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 Garden and Winter Chat

Tips on how to care for your garden, flowers, fruit trees, roses, gardenias, how to make and use compost, etc.Winter Chat is allowed until Spring.

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20. Juli 2008, 08:33:22
Foxy Lady 
Thema: Re:
Dolittle: We've had rain almost everyday this week.

20. Juli 2008, 01:06:49
Thema: Re:
Foxy Lady: Ours has been crazy too. Today it is 98° plants are sure looking droopy. Will have to go water them all.

19. Juli 2008, 07:26:35
Foxy Lady 
Thema: Re:
Dolittle: I;ll send you all our crazy weather.

19. Juli 2008, 06:26:04
Thema: Re:
Bernice: We sure could use some of that rain! Our lawns are looking a wee bit dry.

18. Juli 2008, 23:01:38
Thema: Re:
Dolittle: we have just had 2 days of rain and that is very never rains in the winter here:)

but the lawns and gardens are looking real healthy and green :)

18. Juli 2008, 22:47:17
Thema: Re:
Dolittle: Dolittle you can have all you like of our rain, I don't think it's ever going to stop

18. Juli 2008, 20:02:27
Thema: Re:
Foxy Lady: If you and skipinnz would send some of that rain my way, maybe I wouldn't have to run the sprinklers on my yard.

18. Juli 2008, 06:53:58
Foxy Lady 
Thema: Re:
skipinnz: We been getting alot of rain also.

17. Juli 2008, 11:41:20
Thema: Re:
Foxy Lady: Know what you mean by crazy weather. We had a drought recently which is unheard of, they said we'ed have power cuts because there wasn't enough water in the hydro dams and now all we get is rain and more rain.

17. Juli 2008, 07:35:42
Foxy Lady 
Thema: Re:
skipinnz: No but this year the weather has been crazy.Were between 70 F and 90F during the day and in the 50's at night.

16. Juli 2008, 22:37:25
Thema: Re:
Foxy Lady: You wouldn't normally get frosts that late in the year would you?

16. Juli 2008, 22:32:55
Foxy Lady 
Thema: Re:
Bernice: and SR our garden is late due to the frost in late May.

12. Juli 2008, 15:55:35
Thema: Re:
Foxy Lady:  Well.. our fall garden didn't make it.. only the Sunflowers.. I figured where it set wasn't good.

Our corn though is a good 3' high, our Tom Plants are awesome.. big, and strong and blooming.. our lettuces, cabbage, and spinach are all doing well.. and all the peppers seem to be getting strong and ready.. No complaints here.. Will take some photos in another month when everything is producing..

12. Juli 2008, 07:58:01
Thema: Re:
Foxy Lady: well the herbs are just great, grapes are starting to set, no banana as yet...pawpaw (papaya) are ripening, tomatoes are going fair, as are capsicums, silver beet (chard) etc. I have sone sort of pumpkin coming up...dont know where it come from. APple cucumbers are just starting to pick up...
.putting up 2 new fences on each side of the house to keep Bear (dog) in the back yard. He has a bad habit of chasing people walking dogs, and the horses along the fence line . that will put a halt to him LOL

12. Juli 2008, 06:08:03
Foxy Lady 
How's everybody's garden doing? Our weather is still crazy,very short summer for us.

11. Juni 2008, 06:51:43
Foxy Lady 
Thema: Re: I need help
Bernice: That's a good way also.

11. Juni 2008, 06:50:06
Thema: Re: I need help
Foxy Lady: no, the only thing I have done is to mortar and pestle (sp) them with sea salt and a little olive oil.

11. Juni 2008, 06:11:40
Foxy Lady 
Thema: Re: I need help
Bernice: Have you ever tried to dry them out?

9. Juni 2008, 08:12:15
Thema: I need help
in my garden I have a birds eye chilli tree that is absolutely laden in chilli....can someone tell me how to, or what to do with them. Is there some way I can preserve them?

3. Juni 2008, 07:35:10
Thema: Re: Hi
skipinnz: I have cymbidiams growing and all I do is tie/attach them to a tree trunk in the back yard and they eventually "root" and stay there on their own. You can buy a special potting mix for orchids, and that would be the best way to go, but of course Im talking australia...tropical australia where orchids grow wild.

