Tips on how to care for your garden, flowers, fruit trees, roses, gardenias, how to make and use compost, etc.Winter Chat is allowed until Spring.
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bwildman: I must disagree with the "like damp areas"...ours never gets watered and we haven't had much rain in the last 3 years...also we have a sandy soil so their is no retention of water. They are easily grown from seed as I have 3 about 18inches tall waiting to be transplanted....once it cools down a bit here. Yes the will handle full sunlight...well mine do.
Mine are Papua New Guinea variety and are about 18in - 2ft long and about as round as a bread and butter plate...maybe even bigger and the flesh is red as opposed to the pinky/orange flesh of normal paw paw. Also it is juicier:)
There is only one tree and I dont know how it got there...They say you need a male and female but I only have one tree so maybe it is bisexual? I have no idea, it is still flowering and they all become fruit unlike passionfruit that have male and female flowers....can anyone enlighten on this?
at the moment I have Grapes, Passionfruit, PawPaw (Papua New Guinea - red flesh) and Banana's fruiting in my yard :)
The Banana's are of particular interest to us as we have never seen so many Banana's on a single bunch...
I cant weigh it as it is too big, but Vern and I together couldn't carry the bunch, we needed the wheelbarrow. I have counted the bananas on this bunch and it totals 134 sugar/lady fingers.
Also they are the most tasty we have ever had, and we get about 2-3 bunches each year from the single "plant" that we aquired in 1993....of course it keeps getting suckers which inturn produces fruit, so there is something special about the last 4 months or so.....they are so clean skinned and sweet :)
Dolittle: Boy i wish a bar of soap would prevent the cockatoos from eating my passionfruit and bananas and grapes...anyone want to buy a cockatoo LOLOL :(...There really is nothing you can do....even a scarecrow wont frighten them :(...(unless I get out there) hahahaha...I got in first lOLOL
nobleheart: Im originally from NZ and in the winter we had "snowdrops" growing wild in the fields, and in the spring they were followed by daffodils....all growing wild :)beautiful to see mint was in the garden LOLOL on a fence in the lawn and i love it :)...
I also have LARGE leaf basil, lemon balm, garlic chives, parsley both italian and normal, rosemary, thyme, herb garden is the pride of my entire garden cause i dont have the energy anymore to have too many gardens...All vegies are grown on a fence line to make it easier and there is only pulling of weeds, no digging. Vern is very sick and cant handle the extra work. Today I thought I would lose him, but tole him I had a lot of suffering for him to do LOLOL...he still here...seriously he is very sick :( topic
spicieangel: what a coincidence....2 doors down from me my neighbours have a strawberry tree in their back yard...I havent known them to eat them tho, but the native birds parrots, cockatoos, rosella parrots etc etc just love them :)
Just by the way :) I have just been outside to read the naphthalene has no breakdown of what it contains except to say contains 990g/1k naphthalene.It goes on to say it is safe to use clothing, blankets, etc and is also a pesticide:)
It not ingest but if you do..drink milk and go to Doctor. There is no warning on it being a petroleum product. But our cars run on petroleum and those fumes would surely be more damaging than my little garden shed with a few naphthalene flakes in it.
CW57: thanks but that is no use to me...Im in australia and we dont have most of what is talked about and to be honest, I have used it for 20 years and I remember my mother, grandmothers using it as well....anything else i can buy for rats, mice, cockroaches etc are not good for cats and dogs, of which I have one of each...thanks anyway
yep moth balls or napthalene flakes....we put them on the floor of our cockroaches or mice :) and it smells nice :)
but if you have scavenging pets, or small children..crawling etc that will put anything in their mouths BEWARE they are deadly poisonous
ummmmm....mumumum cant play keryo pente..or whatever....would you like to play Backgammon.....cant play that either but at least i know how it goes LOLOL
ummmm dont think so the moment i have a YOU BEAUT tomato tree....cost me $14.00aus for 2 seed. supposed to be your beaut and super producing....wil take pics and let you see...:(
Im not hanging by my toenails here folks LOLOLOL
Thema: Re: Foxy.. Take the fallen leaves from the fall
hehehe Your grandmother knows the healthy way....garlic water is great for everything LOLOL
unfortunately it will not make tomatoes taste of garlic hehehehehe
ah ha...central NY...well then i should shut mouth ROFLMBO....I havent seen snow in abut 30 years, and really wouldnt know how to garden in that sort of weather :(
Im living in the tropics of australia and everythings is like just grows :)
can i ask.....:)
do you have a gardener?....if so sack him, if not
try derris dust..well that is here in aussie, and you do not water roses from above...always from the root....causes black spot. but then if you over water the roots you can get root rot...this al depends on your temperatures, himidity etc....where (approx) do you live?
too much water by any chance? they do like to be fairly dry...not desperate but not wet..any mulch around the trunk/stem...take it away about 4-6 might be struggling to live and avoiding stemrot ..
i too grow fresh herbs in large pots...handy to the back door, all except the mint, which grows throughout the lawn...what a lovely smell when you mow:)
At the moment i have rocket, beans, tomatoes, herbs, bananas, passionfruit(purple and yellow) grapes, and pawpaws:)
Not a great lot but it all helps us to save money :)
approx 6ft x 9 ft...would be able to grow about 1 dozen tomato plants, or 12 - 18 cabbages, or 3 rows of carrots, parsnips etc. Probable about 12-15 is a very small plot, but with very small amounts of each you could grow all of the above.
I have a 1/2 acre so that is why i say the above is have to make the most of what you have :)
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