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Discuss about checkers game or find new opponents. No insulting, baiting or flaming other players. Off topic posts are subject to deletion and if it persists the poster faces sanctions. This board is for checkers.

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30. Juli 2003, 02:26:02
Thema: Re: KM Checkers Invitational Tournament
LOL you have created a new word no one has ever heard before. See, that takes talent.

30. Juli 2003, 02:20:50
Thema: Re: KM Checkers Invitational Tournament
The invites have gone out to the top players like yourself but if they don't all accept we may have many second rate players like me. Everyone has a chance and if we lose, well, we have played our best game and lost to the best. We kick off August 19.

30. Juli 2003, 02:05:43
Thema: KM Checkers Invitational Tournament
Please contact me for an invite if you would like to play in this tournament. A word of warning: these will be highly skilled players. Good luck.

24. Juli 2003, 02:35:30
Thema: Re:
Thanks Ron I'm going to do my best to keep this DB focused on checkers only. I'm going to delete anything that comes in off topic so be patient. I'm not here 24/7 so some things may remain until I can get to them. When someone creates a new nic every hour it's hard to avoid them completely but you are correct..everyone should try. So stay on the site, stay with this DB and get yourself a membership. There are some great people and great checker players here.

23. Juli 2003, 19:38:04
Thema: Re:
Ok Aragon, if you have red open with 11-15. That is simply the best all around openning. Then strive to work out from your single corner and control the middle of the board. Thats all I know but I'm sure a "real" expert will guide you through the next step.

23. Juli 2003, 18:51:43
Thema: Re:
All your messages have been left standing including this one but the exception was the long drawn out posting of private conversations which incidentally were not doing you a service according to the few people who read them. When this nonsense ceases I will delete all the non-checker messages no matter what position they have taken. For now all your earlier posts are up as well as those critical of you. I agree with you if you are saying none of this has any place here.

23. Juli 2003, 18:05:50
Thema: Re: Just so I understand
This DB should be used to discuss checkers. Everyone would welcome an end to disputes but it is best resolved in private messages. The checkers DB is not the place for a soap opera.

22. Juli 2003, 21:05:55
Thema: Good News
In the interest of directing the DB back to checkers I am told that Usurper is making a detailed study of 3 move opennings with annotations by the legendary Richard L. Fortman. When he has time we may see some sample lines here. Also I'm looking forward to posting the relevant web sites.

22. Juli 2003, 18:48:13
Thema: Re: Just so I understand
There are some who would say that getting our attention and mocking us IS a bit of an obssession. We like to look at it as a cry for help.

17. Juli 2003, 14:17:49
Thema: Re: Good Win For White
George Miller who resides on top of Bank's Ladder tells me that he uses a method of playing from man down to cramp most programs. He jams his pieces on the lower left side and the programs don't recognize that their options start shrinking with each move. It's very tricky business and not for the squeemish because a single mistake and you lose but Miller seems to have it mastered.

16. Juli 2003, 20:23:11
Thema: Re:
Yes it is the standard numbering system for checkers. I will send you a sample board.

16. Juli 2003, 18:05:09
Thema: Re: this is the endgame
14-17 10-14, 17-22 23-18, 22-26 18-15, 11-18 14-23, 26-31 20-11, 31-26 11-7, 26-19 24-15, 30-26 28-24, 26-23 15-11, 25-30 7-3, 30-26 38, 26-22 11-7, 22-18 8-11 and so it ends. Hope you enjoyed the game. This was the white defense that beat the Chinook Program.

15. Juli 2003, 14:21:07
Thema: Starting with move #20
19-23 27-19, 13-17 22-13, 15-22 13-9, 22-25 9-6, 25-29 6-2,29-25 30-26, 25-30 (26-30) a killer move 21-25 2-7, 1-6 10-1, 3-10 1-6, 10-14 6-10. We can finish up tomorrow.

14. Juli 2003, 21:04:23
Thema: Re: Good Win For White
7-14 17-10, 6-15 19-10, 8-11 24-20, 5-9 28-24, 9-13 23-18, 2-6 18-14, 6-15 14-10, 16-19 32-28 12-16 26-22 (you can see the terrific jockeying for position) I will post some more moves tomorrow.

13. Juli 2003, 19:44:26
Thema: Good Win For White
11-15 23-19, 8-11 22-17, 9-13 17-14, 10-17 21-14, 15-18 26-23, 13-17 31-26, 17-21 25-22, 18-25 29-22, 11-16 22-17, 4-8 14-10. (I will post the next ten moves tomorrow)

11. Juli 2003, 23:24:37
Thema: Re:
The beauty of having all the Chief's that you do is that you can make them say anything you want. You have manufactured 4 of them so can have a great 5 way chat with yourself.

11. Juli 2003, 22:55:38
Thema: Re: KM - Logo of Distinction
If the shoe fits wear it. But it is the KM logo that is not fitting on you.

