Discuss about checkers game or find new opponents. No insulting, baiting or flaming other players. Off topic posts are subject to deletion and if it persists the poster faces sanctions. This board is for checkers.
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Es ist Dir nicht erlaubt, Nachrichten in diesem Forum zu schreiben. Man muss dazu mindestens den Mitgliedsrang Brain Bauer (Pawn) haben!
Yes, that's early favorite! However, to win you must continue to concentrate. No booze or wild women. I'm afraid that hurts your chances after the first game, or first opening moves maybe.
Okay okay,Darren you are in charge of blowing up the balloons (as long as they look like checker boards) and no blow up dolls,please (I don't want a repeat of the last party)....<gets busy writing notes in notepad while shaking head and muttering>
You mean we have less than 2 weeks to plan the social event of the year??? OMG Where to start? hmmm ok,I'll make the cake.
Oh,and so as not to be off topic,I'm going to decorate it with checker pieces and the frosting will be red and black and there won't be any chess pieces on it and the winner of the tournament gets to jump out of it! yeah!! that's it! How's that for staying on topic on the checker board? ;-) LOL
I've forgotten when this tournament starts. The highly skilled Usurper KM reads Derek Oldbury and I'm on chapter two of "The Beginner's Guide to Checkers"? Will I have time to finish it before the tournament begins?
Derek Oldbury still has the perfect formula for those who want to become unbeatable at this complex game and it is to be highly recommended to the unstable and weak of heart. I quote: "Do not play. Then you can't lose."
We now have all 20 players signed up and with the addition of David Upshaw we have 8 players rated 2000 or better. If checkers is your game you should follow the action in the prestigious tournament.
The fool-proof plan when playing top-notch opponent is to resign after 3 moves with this message: "No point in continuing here. I see you've got me in 33 moves. Masterful job." This works with chess too.
I've beaten my 9 yr old by telling him we were playing giveaway checkers then towards the end 'reminding' him that we were playing checkers! I know,I'm a mean Mama but ya gotta be cruel to be kind ;-)
Oh, Wyllie may not have been so great! I, also, have given an opponent 13 men while I played with 10. I was winning every one of our games, too. Then her mommy came to take her home for her nap.
No they get 10 and you will get an extra man (13) and a draw will count as a win or you. LOL. James Wyllie use to give his opponents that kind of advantage in the 19th century and he STILL WON.
Chief KM, just checking to see if I understood you correctly. Before I joined the tournament you did say all those over 2000 had to play with 11 checker pieces, uh, excuse me, pawns, right? :o)
Gothic Chess Pro said he was concentrating on the World Chess Championship so would not be able to participate in the tournament. But we still have MANY of the top players and there will be more to come.
There are 10 people signed up and we are reserving 3 spots for folks who are finishing their present tournaments. Also 3 invites have been sent with no reply yet so that still leaves 4 open seats. This may be your one chance to play the best checker players on BK so let me know if you are interested.
The invites have gone out to the top players like yourself but if they don't all accept we may have many second rate players like me. Everyone has a chance and if we lose, well, we have played our best game and lost to the best. We kick off August 19.
thanks chief i will try it for i while, i know its hard to keep everything off the chat board, it just gets old people putting others down that means to help other people learn to play better, your a fine player, and a good person, and i was really upset when you left goldtoken i loved playing KM checker club
Thanks Ron I'm going to do my best to keep this DB focused on checkers only. I'm going to delete anything that comes in off topic so be patient. I'm not here 24/7 so some things may remain until I can get to them. When someone creates a new nic every hour it's hard to avoid them completely but you are correct..everyone should try. So stay on the site, stay with this DB and get yourself a membership. There are some great people and great checker players here.
if everyone quits playing the trouble makers here they will leave the site as know one wants to play with trouble makers who runs things in to the ground.. were here to have fun hell i am just going to quit reading this checker chat that i really learn things on checkers sorry chief you have taught me alot in checkers, if i join this site i would love to be on the KM checker team. and would be a proud member Ron
Ok Aragon, if you have red open with 11-15. That is simply the best all around openning. Then strive to work out from your single corner and control the middle of the board. Thats all I know but I'm sure a "real" expert will guide you through the next step.
All your messages have been left standing including this one but the exception was the long drawn out posting of private conversations which incidentally were not doing you a service according to the few people who read them. When this nonsense ceases I will delete all the non-checker messages no matter what position they have taken. For now all your earlier posts are up as well as those critical of you. I agree with you if you are saying none of this has any place here.