3. Juni 2008, 05:55:06
Thema: Re: Hi
satinjade: is or are they cymimbidiums not sure on spelling. I've got mine in 20 lte pots filled with a really course potting mix nearly bark, need to have 3 green bulb, before they will flower and where we are we need to water heaps in the summer which is our Jan & Feb to get good spikes. Hope this helps

2. Juni 2008, 20:05:19
Foxy Lady 
Thema: Re:
Dolittle: Were 74 F today but very windy.Feels more like in the 60's F.

2. Juni 2008, 17:18:16
Thema: Hi
Any tips on growing Orchides ?

2. Juni 2008, 04:42:56
Thema: Re:
Bernice: wish we could get some rain....I had to water my roses with the hose.

2. Juni 2008, 00:08:37
Thema: Re:
Dolittle: garden is flourishing and we are getting a "eetsy"bit of rain, which help things sort of grow in my climate. we had 6mm last month instead of over 200mm so things are really dry but..........good times are ahead hopefully :)

1. Juni 2008, 23:46:47
Thema: Re:
Foxy Lady: It's in Oklahoma!!

1. Juni 2008, 21:48:37
Foxy Lady 
Where is Summer ? Our temps in CNY are in the 60's F and 38 F at nite.

10. April 2008, 07:35:06
Foxy Lady 
Thema: Re:
Bernice: I don't want to think of Fall.

10. April 2008, 07:27:15
the bogs are darking and the chirds are burping....wails are tagging, and heople are pappy.


10. April 2008, 07:25:48
and Autumn is here LOL....

10. April 2008, 07:23:15
Foxy Lady 
Thema: Spring
is finally here in Central and UpState NY.

4. März 2008, 08:26:15
Foxy Lady 
Thema: Re: Warm weather
skipinnz: Oh your so lucky.

4. März 2008, 07:40:16
Thema: Re: Warm weather
Foxy Lady:Or no we don't get snow.

4. März 2008, 06:56:33
Foxy Lady 
Thema: Re: Warm weather
skipinnz: Now i remember,do you get much snow?

4. März 2008, 06:54:00
Thema: Re: Warm weather
Foxy Lady: Hamilton, central noth island of New Zealand

4. März 2008, 06:52:10
Foxy Lady 
Thema: Re: Warm weather
skipinnz: Where are you located.

4. März 2008, 06:48:11
Thema: Re: Warm weather
Foxy Lady:Well we've got heavy rain at the moment but as our district has been declared a drought area , the rain is much appreciated.

4. März 2008, 06:22:24
Foxy Lady 
Thema: Re: Warm weather
skipinnz: Oh i wish but we hit 60 F yesterday,it was great to get out with the kids.Today were getting snow and freezing rain.

3. März 2008, 06:50:31
Thema: Re: Warm weather
Foxy Lady: It's in the mid 20's Celcius here and quite mild, just finished picking our pears & peaches. Mind you not looking forward to winter.

3. März 2008, 05:57:54
Foxy Lady 
Thema: Re: Cabin fever

3. März 2008, 05:55:10
Thema: Re: Cabin fever
Foxy Lady: That was,nt a bad film!

3. März 2008, 05:54:02
Foxy Lady 
Thema: Re: Anyone got
Mousetrap: We got so much snow this year.I'm getting Cabin Fever.

3. März 2008, 05:46:46
Thema: Re: Anyone got
Foxy Lady: Blooming freezing here!

3. März 2008, 05:43:56
Foxy Lady 
Thema: Re:
Bernice: LOL were about 24 F but going to 49 F tomorrow.

3. März 2008, 05:39:52
it is only about 32degC today here = 90degF...humidity about 70% and damned unpleasant LOL

3. März 2008, 05:37:44
Foxy Lady 
Anybody got warm weather? I'm sick of Snow,Snow and freezing temps.

15. Feburar 2008, 16:47:03
Foxy Lady 
Thema: Re:
Bernice: Don't ya hate it when your plans fall thru.Well take the time and relax.

15. Feburar 2008, 11:21:44
Thema: Re:
Foxy Lady: well the rain HAD subsided, but.....
about 3 hours sth of us got 25 inches of rain in 12 hours...because of the southerly prevailing winds it has turned tail and we are expected to get it over the next 12-18 hours....the floods just go down and up they come again....we have had so much rain that instead of it all soaking away, the water just keeps kitchen on monday the man said if this rain keeps up :(....oh well no work either so will be able to just sit and relax hahaha

14. Feburar 2008, 10:47:11
Foxy Lady 
Thema: Re:
Bernice: Oh no your flooded again.I sure hope you get your kitchen done.

13. Feburar 2008, 21:14:39
Thema: Re:
Lisa G: yes it is the wet season and the first real wet season we have had in years LOL

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