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Es ist Dir nicht erlaubt, Nachrichten in diesem Forum zu schreiben. Man muss dazu mindestens den Mitgliedsrang Brain Bauer (Pawn) haben!
pawns are good cannon fodder, when properly deployed, as an opponent might not like to take a pwn with a piece if he/she thinks that pwn is protected by another pwn.
KNs are excellent for 'unseen' sorties, have won (and lost) a few Qs because the Kn wasn't spotted.
Rs belong to open lines just as in normal Ch. but I would call an open line any line where yr own pwns have been exchanged, even if an opposing pwn is still on that line.
Bishs should be in the open or just 1 move away from that, ie=behind a pwn yr about to push on.
Qs like to be in the open too, but beware of squares where a Kn might lurk unseen.
I find bluffing can be quite helpful, I remember a game where I challenged the K with an unprotected R, knowing my opponent was worried my Q was behind it. He didn't take and moved the K in the open just like I hoped, 2 moves later my Q took it as he moved where he thought my Q could not get to. But my Q wasn't where I made him think it was.
Black Knight: I've just looked at the game you won against Silent Bob. Why couldn't Silent Bob's king move? I would have thought that the game should have ended in a draw?
Thema: Re: Question that needs answering before I make my next move..
Too late, I answered my own question. If my king go to the ajacent sqaure and the other king can't move it does not end in a draw it ends in a victory for me. LOL
Thema: Question that needs answering before I make my next move..
In Dark chess the king can take another king to win the game, but in Atomic chess can the king be on adjacent squares thus forcing a draw? i.e. if white's king is on a1 and I put black on b1 my opponent cannot blow up my king thus ending game in a draw. Bearing in mind that checks do no apply in this game.
I was wondering, can the third check be with one's king.
If I were to put my king on an adjacent sqaure to the opponent's, he/she would be in check. Normally this would be illegal since my king could then be captured. However, if it is the third check, is it possible?
1. I talked to Fencer about my game (ID No 25631)
and he corrected the bug.
2. The rules about check and checkmate are a bit confusing, but I learned them exactly so from all other places where you can play atomic chess. I would suggest to leave them as they are. But I have to agree to grenv's suggestion would simplify the understanding of rules. But this is atomic chess and everywhere else it is played this way...
3. I think there is a bug in the rules description: in the last picture of the rules it says you cannot play Nxe5 because it would cause the kings explosion. This is not true, this move kills the opponent's king and not your own, so it is allowed. You get in check, but this is according to the rules.
4. I don't care about winning or losing one game more or less. Changing the rules is for improving the game, not for winning one player some points. I hope others player can see it so, too ;-)
How about keeping two BKR ratings on this variation as, I think we all agree, black has, if played correctly, an unassailable advantage. I beleive the real interest would then be in trying to achieve and maintain the highest BKR playing White!
Fencer: You are doing a great job on this site and I want to thank you for doing a wonderful job. I hope everyone try not to take this gamesite for granted. This is by far the most and the best site I ever played. I do enjoy this gamesite alot. Thanks so much Fencer! :)
Fencer: Ok, Now I know and I'm truly sorry for the message that I stated earlier. But, I won't repeat that game since it was hard enough for me to win without the Queen. And I could of had a Draw on my very first game of Horde Chess before you added the no more moves of black pawn(s) rules.
The concepts of check and checkmate aren't really consistant here. If they were, an attack on any piece sufficient to explode the king would be check.
In the case where one is in "checkmate" but can explode the opponents king, why not allow him to?
Why not treat this similarly to Dark Chess where any move is allowed?
In the rule of Atomic Chess clearly stated, the player who has his/her king in a check (which is not a checkmate) does NOT have to resolve this check. Of course, if he/she make another than a winning move, the opponent will capture the king in the next move. I think you didn't read that part in the rules. If you have had put me in checkmate then it would be a winning game on your part. You need to read the rules on all games well enough before you complain.
Removing the last move would probably not change the outcome, it would need to go back a far way as the game strategy was based on my understanding of the previous rules, likewise another game I lost, although I doubt it would have made a difference there.
The game ID in question is 27317. I would be happy if the game was just deleted from the database (or perhaps taken back to move 1) although I wonder if my opponent would as happy. Shame because I was a queen ahead before it all went awry (in my way of thinking).
I am interested in the last discussion and your explanation. The rules now clearly state taht the King can be left in check but not checkmate. Did the rules you show change regarding this situation or are the rules in error. Please explain ...
Correct me if i'm wrong, but what i got from the rules what that you could not leave your king in check (or put your king in check - like normal check, without any pieces exploding). Because i had a game where my king was in normal check, and it would let me move as to leave my king in check. I can find the game # if needed. Thanks.
This is not a "credit", the captured pieces are displayed only for information and in-game statistics. They simply indicate which pieces are missing for white or black player, that's all. No points or credits are used :-)
Is there anyway to distinguish the difference between actual pieces captured and those that were sacrificed to capture these pieces?
When we sacrifice a piece to capture our opponents pieces I don't feel they should be given credit for capturing the piece. I hope that makes sense.
fair enough. thanx for all the input guys. im just a new user to brainking and not one of the best chess players on earth (but im trying). so thanx for all the help. ;-)
I agree with Uil. It shouldn't be change. It would be like changing the regular chess into non-classic. Players need to play it right and have pride in it, not take it the easy way out. I don't think history of this game should be change for the sake of it.
to Fencer: please don't, it makes it a totally other game and i don't think it will help. I am unbeaten playing white, so it is possible (with a little help from black), but it stays a "black-game"
Making moves that reveal the board is as important as a good chess position. Pawns are very important because of their ability to see a lot of the board when properly placed. Knights are great in forward positions to reveal the enemy defenses. Good luck everyone.
I can't see the Black pawns very well on the Brown Squares! It there anyway that I can change the board color or put a bit of white in the black pawns.
i understand that. but what i was saying was that my pieces dominated the board. i had the oportunity to take his last pawn and was unable as his pawn could not move and it was declared a draw.