This board can be used as a missing folks board for people who are away from the site for a period of time. This rpobably would mean a month or longer.
If anyone has info on some one who hasn't been at the site for some time please let others know. The original intent of this board was to get and give info on missing people after Katrina and Rita hit the US..
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Not sure this is the right forum, since Kate wrote on her profile she was leaving for a while, but anyway... If anyone can get in touch with Kate_2010, please let her know Triss is back and missing her. Thank you.
Hi! Been a very long time. Have some time off of work, looking for old friends to send me game invites. REALLY rusty on my games, so should help your stats. I have missed everyone *1*
Stingette: From what I can tell, she has been active at (She was there today, anyway) And her name had been "InHospital" and now is back to her old name.
Chimera: Patty Poo is having problems with her Webtv. She is in the process of getting a computer or laptop. But I don't know when. She is feeling ok and will be back on BK ASAP.
Walter Montego: I never found out why he quit playing here. Someone else also said he was not feeling well but I find it hard to believe he was so sick he would not have at least put a note on his profile that he was leaving. He had a lot of friends here.
alexlee: alexlee: I have been wondering this myself. I just found this discussion board.
What happened to Pedro Martinez? I was playing him a game of Backgammon when he mentioned he wasn't feeling well. That is the last communication I have had with him. January 23rd, 2012.
He was a very active player and participant of BrainKing.
alexlee: I'm in central Iowa, because of the hills and 2 rivers going thru our town we are pretty safe, they come close but never hit us. most of the tornado's this year have been well south of us, so far
alexlee: Thanks, I'm back and will catch up on games starting tomorrow, I got into a disagreement with my ISP. they insisted that they were in the right so I insisted to give my money to someone else
Snoopy: Thank you. Glad she is ok and I will pass on the message to who asked me about her. She is still the Big Boss of a club here, thought pawns could not own clubs?
Thank you for the up date. Tom said that he may get a computer for himself. I guess he didn't. My thoughts and prayers to all of them. I know that trials can be stressful so I hope it was okay for Brian to be on a jury. It was stress and his heart that put him in the hospital before. If anyone hears from Tiger Cat or Tom please tell them that I was asking about Tiger Cat.
Amandakmg365: Hopefully someone will update us...this was the last we have heard: 10. September 2010 Our Mom was back in the hospital for a 1 wk & that was on Aug 16th & Brian went for his followup check up on the 19th & everything is fine Thank Goodness but at the moment he is on Jury Duty...he has been there since Aug. 23rd. He has to go back tomorrow & has to go back next week as well. He leaves around 7am & doesn't get home until 5pm at the latest. I haven't been coming over as much as I like lately but getting the kids up & ready for school is a chore along w/ working 10-12 hr shifts now. Brian is awfully sorry that he hasn't been able to take his turns or posting an update on everything...Thank You for understanding, Tom
Hello. Has anyone seen or heard from Tiger Cat? Our games will be timing out soon and I had set them for one month. I know that he has a fellowship but I am not a paid member so I can't check it out.
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