If you like Anti-gammon or find hard to find players for game, join us.
You can join the Anti-gammon team. ;-)
All levels of skills are welcome !!!
Anti-Team Results:
Friendly games (Wins/Draws/Losses) 31/2/2 vs. "Le" Club 7:1 vs. Lorien 11:1, 3:1 vs. Game Addicts 4:1,7:3,7:3 vs. Ali´s 4:1,6:4 vs. ITALIANS DO IT BETTER :D 4:3,11:3,4:2 vs. Republic of Uganda 8:0,3:1,7:2, 8:2, 5.5:6.5, 7:1, 10:0, 10:2 vs. Safe Haven 2:2 vs. Společenství přátel 6:2 vs. Monkeys swinging madhouse 3:1,14:0,8:0,5:3,6:4, 7:3, 4:6 vs. The Untouchables 5:5 vs. Radost z vítězství 7:3 vs. One 7:3, 13:1, 10:0
vs. A Wham Bams 4:0
vs. let´s dance 3:3, 8:6, 0:2 8:5
Team tournament results:
-->Sysifos<-- (35:5) Sysifos (1.place) vs. Turkish Friendship group 7:3 vs. Republic of Uganda 9:1 vs. Radost z vítězství 9:1 vs. Společenství přátel 10:0 final vs. The Sunshine Club 6:4 ->(1st place)<-- Players in team: Vikings, TheAlchemyst, whikki, perin, chessik
-->Night watch(Noční hlídka) <-- (32:8) Noční hlídka (2.place) .. congratulation The Untouchables vs. Monkeys Swinging madhouse 7:3 vs. Republic of Uganda 9:1 vs. The teamplayers 10:0 vs. One 6:4 final group 10:10 -->(2nd place)<-- vs. Turkish Friendship Group 7:3 vs. The Untouchables 3:7 Players in team: chessik, whikki, Vikings, Resher, perin
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