Rock Pool Shuffle take care not to slip on the seaweed or you will be in the sea. Zurück zur Pondliste
Pondtyp: Laufe um den Teich Pond ID: 378 Minimale Anzahl an Spielern: 16 Maximale Spieleranzahl: unlimitiert Zeit pro Zug: 1 Tag Start: 25. April 2005, 01:00:00 Ende: 7. Juli 2005, 01:05:04
(23. Mai 2005, 11:28:26) Everyone is sleeping on the job ! Well except for Vikings, Nothingness, George and Vamp
(23. Mai 2005, 01:37:52) looks like some people forgot to look down
Ziehen: 14
Foxy Lady:
(8. Mai 2005, 12:03:59) Happy Mothers Day
Ziehen: 13
Foxy Lady:
(7. Mai 2005, 10:39:01) oh oh
Ziehen: 12
Dark Vamp:
(6. Mai 2005, 01:17:39) LOL wtg Foxy Lady!
Ziehen: 11
Foxy Lady:
(5. Mai 2005, 07:31:29) Yippie
Ziehen: 10
Foxy Lady:
(4. Mai 2005, 06:05:18) TY Dark Vamp but i want at least one win
Ziehen: 9
Dark Vamp:
(3. Mai 2005, 01:35:21) Brovo Foxy Lady!
Ziehen: 8
Foxy Lady:
(2. Mai 2005, 06:18:42) Yahoooooooo
Ziehen: 7
Foxy Lady:
(1. Mai 2005, 06:33:41) Hi DV
Dark Vamp:
(1. Mai 2005, 01:28:27)
Ziehen: 6
(30. April 2005, 23:31:26)
Ziehen: 5
Dark Vamp:
(29. April 2005, 04:30:16) lol
Foxy Lady:
(29. April 2005, 03:30:10) yahooooooooo
Ziehen: 4
(28. April 2005, 20:17:50) Alright, thanks.
(28. April 2005, 01:13:17) unless of courses your betting 800 when everyone is still betting 20-30 then its stupid to bet for the bonus.
Ziehen: 3
The Hunter:
(28. April 2005, 00:13:24) the point is if you get 500 point bonus by bidding 501 it is the same as bidding only 1 point without getting eliminated.
(27. April 2005, 21:02:26) What is the point of bidding over 500 points to get the 500 points? I don't understand!
Foxy Lady:
(27. April 2005, 02:24:05)
Dark Vamp:
(27. April 2005, 01:08:57)
Ziehen: 2
Foxy Lady:
(26. April 2005, 03:52:14) yippie
(26. April 2005, 01:16:09) ah - one day per move. this is more like it! i'm in one 5-day-per-move pond...i'd swear i move on it about once every two weeks.
Ziehen: 1
(25. April 2005, 10:50:22) GL :)
(25. April 2005, 02:51:53) good luck to all.!!
(25. April 2005, 02:42:52) This frog has never strayed close to the pond since growing his legs - and he doesnt plan on falling in for the first time today.... i hope....
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