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Discuss about checkers game or find new opponents. No insulting, baiting or flaming other players. Off topic posts are subject to deletion and if it persists the poster faces sanctions. This board is for checkers.

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5. Dezember 2007, 01:34:16
Thema: Re: Tiger Checker Club

4. Dezember 2007, 18:51:46
Thema: Tiger Checker Club
We are looking for a few good men (or women) We are The Killing Machine

9. September 2007, 10:26:53
Turkish Checkers Rules

First of all, I apologize from everbody. The rules of Turkish Checkers game on Brainking site, do not reflect the right rules. And just because of this, many game partners have negative and hard discussions, and as a result, most of them protest and leave the site. If the site management does not update with the right rules, we afraid, there wont be left any master player for Turkish Checkers.

As an example, Turkish Checkers is based on “Maximum capture is mandatory” rule. In Brainking this rule is not supported. When you give three pawns, your opponent may choose to capture two pawns. In addition, when there is an equal number of capture alternatives, the King has a priority on pawns in Brainking. There should not be such a priority for the King.

Previously, most of our friends, contacted to the site management, and got correction promises from the management, but nothing has changed.

We have prepared a complete document having all set of rigth rules of Turkish Checkers with many screen shot examples. This document has been sent to the management and it is also available on site as an article but waiting for management’s publishing confirmation.

We desire your valuable support to stop this wrong situation. If you like, you can leave your supportive messages to

Thank you very much for your kind supports on behalf of all of my friends.

16. August 2007, 22:15:22
The Usurper 
Thema: Re: Help is Needed I think that is terrific advice and I'll take that back to the fellowship and see if we can get a consensus on a first variant & a writer.

16. August 2007, 16:18:49 
Thema: Re: Help is Needed
Gabriel Almeida: I would not say Fencer HATES checkers - it's that he is not a checkers player, which in turn makes it harder to program games in which you don't play nor know how to play. For example, Fencer did not play backgammon - and it took a lot of time to get the cube introduced for the game - and that only happened after I set down, and wrote up detailed and easy to read instructions about all the different things that go into a cubed backgammon game.

Now I'm not saying this will work in helping get the game, but it can't hurt. (and I'm not a checkers "player", so there is not much I can do.)

But what I think would help is if on this board, someone take the time and makes a detailed post about the proposed game & how it is different from what is already here. (I say on the public board instead of private PM since a private PM can get lost - and you can always point to a public post if needed.)

After that is done, then we would just need to wait until Fencer is in a programming mood... since you can tell from the past, new games usually come is "waves" since he is usually in a programming mood and will do a few at a time, then take a break, then make a few more at a later date.

... anyway, that is my opinion on how to get additional games on the site.

16. August 2007, 04:00:11
ustica tnp 
Thema: Re: Help is Needed
Gabriel Almeida:you wright! i ask for pro checkers, 4 years go, i got no anser.

16. August 2007, 01:24:20
Gabriel Almeida 
Thema: Re: Help is Needed
The Usurper: But you should be pessimist, Usurper. Undertaker is wright, Fencer simply HATES checkers. I don't think he introduces games where he's the boss, but I believe he runs for "comercial reasons"! Dice games are stupids. I think that everybody with some kind of inteligence in his/her head can understand that we can't compare Chess or checkers or reversi, to gammon's, Ludo's, or other stupid games like un incredible "Dice chess". But those are the most played games. They "sell" (in) brainking. So, checkers get weaker... adding to Fencers hate to the game, he is not a "commercial success". And now, I must agree with Undertaker: for checkers lovers, there's no chances in Brainking.
Well, but in other sites things are different. ItsYourTurn, Kurnik or Ludoteka. In Ludoteka, for example, checkers are "queens" of the site. Classic checkers are the most played game, but you can play all those great variants that Fencer avoid in Brainking. That's a good option, I think (and a lot of checkers players from brainking can be found there, too).
Well (and resuming),Brainking is a great site, for almost all games... but not for checkers! ;)

15. August 2007, 18:49:49
The Usurper 
Thema: Re: Help is Needed
!Undertaker!: Thanks but I'm getting my money's worth on BK even if no new variations are introduced. And I'm not so pessimistic about future possibilities.

