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23. August 2005, 21:17:24
Grim Reaper 
Emne: Re:

She is 6'4 and 7/8ths, but she was strutting around in 3 inch heels. She usually wears platforms...

23. August 2005, 20:03:34
Grim Reaper 
The prize is open to anyone in the world. Alexis travels 300,000 miles a year as a model and has killer frequent flyer miles.

We also have a contract, so whoever wins, that's where she goes.

23. August 2005, 17:30:55
Grim Reaper 
Here are some more pictures of Alexis with us in New York:

I mention this to show that she really has agreed to be the prize for a date in this tournament:

19. August 2005, 20:54:06
Grim Reaper 
Emne: Re:
Tilpasset af Grim Reaper (19. August 2005, 20:55:12)
Andre Faria: You had better check your pockets after a date with Wynnona, she was arrested for shoplifting before.

19. August 2005, 07:39:17
Grim Reaper 
Emne: Re: Alexis has agreed to meet with the winner,

Well then why not play in this checkers tournament instead?

18. August 2005, 18:58:12
Grim Reaper 
Alexis has agreed to meet with the winner, based on the contract we have with her for promotional events and appearances for 2005/2006. I don't think some of you take this seriously, but the prize is there for the taking, and if more people don't sign up, I am going to join!

18. August 2005, 02:55:44
Grim Reaper 
Emne: Pawnless Checkers Championship
Since some players condone sending duplicate pawn IDs into tournaments to effect the outcome, this will cure that and produce a valid checkers champion of BrainKing.

15. August 2005, 07:31:09
Grim Reaper 
An interesting prize to the winner.

27. Juni 2005, 07:01:38
Grim Reaper 
Emne: No time off
where is the setting so that you can make it a "vacationless" tournament?

26. Juni 2005, 01:38:06
Grim Reaper 
Emne: Gothic Chess 12 hours per move

11. Juni 2005, 23:54:15
Grim Reaper 

2. Juni 2005, 05:12:05
Grim Reaper 
Emne: Re: Question
Tilpasset af Grim Reaper (2. Juni 2005, 05:13:34)
fungame: I wanted to create a tournament with 2 games, Froglet and Ant Froglet. Whatever I try, the result is always a tournament with ALL games. Some nasty bug there or can someone help?

The solution requires some Quantum Mechanics knowledge. First, matter and anti-matter will annihilate one another if present in equal mass equivalences, producing a fantastic release of energy (see E = MC squared).

When you combine "Froglet" with "Anti-froglet", the subsequent energy release creates what is known as an Einstein-Rosen bridge (also known as a wormhole.) Under the right conditions, this may spawn a "white hole" the opposite of the well known infinite gravity well ("black hole"). As a black hole destroys matter, a white hole releases matter (and energy) back into the universe.

So, your froglet/anti-froglet pair produced this extra mass, and they came out as additional games that you did not specify.

31. Maj 2005, 05:54:28
Grim Reaper 
Beg pardon?

31. Maj 2005, 05:09:00
Grim Reaper 
Emne: Re: tourney question
THE HIT MAN: sorry thats all part of playing games You can't win them all

Umm... I disagree.

28. Maj 2005, 11:11:56
Grim Reaper 
Emne: Re: behaviour
fungame: ...But it's strongly unpolite...

Just as an FYI, the word is impolite. Another one of those weird English words that does not fit the standard mold.

23. Maj 2005, 08:18:49
Grim Reaper 
Emne: Checkers Slugfest

11. Maj 2005, 07:39:44
Grim Reaper 
Emne: Re: ? ALL games for dummies (under 1500 & unrated) #9?
BIG BAD WOLF: I couldn't get into the Gothic Chess section, darn

7. Maj 2005, 03:42:25
Grim Reaper 
I remember those raingutter regattas we used to race popsicle sticks along the curb after a soaking rain.

4. Maj 2005, 09:32:54
Grim Reaper 
There were 6 signed up, I deleted the tournament and started over

4. Maj 2005, 09:05:12
Grim Reaper 
The software key generator is $175. Am I supposed to send that to you with the unlocked appication so you can generate the key when the winner sends you the code?

