants to retire in honour), but obviously there are no system- or hardware-problems on your CPU (why should IE run that quickly if you had some...) and as it seems to be a firefox-problem i would recommend to deinstall and reinstall, maybe even an older version of firefox.

12. August 2007, 04:52:13
Thema: Quicker IE7 Page Loading

I hope this might help someone...

One thing that's helped my BrainKing page loading:  preventing 400 or so smiley files from having to be re-downloaded from nearly every page I visit here.

In IE7:  Tools --> Internet Options --> General --> Browsing History --> Settings --> Check for newer versions of stored pages

If "Every time I visit the webpage" is currently checked on your system, you might want to consider changing that to: "Every time I start Internet Explorer".

I suppose it's possible that something similar could help users of other browsers.

I suppose it's also possible that I'm just an idiot...and no one else would ever set up their browser the way I did!   



11. August 2007, 19:22:22
Family Man 
The accuweather page associated with my forecaster fox add on does not load correctly and is an unreadable jumbled mess.

I used to have this issue, and running my spy bot and adware programs would temporarily fix it. But now even those do not help.

Any suggestions?

11. August 2007, 10:35:47
Thema: Oh Why, Oh Why ?........
Verändert von MadMonkey (11. August 2007, 10:37:08)
............has my Firefox started running so slowly ?
It is taking between 30 & 40 seconds to load a page. I know Firefox uses a lot of RAM, but this is getting crazy. It just seems to stop when loading a page and i get the dreaded (Not Responding) at the top of the page.
I have no clue whats causing, it. I have tried cleaning old files etc... out (but i do that every day anyway), but no effect. There is plenty of room on my hard drive and i have nothing else running.
The WORSE thing is that I.E. is fast as hell, when i just run it.
Its just Firefox, when ever i run anything else this system is fast as anything.
Anyone any ideas why it is on go slow ???

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