A place where people can share their favourite home remedies and support for those with serious health concerns.
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Have you ever tried juicing? We do alot of that and i'll tell ya it's all fresh and is power packed with vitamins.......? I love yogurt and eat it just about everyday.
Mindy: Great nutritional information, you have a lot of expertise. Let me put in a plug for vigorous excercise as well because it is the other half of the fitness/health picture.
Foxy Lady: Very interesting...I read something similar a couple of years ago on a website by a guy in America who was close to his death bed and had come across a story about aspartame....in short, he is alive today, healthier than ever and desperately trying to spread the word.
LOL@Scarlet! I think the boards here work fine for that LOL ; ) just kidding
I do read the dictionary sometimes and it seems to work at times but nothing has been consistent!
Thanks for offering to volunteer Purple.
Chamomile tea huh? I should check that out!
How long have you been suffering from insomnia? Do you lead a stressful life? Do you exercise? These are some questions for you to answer and maybe need to change.
Try a couple of drops of lavender oil on a tissue and place it under your pillowslip. Apparently that helps to relax and bring on sleep.
Drink camomile tea, that assists also.
Have you visited a naturopath? There maybe also something that you are eating that indirectly brings on the insomnia.
Taking synthetic chemicals long term is not a good long term solution, you need to get to the bottom of the cause of the problem.
Thanks for the suggestions! ANd just who would I talk to on MSN purple?
I do meditate and it allows rest but the sleep doesn't come. Warm milk curdles my stomach! The jacuzzi helps sometimes! I don't watch television but do play online after it is too much for me to handle. Gets old staring at the wall/ceiling! :)
I guess I will just buy into the american philosophy of better living through chemicals! :(
Studying astronomy.. just read the text books late at night.. haha..
Warm Milk
Warm Shower
Do not watch television.. at least 1/2 before bed it stimulates your brain too much. And, although some believe coffee keeps you awake. I have heard the opposite effect for several others. So perhaps Java at night.
Been pretty quiet around here but here's a tip for those little blackheads.Get some Elmers glue smear on,let it dry and peel off.Works as good as those expensive strips.
Get a package of pipe or chewing tobacco, soak it in a gallon of boiling water until it cools. Strain the liquid into a clean container. Put a cup of tobacco juice and 1/2 cup lemon dish soap into a hose-end sprayer and spray. I did this at our house two years ago and have been practically spider free since. This works on all kinds of bugs.
All i know this time of year in CNY is ragweed time and i go crazy with red itchy eyes.No redness or tearing at all.I wash my eyes with the shampoo
every other day.My eyes feel alot better.Really i thought my friend had flipped but what a relief.
Johnson's themselves say: "The assertion that chemicals are added that numb the baby's eyes is
totally false. The reason JOHNSON'S® shampoo formulas do not irritate the eyes is the mildness of the formulation, which has undergone
extensive clinical testing and has proven to be as gentle to the eyes as pure water."
But the shampoo has all the usual irritants, its just masked by the anaesthetic. But the doctor will know for sure I guess. Personally I wouldn't use it.