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Du har ikke rettigheder til at skrive meddelelser til dette bord, Mindste medlemsskabsniveau nødvendigt for at skrive til dette bord er BrainBonde.
well has been having some trouble over the last 2 days. I am looking into getting a secondary server to make things like this impossible(if you know any hosting companies that support php and are cheap please suggest them). In the mean time to apologize:
For the next 24 hours all games receive 3x the points. For the 24 hours after that all games receive 2x the points.
Every point can be redeemed for a raffle ticket for the 6 month rook membership being given away. Membership can be given to a friend or tacked on the end of your current membership.
Chaosu: Autostart means that you won't have to click until a 6 appears to start the game as the system will roll dice until one of the players gets a 6. Autopass means it skips until you have any move.
I'm a little lost in options, whats the difference with autopass 'start' and 'on' ? And can I make autopass over no legal moves? Do I understand good that in competition You get one chance for one point, and drawing will be at the end of july?
aaru: Top 10 Most Moves in a Single Day: and Top 10 Average Moves/Day: only change once a day. The 3 stats that show after finishing a game are those related to the game. The others are site wide. I will be adding more games in the near future and for each there will be the 3 that show after the game ends.
So the answer is it is possible but I don't think it makes sence. If others disagrea speak up.
% based win/loss system I don't think is the best because it is difficult to increase your score after you have played many games. Does anyone know the formula to a system like BKR that I could use for
playBunny: You will be happy to know the ludo on is faster still with the code. If you take more then 1.5 sec to chose your move there is no delay at all.
if you register an account after loging in this way then logging in through or through the above will access the same account. Working on the link feature for people that already have an account(I manually linked the 2 that had already made accounts)
Now if only fencer would add a link to this automatically filling in the blanks you could easily click on the link and play games on without having to log in manually.
playBunny: ya you registered right while I was fixing it. That error is corrected now. Though obviously there are some bugs still. Some how you have 3 open games in my database(waists space should not effect game play as only the first one is ever used and that one should always be correct).
Hey one person has 18 points on my site already.
Tonight job finish BK and facebook interfaces. Then petition Fencer to add a link to the BK login script when you have no games that it is your turn in. Do I have any supporters for that?
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/mctrivia/public_html/aigamez/pages/register.class.php:15) in /home/mctrivia/public_html/aigamez/pages/register.class.php on line 50 as the response to registering but going to the main page I found that the registration had worked.
playBunny: ok found 2 more bugs that worked on my local server but not here. Fixed now. If you see any bugs or have any improvement suggestions to make it better please tell me.
If you create an account and log in then your games are stored indefinetly and you can get points wich later will be redemable for prizes. If you don't you can ply but your games are only saved as long as you maintain the session(until you close firefox) and you don't get any points.
Other then Statistics, Prizes, and Feature Request options in the menu don't work the site should be fully functional. It can be loged on to from facebook using
Emne: Re: With autoeverything it's like shot off a hot shivel
playBunny: well i will try at 250ms and see how the server handles(been pretty good). No i ment the ajax autopass and automove are much quicker then the method used before and now you atleast have a nive graphic and never get firefox loop error message.
Emne: Re: With autoeverything it's like shot off a hot shivel
mctrivia: Lol, I'm only teasing about the speed. I know there's nothing you can do to get more oomph out of the server ;-) It's true that the auto's speed it up. Unfortunately it's much harder to control the dice using psychic energy waves if you're not playing roll by roll. .
mctrivia: Heh heh. Your exact words "it runs much faster now"
A 500 ms timer delay won't give at least 1/2 q second but 1/4 of a second on average - occasionally near 1/2, occasionally paractically negligble, mostly inbetween.
i did not say it would be faster said it would seem faster. Actually I had to slow it down a tad to keep the server happy. This way there is always at least .5sec per page.
mctrivia: Lol. I'm sorry to say that it actually runs slower! You have a delay loop of 500 millisecs which will add, on average, a quarter of a second to the wait.
reloadPage() and its timer loop are redundant. They check to see whether moveDone() has received a response but they aren't needed because if moveDone() receives a response it knows about it. But, because nothing happens until reloadPage() finds out that moveDone()'s been lucky, there's the extra timeOut() delay.
mctrivia: I've been thinking about the name. "Autostart" would probably be more informative and also more accurate if you should change the rules so that a 4, for example, can start as well.
playBunny: very good point. I am currently overhalling the ludoBoard class to make a 4 player version not need entirely new code. Once working properly I will add autosixes to the choice.
mctrivia: Ah, that would do away with the 50-50 situation at the end as well, where you're both waiting for the one dice to win the game. I think that's part of the fun and frustration of the game, where you're willing your number to come up. As such it has value whereas waiting for either to get a 6 has little suspense, perhaps only when there's one man each in the base.
As this auto option is intended for those who have the other two off because they want to see every play, I think the extra diversity isn't the bonus that it might seem. I'd be happy with autosixes. (Plus it saves the search for a better name for the auto-skip-to-action , although you could have that option as well!).
playBunny: Well i can make a new feature "auto pass until eather player can play" so it passes until you or opponent can play. Has a llittle more diverse use but what would I call it.
mctrivia: The current autopass means that the game plays itself while you're stuck. This idea isn't like that. It's only applicable when neither side can move. That's the case at the start of 5/6 games. There's no value in watching non-sixes being rolled at this stage. Putting autopass on would mean missing the start if it's the opponent who gets the 6. They'll charge off around the board without a single view of the board being shown. In the very rare worst case the game ends before you get out and you don't see a thing. In the usual case they get one or two, maybe even three or four, men out.
There's also the situation during a game when both sides have done all that they can (all the pieces that are out have been pushed as far into their home as possible, only the base pieces have any potential) and the players are back to rolling like mad to get a 6. The same deal could be used there. In the game record (if you keep one) you could list all the non-6 rolls and passes but the next page view for the player would be whoever's 6 it was.
A suggested name for this option would be autosixes. ;-)
playBunny: not sure what you are asking here. At present if you can't get a 6 you can turn autopass on to skip ahead till you get a 6 or opponent wins.
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