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Discuss about checkers game or find new opponents. No insulting, baiting or flaming other players. Off topic posts are subject to deletion and if it persists the poster faces sanctions. This board is for checkers.

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16. Juli 2011, 00:06:25
He is a great man

15. Juli 2011, 02:57:26
Thema: Re:
biggooner: wow...I guess checker playing is an O'Brien trait :-)

14. Juli 2011, 20:20:41
I may be behind the times as only just found it but this documentary is truly brilliant

12. Juli 2011, 21:01:16
ustica tnp 
Thema: Re:
Purple: bill look this game."" he play all way. only a sore loser play the way. i thin was pray if i time out...

12. Juli 2011, 14:10:47
Thema: Re:
Stardust: Some of the best players can't do well at Giveaway checkers and some very poor players excel at Giveaway. I can't really understand why it is.

12. Juli 2011, 13:33:23
Thema: Re:
biggooner: It's apples and oranges...they play a different game and try to pass it off as checkers

12. Juli 2011, 11:04:08
Gabriel Almeida 
Thema: Re:
ustica tnp: Of course not! That is the point! :)

12. Juli 2011, 08:36:53
Thema: Re:
ustica tnp: Thats why seen you alll at tournaments.... oh silly me, maybe not

12. Juli 2011, 04:37:54
ustica tnp 
Thema: Re:
Purple: bill no one beat km club in any site. :)

10. Juli 2011, 01:43:14
Verändert von rod03801 (10. Juli 2011, 01:45:57)
This board WILL NOT sink into personal fights. This is the ONLY warning. Thank you. As the Moderator said, the personal stuff will be dropped, and the topic will be Checkers. Not accusations back and forth. And, this will not be debated here either.

10. Juli 2011, 01:30:00
I am gooner but not on in a while so account closed, nice try lol

9. Juli 2011, 12:45:19
Thema: Re:
Stardust: Of course.

9. Juli 2011, 03:28:06
Thema: Re:
Purple: There is a place called the real world where people actually sit across a board from their opponent and play a game or two of checkers. Not all games are played on computers, or with computers, for that matter.

8. Juli 2011, 23:13:00
Thema: Re:
Purple: Probably, you're pinchitos...he's. My mistake.

8. Juli 2011, 12:53:12
Thema: Re:
biggooner<Why does your profile show you have never played any games with anyone? Are you using another nic? Let us drop the subject.

8. Juli 2011, 11:55:40
Thema: Re:
Gabriel Almeida: just saying how his game changes with the weather. So have no idea why he is preaching. Maybe he should practise what he preaches

8. Juli 2011, 11:28:47
Gabriel Almeida 
Thema: Re:
biggooner: That was the point of my message too! Cheating? Programs? For some players, "playing the game" is still the most important thing. That's nice. The others are trash, for me!

8. Juli 2011, 11:20:51
your getting boring purple, I have played you several times, and at times you make comp moves and other times your moves are inconsistent. To some people ratings are more important than the game

7. Juli 2011, 21:43:13
Gabriel Almeida 
Thema: Clean players

Wanna see how plays a "clean player"? See this game! It was won for me, after a hard fight. Skinny congratulated me for that. But, while talking to a friend, I made a stupid mistake, and lost it. Skinny noticed it, asked me what happened, and when I told him, he offered me the draw! That's what a great player do!

I resigned the game, because it was my mistake, but preciate skinny's attitud. That's because of players like skinny that BK it's still a good site.

6. Juli 2011, 17:42:08
Thema: Re:
Darles Chickens: Programs play very predicatable lines but not.easy to spot. Many legitimate players use the same few moves so it takes lots of games to spot a user. A few years ago a player unashamedly sold his Checker programs right here on this site. The late, great Richard Fortman beat programs very have some others.

6. Juli 2011, 17:08:03
Darles Chickens 
And if all have the knowledge about available programs, I think it would be easier to catch the cheaters and prevent the use...