4. Maj 2005, 08:57:26
Grim Reaper 

4. Maj 2005, 08:54:53
Grim Reaper 
Emne: Re: Re:
Fencer: ridiculous micro management

4. Maj 2005, 05:49:41
Grim Reaper 
I cant send the key until the winner sends me info from his hardware where the program is running

4. Maj 2005, 04:09:24
Grim Reaper 
I have a question. I am running a prize tournament, but the prize is a copy of my software program which is available here:

Given that the prize is easily bestowed, why will the tournament still not start?

I have emailed Fencer but have no reply. There is no "cash" for this event, just a software key, which will only work on one machine, the machine of the winner.

How does one get the tournament started?

2. Maj 2005, 21:55:47
Grim Reaper 
Emne: Win Gothic Vortex Tournament

5. April 2005, 06:53:10
Grim Reaper 
Emne: 103 players
Tilpasset af Grim Reaper (5. April 2005, 06:54:59)

4. April 2005, 05:47:54
Grim Reaper 
You left off one of the tournaments with 103 gothic chess players. It is still going on now.

1. April 2005, 16:37:00
Grim Reaper 
Emne: Re: Congratulations Goes to Ed Trice
ScarletRose: yay, I won!

29. Marts 2005, 06:28:07
Grim Reaper 
well, if you are not sure who he is, then...

"you don't know jack!"

26. Oktober 2004, 02:12:08
Grim Reaper 
Tilpasset af Grim Reaper (26. Oktober 2004, 03:45:12)
There is an apparent "studder" in the second section when seeding the players.

Section 1 gets seed #1

Section 2 gets seed #2
Section 2 gets seed #3

Section 1 gets seed #4
Section 1 gets seed #5

then it alternates. It's a good system which promotes competition to the maximum.

7. Juli 2004, 04:49:11
Grim Reaper 
The only time I don't have fun is when I give up a draw :)

6. April 2004, 02:38:38
Grim Reaper 
Emne: For the strong

17. Marts 2004, 03:27:33
Grim Reaper 
Dano has died, was reincarnated, and came back speaking English.

22. November 2003, 14:39:52
Grim Reaper 
I didn't know Ronco was even running a Master's Checker Tournament.

20. November 2003, 01:10:19
Grim Reaper 
Emne: Much to my surprise...
...a tournament that I had long since forgot about is now starting the Final Section. This 3-day Gothic Chess Tournament started back in June!

Here is the link for those who have good memories and can remember that far back.

19. November 2003, 01:18:11
Grim Reaper 
Emne: For the record...
I have not deleted any posts in this board today. If they were moderated, Fencer has done the moderating.

There are some posts that still don't belong here. If you want everyone to see what you wrote, let it remain. Otherwise, moderate yourselves.

19. November 2003, 00:23:06
Grim Reaper 
Emne: Volunteers
I see there are 37 posts that showed up here while I was teaching my Gothic Chess classes.

If you believe your post does not belong here, please feel free to remove it voluntarily.

If there is something you would like to discuss privately with another member, such as Reversi, Othello, variants...exercise your right to do so as well.

I will start by removing my post about reversi.

18. November 2003, 14:43:40
Grim Reaper 
Emne: Re: He was wrong LMAO
Connor, as well as some others, might be interested in looking at this link... or click here

If you scroll way to the bottom of the first list, which is the list of those who played Chinook, the world's strongest checker program for years, on its most difficult setting, you will see...

86. Ed Trice, October 21, 1996
87. Carl "The Gloc" Reno, October 21, 1996
88. Richard Fortman, August 30, 1996
89. Valtas "The Great Huck-A-Buck" Hockenbury, June 10, 1996
90. Carl "The Gloc" Reno, March 31, 1996
91. James "Too Slick" Davis, January 27, 1996
92. Valtas "The Great Huck-A-Buck" Hockenbury, January 27, 1996
93. James "Too Slick" Davis, January 17, 1996

I was the fifth person to defeat Chinook, back in October of 1996. Just to remind everyone,in 1996 there did not exist any program that was nearly as strong as Chinook. This was a time when 100 MHz computers were top of the line, and hard drives were typically half a gig in size.

