Discuss about checkers game or find new opponents. No insulting, baiting or flaming other players. Off topic posts are subject to deletion and if it persists the poster faces sanctions. This board is for checkers.
Liste der Diskussionsforen
Es ist Dir nicht erlaubt, Nachrichten in diesem Forum zu schreiben. Man muss dazu mindestens den Mitgliedsrang Brain Bauer (Pawn) haben!
Stardust: The only reason I find to keep a game for 7 years (and it seems to go on and on...) is that both payers are the most stubborn in the world!!! Weeeell, I could figure another reason, but it would be something like a marriage....lol...is it?
Stardust: The only reason I find to keep a game for 7 years (and it seems to go on and on...) is that both payers are the most stubborn in the world!!! Weeeell, I could figure another reason, but it would be something like a marriage....lol...is it?
Gabriel Almeida: Tú estás pior..."O" Brady é uma gaja francesa...e teimosa como uma mula! Isto a propósito de teres usado o ..."he" wants to win... Assim com'assim, é mais "he man..." :)))
Tuesday: Not quite...If it was that way, some people would take years to finish their games, just to annoy the opponent. If the moves are always the same, the game should be declared draw (by Fencer, I guess)
Undertaker.: Encosta-a a um dos cantos e obriga-a a repetir os movimentos três vezes. Basta isso para comunicares ao Fencer que ele deverá dar a partida por empatada. Já me aconteceu o mesmo uma vez e ele resolveu o problema assim. No itsyourturn.com, se se repetirem 3 vezes os mesmos movimentos, a partida é automaticamente empatada. aqui, ainda é preciso pedir...Boa sorte ;)
david upshaw: No, David, I would never consider myself as a candidate to moderator. I have a democratic ideal about "discussion foruns" that is not suitable with arrogance, as I see now...I surely would like to see people interested in checkers as moderaters of this forum, because that would take this forward. I can see many candidates for that, such as Vic, Greg Murray, Undertaker and so many others that even have already published interesting articles about checkers. This is not a persecution of the moderators of this forum but only what everybody can see...Aboute the menaces of being banned from here, I would rather prefer that than beeing part of a forum where any diferent oppinion is considered a "trouble"...As someone once said, I rather prefer dying on my feet than living on my knees...Be good!
david upshaw: why not discuss the changing of moderators? Maybe then this forum would live again...who knows? Check the messages posted here after September/2007 and we must ask if this forum has a reason to live...Why dont you ask to people which are really interested in checkers to become moderators?
Verändert von Manuel M (5. Dezember 2007, 16:33:05)
"Discuss about checkers game or find new opponents. No insulting, baiting or flaming other players. Off topic posts are subject to deletion and if it persists the poster faces sanctions. This board is for checkers."
Making publicity about a checkers club is in any of the items above? I wonder...hmmmmm...