6. Juli 2011, 17:01:25
Darles Chickens 
Thema: Re:
Purple: ok, let's put a stone on km's grave, never forgetting the evilness of a few (5, huh?)... Now, back to the first goal, and I hope you do have a word to say... It is regretable to use programs in our games!  It's not honest and this should be inculcated in everyone's conciousness. We can't prove with certainty that someone used a program against us, but we can decline a game against someone if we suspect he's using a program. The only way I have to check if someone's using a program is to analyse all moves and make a comparison. and even so it's very hard, because we have to run several programs. So, back to beginning, unless someone has a better idea, its all a question of conciousness...

6. Juli 2011, 16:15:40
Thema: Re:
Darles Chickens: Out of 68 KM members there were 5 using programs. There were many more innocent than the few guilty. There were bans for multiple nics and ratings boosting..not for program use.

6. Juli 2011, 16:04:14
Darles Chickens 
Thema: Re:
Purple: I wonder...Why did you posted that km comment, if I only wrote that I would like everyone to know what programs are beeing used in checkers and anti-checkers games, to prevent cheating? I know you're a good person and your subconscious send you a message to discard yourself from that regretable group...But, as Shakespeare wrote in Julius Caesar's play and you very well quoted: "The evil that men do lives after them..the good is often interred with their bones", I guess km evil is very alive, because some players are still using such programs...

6. Juli 2011, 10:01:25
Gabriel Almeida 
Thema: Re:

Darles Chickens: I'm still blocked by Purple because I asked about KM group and "the possibility" of cheating... eheheheh. I see some bones up in the air, never interred! ;)

Yeah, programs are such an idiot way to win games. I can't understand why some people do it! I have my own theory, but I'll tell it to you in some other place, where my words can't be deleted, Mr. Darles. ;)

5. Juli 2011, 13:07:04
Thema: Re:
Darles Chickens: The evil that men do lives after them..the good is often interred with their bones. So let it be with the KM. :)

5. Juli 2011, 12:29:16
Darles Chickens 
Thema: Re:
Purple: the saying goes: "you missed a good opportunity to be quiet". As we all know, km gang had a reputation (how can I say this in a soft way?...) at least questionable. Or maybe praiseworthy for those who only seek win, regardeless the means to achieve it...For me, using a program is always regrettable and shows lack of principles.

5. Juli 2011, 01:03:56
Thema: Re:
Stardust: Program vs Program ends in draws 99 out of 100 times.

5. Juli 2011, 00:14:49
Thema: Re:
Purple: The KM members who beat those programs did so because they were using those programs

4. Juli 2011, 23:55:55
Thema: Re:
Darles Chickens: I had KM members who regularly beat programs. They were that good.

4. Juli 2011, 16:03:24
Darles Chickens 
Verändert von Darles Chickens (12. Juli 2011, 12:48:06)

I stopped playing regular checkers after finding that some of my opponents were using programs such as CakeManchester or Chinook to make their moves. So, I downloaded Cake Manchester, from Martin Fierz's homepage and now, when I want to play a good game, I do it against my machine. What I found a few months ago, was that Martin also developed a suicidal version for his Cake (here known as anti-checkers). I downloaded it too, and after playing some games against it, I found very familiar moves from games I had with two or three opponents, specially from I surely hope that people will reconsider the use of such programs in their moves, or there will be no interest at all to keep playing those games here, against real players, when in reality we're doing that against a machine...

By the way, the site to download those programs: 

14. Januar 2011, 20:42:42
Thema: Re: Top Players
Verändert von Purple (14. Januar 2011, 20:44:46)
rod03801: Never really checked it out. Thanks

14. Januar 2011, 17:59:48
Thema: Re: Top Players
Purple: Well, we have had Stairs for years now. (Same general idea as ladders)

14. Januar 2011, 14:21:59
Thema: Re: Top Players
rod03801: Do you think Fencer would reconsider setting up some ladders, maybe in chess, checkers and Backgammon to begin with? Goldtoken and It's Your Turn have them and anything they can do we can do better. Not so?