I beat one of the strongest checker programs of all time, and I was in the company of some truly great players.

I don't need a computer program to assist me to play. I beat the best of the best.

Now look at the "explosion' of names on the list in later years as programs and hardware advances made them more formidable.

Funny how so few had victories in 1996 when I played, but there were many more in later years.

18. November 2003, 05:42:35
Grim Reaper 
Emne: Aragon's Checkered Past Update
It looks like gooner KM and ronco have both shell shocked Pedro Martínez with two quick wins in the Aragon's Checkered Past tournament. And SunFire KM gets a quick point against higher rated Aragon in section 2. Still no points on the board in section 1 at this early stage.

18. November 2003, 05:00:02
Grim Reaper 
Emne: Re: The 1st Joust at the Realm
When is the start date for this Rob? Isn't it already past?

16. November 2003, 21:14:56
Grim Reaper 
Emne: Re: You guys are too picky
I am not sure to what you are referring. My guess is that Fencer moderated something?

Perhaps you should discuss this with him privately.

16. November 2003, 19:44:14
Grim Reaper 
When it was first posed as a question, I do not think anyone knew what was the exact cause. It had not been observed previously.

But when messages are hidden, the counter increments external to the board, but the messages will not appear.

We all know this now, and nobody, myself included, was aware of this yesterday. I thought maybe a poster deleted the posts and that could account for the discrepancy.

15. November 2003, 16:37:13
Grim Reaper 
Emne: Re: now I know
herforder, please explain what your post has to do with tournaments, or delete it.

15. November 2003, 16:18:40
Grim Reaper 
Emne: Re: One question..
The parameters are still being discussed, but all entrants would have to send in a check, and sign a document as well. The document would cover all stipulations associated with the prize fund, including dispersements in the event of tragedies.

14. November 2003, 14:35:30
Grim Reaper 
Emne: Just for clarity...
I did not delete the posts Filip is refering to. He did, however.

13. November 2003, 20:53:19
Grim Reaper 
Emne: Re: Gothic Chess vs. Janus Chess discussion
I imagine some of the tidbits were interesting to the general readership, but I did not want it evolving into a "the variant I like best is better than the variant you like best" contest.

Both have strong advocates that have at least tried the game more than occasionally. Both have strong followings in their own countries.

Since tournaments were discussed in the midst of the diatribe, this is correct place for the postings. But now I think all that needed to be said was said.

13. November 2003, 17:31:11
Grim Reaper 
Emne: Cleanup
Some of the posts were not even remotely on topic, and they were removed. Some were still off topic and were left here for no apparent reason, just to keep happy those who view DBs as "permanent archives" of sorts.

Shall we dispense of the Gothic Chess vs. Janus Chess discussion?

13. November 2003, 14:08:54
Grim Reaper 
Emne: Re: gothic world championship
I still don't see the point Caissus. The density of Grandmasters does not, in any way, correspond to the popularity of a chess variant.

13. November 2003, 06:09:46
Grim Reaper 
Emne: Re: those who signed in
The vote was taken over a 3-day period, not at night. Get your facts straight.

13. November 2003, 01:47:57
Grim Reaper 
Emne: To Whoever Said There Was Only One Vote...
I count 3 for stopping the tournament, and 1 recent one for continuing it.

Re: Vote on 2003 World Championship

12. November 2003, 15:36:17

I vote b

Re: Vote on 2003 World Championship

10. November 2003, 13:53:59
thanks for asking, Ed
I for one find myself with far too many ongoing GC games from previous tournaments to start new commitments right now.

Re: Vote on 2003 World Championship

9. November 2003, 18:12:01

I think that it's fair to everyone that the tournament be started over in 2004! I had 6 wins and 1 game to be decided, so I think I would be affected more than anyone since I had already made it to the 2nd round!!

So my VOTE=A

Vote on 2003 World Championship

9. November 2003, 16:47:25

My message box was full of mail about people who were winning whose games were lost, etc. So, should we just scrap the whole event and just run one in 2004?


A - delete the 2003 Tournament
B - keep it, but start it when we get back to 32 rooks and 48 pawns.

My vote = A

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