15. August 2007, 18:37:05
Thema: Re: Help is Needed
The Usurper: I'm happy for your effort and would be great if new variants was introduced in BK but, unfortunatelly, Fencer don't like checkers, so it's difficult. He prefers introduce games that nobody plays, but he's the boss. We can't do anything. So, the best is search new variants in other sites and leave BK.

15. August 2007, 17:44:50
The Usurper 
Thema: Help is Needed
Checkers Aficionados

For Checkers lovers of any & all variations.

NOTE to prospective Members: If you are affiliated with Checkers teams in other Fellowships, DO NOT change your affiliation, but please still join us. This is not a Team-Based fellowship, but rather its Purpose can be summarized in the following.....


1. To promote solidarity among Checkers players on BK, across all possible boundaries such as Team-Affiliation and Language-Barrier.

2. To help support BK financially as well as to promote BK Checkers activity specifically, by sponsoring Prize Tournaments which award Paid Memberships to Checker-playing Pawns.

3. To thereby provide incentive to Fencer to introduce other substantial, real-world Checkers variations such as Turkish Checkers, Russian Checkers, and so forth. And also to add 3-Move Restriction play as game/Tournament options.

If these goals sound worthy to you...and if you love the game of Checkers for its own sake...then please join us in the endeavor to make BK a better playing environment for Checkers Aficionados everywhere.

14. August 2007, 02:38:49
Gabriel Almeida 
Thema: Re: It's Here!
The Usurper: Yes, that would be a great improve too!

14. August 2007, 02:32:57
The Usurper 
Thema: Re: It's Here!
Gabriel Almeida: I enjoy this site for a number of reasons, but you're right, the important, real-world checkers variants ought to be included in the repertoire of games. I'd also like to see a game/tournament format with 3-move restriction. I'm 'hoping' that these updates are not far in the future.

14. August 2007, 02:26:55
Gabriel Almeida 
Thema: Re: It's Here!
The Usurper: Don't you think brainking should have some very imprtant checkers variants? It have some "ridiculous ones" (forgive me those who like them, but... they aren't really played nowhere), like parachute checkers, One way checkers, corner checkers... and brainking forgives some very played variants, with international federations,and popular for millions of people... I must insist in some very important like Classic, Intnational, Russian, Italian and brasilien ceckers. I play in some other games site where classic checkers is the most played game,can you imagine? And they have backgammon, american checkers, breaktrough, a lot of card games... in Portugal (where I live in), classic checkers it's the most common game, much more popular than chess or domino. Noone plays checkers unless classic or international checkers.
It's because of that that I'm leaving brainking, or playing much less here, and playing much more in another site. By the way, I'm finding a lot of "brainking checkers lovers" there. It's nice!

14. August 2007, 02:15:54
The Usurper 
Thema: Re: It's Here!
Gabriel Almeida: It's an awesome game! Our goal is to eventually (soon) offer prize tournaments, the winner being awarded a Brain Rook to bestow on the (checker-playing) pawn of his/her choice. That's one of the main missions of the Checkers Aficionados fellowship.

14. August 2007, 02:12:03
Gabriel Almeida 
Thema: Re: It's Here!
The Usurper: Hey, it's always a pleasure when I see peope really interested in checkers. I'm very interested too! :)

14. August 2007, 02:09:52
The Usurper 
Thema: Re: It's Here!
Gabriel Almeida: I will alter "Classic" to "Tournament". Thanks for the heads-up.

14. August 2007, 02:08:11
Gabriel Almeida 
Thema: Re: It's Here!
The Usurper: The use of that word ("CLASSIC") may create a confusion with the very popular variant, in Portugal, Spain, all magebin countries and some latin-american countries, called "Classic checkers". BTY, this is a very interesting variant. Like International checkers or Russian Checkers are, don't you think?