13. Januar 2011, 17:48:35
Gabriel Almeida 
Thema: Re: Top Players
Purple: Anyway, people are free to choose who they wanna play with. For several reasons. Time they use in a game, for example. Or for "friend affinities". Or even other reasons. I like to play against some good players because I trully believe they are "fair players" and I can always learn something with them. I believe they also like to play with me.

13. Januar 2011, 17:45:48
Gabriel Almeida 
Thema: Re: Top Players
Purple: I can understand Why... I wouldn't play against you either. Or against Pinchitos, or against Ustica...

13. Januar 2011, 17:23:26
Thema: Re: Top Players
Hexis: I am speaking in general. I can't rise in the rankings because no top player will play me.

13. Januar 2011, 17:12:35
Thema: Re: Top Players
Purple: Do you mean any particular players?

13. Januar 2011, 16:36:21
Thema: Re: Top Players
rod03801: Then once every 89 days you can play an EASY win from someone rated 50th and your rating will be unaffected. Too easy to manipulate and I would like stiffer penalties for inactive players.

13. Januar 2011, 15:44:20
Thema: Re: Top Players
Purple: Actually, quite a while ago it was implemented that after 90 days of not completing a particular game, a rook will be hidden on the rankings. Once they complete another game, they "re-appear". You will notice on your own profile, that each game that has a "red" date, you do not have a ranking in.

For pawns, I believe it is 30 days.

13. Januar 2011, 14:45:42
Thema: Top Players
What is a person to do when the top player "does not wish to be invited to any games?" He will stay there forever with no one ever having any hope of overtaking him. Makes a maockery of the rankings.

28. September 2009, 14:12:58
Thema: Re: Question About the Rules of International Checkers
Helibore: I doubt that is the case. After all, if you make a mistake, and the stones are quickly removed the situation is the same. Furthermore, in any serious competition, players must write down their moves anyway.

No, the reason is that you are not allowed to jump a stone twice. If you make a multiple capture using a queen, if you would remove the stones during the move, it may be that it appears the queen has a free path, instead of being blocked by an already taken stone.

While speaking on this subject, shortly after International and other national checker variants appeared, I asked Fencer to make it on the move confirmation visible which checkers had been taken in this move (for instance, by showing them with a blue border). He answered positively, but it still hasn't happened. :(

25. September 2009, 12:59:22
Thema: Re: Question About the Rules of International Checkers

It is because you have to take track of the multiple captures, I guess.
So your opponet can aks you to take the correct jump if you made a mistake.
Were they removed, it is almost impossible to reconsruct and to object.

23. Feburar 2009, 05:35:03
The Usurper 
Thema: Re: open invites
John Toomey: Games got picked up. Life is good.

23. Feburar 2009, 04:59:52
The Usurper 
Thema: Re:
John Toomey: Would be better if you'd pick up one of my open invites. lol

23. Feburar 2009, 04:57:49
John Toomey 
Hi all, hope life's good with you!

20. Feburar 2009, 22:17:02
Thema: Thank You ;
Thank,s Rod. Got it now Agian ty.

20. Feburar 2009, 21:08:33
Thema: Re: Hawaiian Checkers;
WinterAngel: You couldn't have checked correctly. There are Hawaiian Checkers games on each set of stairs on that link. (Except the "cubed" stairs of course, as those are only backgammon games) Once you click the link he provided, you then click on the type of stairs with the time controls that you like. You will see a list which includes every single game Brainking offers. You then join the stairs for that game, and choose someone to play.

20. Feburar 2009, 20:17:19
Thema: Hawaiian Checkers;
I have already checked there none going of that game Thank You.

20. Feburar 2009, 12:47:12
Thema: Re: Hawaiian Checkers?
WinterAngel: Did you try this?

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