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The average number of moves needed to break the opponent's code would be an excellent measure of the playing strength. But is there a statistical way to compute it ?
I couldn't think of a way of accounting for the lost games, which doesn't mean that there isn't any way to do it.
Puckish: The response is one month old, but it is a positive one ! You can now have numbers on top of the Logik pegs by selecting it in your settings page
AbigailII: Aargh, I would never be able to play giant Logic with colours, whatever the colours chosen :-) But yes, an alternate piece set would be nice ! Otherwise, something should be done about this grey colour. Orange would be OK if well half-way between yellow and red, green a bit more problematic for colour-blinds. A darker grey would probably do it for everybody. Anyway, a set with letters or numbers would be great. There are probably people who are more colour-blind than me here.
I don't remember whether I have asked that before, but could we please have colours that are easier to distinguish for colour-blind people ? As they are, I can hardly distinguish the pink from the light green, while all others are OK (hint : most colour-blind people have a red vs green deficiency).