Aug 6, 2023 Paid BK a short visit during a too quiet period on Goldtoken. Played some invite games plus one tournament. So gone again. See you here again in a week or 3 years... or never. I don't know. In the meanwhile I'm to be found on GT. I check in every month or so, mostly to read the boards to see if there are some juicy insults. I'm also curious to see if Play Cloning Gammon for a prize. will ever finish.
Early 2020, written after the passing of my friend alexlee: I'm winding down my BK activity. My interest in this site matches that of the owner: close to freezing point. Pity, it was a good site and still has a lot of potential, but...
So: No new games, tourneys, invites, thank you.
For the curious:
'rabbitoid' was my favorite race in the old conquer-the-galaxy game 'stars!'. any fans arround, yet?
here's a link to the race descriptions in that game.
(verstecken) Wenn du auf einer Persons Name klickst und dann Beendete Spiele erscheint eine Liste von Spielen welche die Person spielt. Nun klickst du auf ein Spiel deiner Wahl um alle beendeten Spiele dieser Spielart zu sehen. Wähle nun Spiele aus dieser Liste um diese zu analysieren. (Servant) (zeige alle Tips)