14. August 2007, 02:00:47
The Usurper 
Thema: It's Here!
Verändert von The Usurper (14. August 2007, 02:10:42)
Checkers Aficionados' Inaugural Tournament

Be sure to sign up! Checkers & all checkers variations.

13. August 2007, 12:09:49
The Usurper 
Thema: New Fellowship
Verändert von The Usurper (13. August 2007, 12:34:01)
Checkers Aficionados ~ for those mad about checkers of all types!

(Thanks Nirvana for helping me to post a Link.)

9. August 2007, 12:38:28
The Usurper 
Thema: Checkers Solved?
Verändert von The Usurper (9. August 2007, 13:30:09)
Does this mean that if the 50 computers which did this great evil were all linked in a vast chamber beneath Frankenstein's castle with Tinsley sitting on the other side of the checkers board....Tinsley wouldn't stand a chance?

But I guess it'll be at least a few months before they market a program which has the capacity of those 50 computers all wrapped up together on the spot. Maybe a few years.

But you know, even IF this greatest of games is solved by a computer, it is still not solved by the only meaningful measure we as human beings have, i.e., not until a human brain knows what those 50 chained monsters know.

And after all, look what we're dealing with, people. It is an alien brain, an artificial, non-human, monstrous creation with no respect for the humanity & sheer creative gut-genius of Tinsley or any other hungry, wily, desperate, or empassioned player. It is like Hal in 2001 A Space Odyssey, with a calm cool collected insidious insinuating insufferable voice telling us humans that we don't cut the mustard, that we aren't MACHINE enough to do the job right, that we have been weighed & found wanting by WIRES and circuits and metal and plastic wrapped together in a hideous Man-made shell...and it must be SHUT DOWN!!!!!

Now for morning coffee & a puff.

19. Juli 2007, 23:03:04
Thema: Re: Checkers solved
Anjil: Wow! Leave it to the Canadians!! Is there nothing we can't do!

19. Juli 2007, 22:41:50
Thema: Checkers solved
Folks.... it looks like it's game over for checkers

19. Juni 2007, 19:40:52
Thema: About my experiences in checkers group
I learned a lot from games with Grim Reaper which is excellent player, and a fair-play opponent...It was my pleasure to have such friends in checkers section!
Best regards

13. Juni 2007, 16:50:09
Thema: A new and great tournament
Grim Reaper is having this checkers tournament in July!
7-7-7-7 Massive Checkers Round Robin
There aren't draws, only wins. It's a good time to see who is the best :)

3. Juni 2007, 22:05:25
Thema: Checkers solved
May 2007, the Chinook project of Jonathan Schaeffer
has solved the game of Checkers, see
It is a draw (with perfect players on both sides).

1. Mai 2007, 01:08:12
david upshaw: Hola David, i dont know how i could get here again, but i read u and ptti answered me....thanks

1. Mai 2007, 01:07:12
Thema: Re:
pattypoo: thank youuuuu,

30. April 2007, 15:08:53
Thema: Re:
just-lady: welome, nice to see you ere.. ave fun!!

29. April 2007, 15:54:59
david upshaw 
just_lady_aging: We are glad to have you here. Good luck.

29. April 2007, 09:08:15
hola, I am a new member of brainking, purple invited me and i love to play checkers, ready to play. Lista para jugar damas a quien me invite...

29. April 2007, 09:05:11
Thema: hola purple
Purple: hola, how are u? i am here, hard to read all what this site offers....

23. April 2007, 16:47:52
Thema: Re:
Ramones: Contact our Captain David Upshaw for any challenge.

23. April 2007, 16:44:46
Thema: Re:
Verändert von Ramones (23. April 2007, 16:45:51)
Purple: Anyway, I hope your animosity towards me don´t derivate from the fact that I told your FS is not a good team in checkers...

23. April 2007, 16:39:54
Thema: Re:
Purple: ah, ok. Thanks for the free advice, my dear friend...

23. April 2007, 16:38:34
Thema: Re:
Ramones: The words "biased mods" can get you banned. Like on any public board.

23. April 2007, 16:34:54
Thema: Re:
Verändert von Ramones (23. April 2007, 16:35:18)
Gabriel Almeida: yes, that´s true. They were debating that at the FS... But I can´t post here the reasons. There are some biased mods and I would be banned...