9. Juli 2003, 14:25:58
Thema: Re: Big Time Tournament
July 15th is the last sign up day. It's the Take No Prisoners Checkers Tournament. There will just be 8 players and one game each. Colors and match ups will be drawn by lot.

9. Juli 2003, 04:01:40
Thema: Re: Big Time Tournament
One spot left. Looks like it will be an exciting tournament. Don't miss out.

5. Juli 2003, 21:28:29
Thema: Re: Big Time Tournament
Only 2 slots left as of July 5. If you like checkers this is your tournament.

4. Juli 2003, 23:14:48
Thema: Big Time Tournament
The Take No Prisoners Checker Tournament has a few slots left. Bring your A Game.

1. Juli 2003, 00:15:10
Thema: Sad News
Innovator has resigned his games and left the site. I sure enjoyed his checker posts and will miss them a lot. I hope he returns.

28. Juni 2003, 21:14:28
Thema: Re:
HEX said he has submitted 2 sets of drawings but has not heard back from Fencer yet. Perhaps we are on the way after all.

23. Juni 2003, 04:43:17
Thema: Re: Does any one knows about inferno opening?
Will research that tonight. I believe it is barred but not certain. Greg would know.

22. Juni 2003, 18:50:53
Thema: Re: here's a new one for white in old 14th
Thanks for the very excellent checker information. I know that the 8 members of the Killing Machine read and follow it with interest.

15. Juni 2003, 20:58:22
Thema: Checker Graphics
Anyone reading this board is probably a checker fan and I'm sure you would like to see checker pieces rather than chess pieces on our checker games. Fencer is aware of this and is working on it I'm sure but perhaps we can let him know there is enough widespread interest in this that it would become a higher priority. Walter HEXYEBO has offered to draw the checker graphics so installing them may not be too daunting a project.

15. Juni 2003, 04:54:53
Thema: Re:
I will have Usurper KM the head of our prison outreach program minister to you on the technique of getting the money out of your cell mate's purse before she knows it is gone. 2025 sounds like a good checker rating but it's too long to wait to re-unite with your friends.

15. Juni 2003, 04:00:50
Thema: Re:
The KM usually accepts one player for every four applicants up to our maximum number of 20. After that everyone goes on the Waiting List. We try to make good checker players out of good people rather than the other way around. So Reddog is correct about the skill level part but we don't let just everyone in. If you play on Goldtoken see Reddog about an application. Good luck on obtaining an early parole. LOL

12. Juni 2003, 00:32:46
Thema: Re: Question
You must have a minimum Brain Knight membership to join a fellowship.

11. Juni 2003, 03:20:13
Thema: Speaking of Smothers
Here is one Clint Olsen did on me during my Goldtoken days. Do this one on a board: 11-15 23-19 7-11 26-23 9-14 22-17 11-16 25-22 16-20 30-26 2-7 23-18 14-23-30 19-16 12-19 31-26 30-23 27-18-11-2 20-27 32-23-16 (feeling pretty good about here) 8-11 16-7 6-9 17-13 9-14 22-17 14-18 28-24 4-8 29-25 18-23 24-19 1015 19-10 5-9 13-6 8-11 25-22 (getting nervous) 11-15 17-14 23-26 21-1726-30 17-13 30-25 22-17 25-21 13-9 It was over.

11. Juni 2003, 02:39:19
Thema: Re: Great play Chief
Thanks.I think people might be interested in your recent excellent smother win against Usurper KM. He does not mind it being posted as I talked to him about it last night. It is a great example of not counting your chickens before they are hatched. lol.

11. Juni 2003, 01:43:56
Thema: Re: checker opening for beginners Old 14th
I was able to beat Chinook with this: 11-15 23-19 9-14 22-17 6-9 17-13 2-6 25-22 8-11 29-25 4-8 24-20 15-24 28-19 11-15 27-24 14-17 21-14 9-18 26-23 18-27 32-23 5-9 23-18 8-11 20-16 11-20-27 18-11-2 27-32 2-7 1-5 7-14 9-18 22-15 3-7 25-22 5-9 30-25 9-14 25-21 14-18 22-17 32-28 17-14 28-24 14-9 6-10 15-6 24-15 6-1 15-10 9-6 10-14 6-2 7-11 2-6 18-22 game was won. Next time I tried same moves the computer had corrected so a new line was needed.

11. Juni 2003, 00:16:25
Thema: Re: checkers
This should be very interesting for the few checker enthusiasts we have here.

5. Juni 2003, 14:45:38
Thema: Re: Excellent Checker Player?
You are very good already. Contact Descenter KM about membership application. The main purpose of the KM is to help people upgrade their skills through game analysis and referral to websites dedicated to helping checker lovers improve their game.

29. Mai 2003, 00:22:46
Thema: Excellent Checker Player?
The Killing Machine Checker club may want to talk to you. Contact Descenter KM or myself for information.

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