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Merry-go-round (23. April 2006, 21:5
BKP Games 5
Hyperpavouk :)
J.T.single elimintion I. - 1wins match
DarkClub (1. Feburar 2006, 11:21:08
Marfiččina banda (1. Feburar 2006, 11:08:17)
Single elimination tournament in hypergammon #1
Neznalkovo spolecenstvo (28. Dezember 2005, 16:07:
For the love of the game(All games unrated)
Marficcina banda (24. Oktober 2005, 13:3
Reinkarnace srazového turnaje
Marficcina banda (3. September 2005, 11:
Okouni na másle (21. August 2005, 16:03:37)
BKP Games 3
A žijí Martiny !!!
A žijí Martiny !!!
Fast Start - First 5 to sign - Hyper Gammon #65
All games - first four
Žabáci a žabušky
Quickie HyperBack 45
Fast for four
Fast for four
Home Bound (16. April 2005, 14:43:31)
Frothy Fast Espionage II
Neználkovo spoleèenstvo Piškvorky
Happy Birthday, txaggie!
The Sunshine Club ☼ Five in Line 8
Fast Start - First 5 to sign - Swap 5 in Line #2
czechoslovak nuclear programme
Fast Start - First 5 to sign - Pro Five in Line #2
v?echny dámy co dou, max BKR 1600
The Sunshine Club ☼ Five In Line 7
Espionage for beginners!
►►►►►► Tournament # 2,000! - ALL INVITED! ◄◄◄◄◄◄
Merry-go-round (25. February 2005, 13:09:06)
ARPA'S ALL GAMES # 2 ( under 1700 )
ARPA'S ALL GAMES # 2 ( under 1700 )
ARPA'S ALL GAMES # 2 ( under 1700 )
Line 4 1500BKR
naval base #2
Happy Holidays - fast - Happy 2005
Ramblin' Games for NEWBIES...
The fast and the furious
for four
naval base
All-in-line no.4
Prosincovy turnaj
You name it #2

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