23. April 2007, 16:32:50
Gabriel Almeida 
Thema: Re:
Ramones: Anyway, I think Tugas don't want to play against Tiger Checker's team... I can understand why, besides I'm not in that team anymore...

23. April 2007, 16:19:45
Thema: Re:
Purple: you are far from being the best team at BK...

if any good team wants a good challenge, contact Tugas FS.

8. März 2007, 16:12:56
david upshaw 
that would be interesting

5. März 2007, 16:59:23
Thema: Re:
Grandmaestro: We have not yet figured a way to play teams from other sites unless they come over here. (Not a bad idea)

5. März 2007, 13:21:30

4. März 2007, 17:17:32
Thema: Tiger Checker Club
We still have a standing offer to play any team in the world. Contact Captain David Upshaw for a challenge.

12. Feburar 2007, 11:47:00
Thema: Tourny
One for the Checkers players:

MadMonkeys 'Checkers & Chess' Choice (1)

24. Dezember 2006, 04:22:23
Papa Zoom 
Thema: Re: Maybe helpful to new players
Purple:  thanks ;)

24. Dezember 2006, 02:35:07
Thema: Maybe helpful to new players
Verändert von Purple (24. Dezember 2006, 02:36:33)

23. Dezember 2006, 22:27:37
Papa Zoom 
Thema: Re: My 2 cents
Purple:  Agreed.  And there's always the global route, as Rod said.  As for checkers, I've decided to try to learn the game a bit.  I know the moves but know nothing about opening theory nor of endgame theory.  And I'm fuzzy on the middle stuff too! ;)  My kids at school (elementary) can beat me.  I think in time I can improve somewhat but I think I'll be rated to begin with near 1400 or maybe a bit less.  We shall see soon enough ;)

23. Dezember 2006, 22:23:11
Thema: Re: My 2 cents
Gr☺uch☺: Well said. I have seen the "cheating" accusations border on the ridiculous..people who have lost hundreds of games are accused of using a program. Some program! LOL. Anyway all such discussion should be directed to Fencer and this board should be reserved for the stated subjects.

23. Dezember 2006, 22:22:28
Thema: Re: Violations of Guidelines
As Purple has said, it is not appropriate to discuss moderating issues on this board. If you have concerns, you need to contact by personal message the moderator of the board. If that doesn't offer the answers you are looking for, then you should feel free to contact any Global Moderator. (See the Brainking Staff link at the bottom of every page).

This board is for the discussion of Checkers. Accusing specific players of cheating on this board is not allowed.

There is no need to reply to this post, unless you are going to do it by personal message.

Please, let's all try to enjoy the holiday season without needing to be hidden or banned.

23. Dezember 2006, 22:15:34
Papa Zoom 
Thema: Re: My 2 cents
Stardust:  I don't really pay that much attention to BKR but I am proud that I am rated what I am in both Chess and Backgammon games.  There are games I don't do well in and my BKR reflects that.  If I really stink at a game (like go) then I'm not inclined to play it.

I'm really just learning checkers strategies.  I think I had a won game the other day but blew the ending.  Losing is learning. ;)  Oh well, that's what I tell my chess students.

As for cheating (I'm not trying to keep up this dialogue, just a final perspective maybe) there will always be situations where that happens.  There are various ways to handle such things.  But as a moderator, I can say that once accusations of any kind hit the public boards, there is no choice but to moderate.  Even if there is truth in what is said, public boards are no place for those types of post.  ;) 

I do agree with you about a balance.  They are after all, just games.  But in finding a balance between playing for fun and playing for 'points, we always keep in mind that we run the race to win.  If I lose, I lose.  But I never like it.  Some say that it's not if you win or lose but how you play.  But I say playing to win (and in some cases playing NOT to lose such as in chess and going for a draw when your position is inferrior) is always what I seek. ;) 

Now I'm rambling  :)  Merry Christmas! 

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