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grenv: I am starting to like gmail better than yahoo, and have always hated hotmail
Gmail takes a bit of getting used to but it is quite quick and has some cool features
BIG BAD WOLF: as chuck said, his game was about 2 hours and he was well and truly over his time limit. The script definately did not pick it up until more than 5 or 10 minutes
Czuch Chuckers: yes I know it is correct and wasn't asking, I was just explaining it for others who may not understand the format.
I think I set the games open to 1700+ bkr
Time Limit 1/0.12/2
That means you start with 1 day and get a bonus 12 hours every time you make a move and can build up a maximum time left of 2 days.
Czuch Chuckers: Nah, just not gonna play tourneys where people like Kata Liana intentionally hold up play.
I'll stick to my new lightning games.
care for a game Chuck?
Chessmaster1000: I was trying to send a message relevant to the game. Seems out of the question now.
Very unusual steps on his part to put me on enemies list though
I am not sure why you put me on your blocked user list?
I recently accepted 2 games in the waiting room of yours, one white and one black, but now you put me on your enemy list? The games aren't even finished although I am looking like I am in the stronger position.
Hrqls: the simple answer of 30% would be something along the lines of
*Needing to win 2 in a row games outright = 25%
*Increase this a bit due to the chance of a gammon or backgammon in the first game therefore not necessitating the play in the 2nd game hence an approximate 5% increase
I have no program for backgammon to work this out but I think this is a good approximation using the rule of thumb
danoschek: The idea of this thread was to gain others opinions. If you choose to offer none, then it would be much appreciated if you refrained from pointless board clatter thanks
In this game, my last roll was a 4-2. I chose to move 11-7 which then negated the opportunity to move the 2 hence staying safe and I pointed this out to my opponent. If this was a game of real backgammon following the international rules, I would have had to move 7-3 then either 11-9 or 3-1 (probably 3-1 was the best option)
Does anyone have an opinion on what should be done in this situation? Is this a bug or simply a different rule that is allowable in the game of Hyper?
Chessmaster1000: the weekends should not count as in this case the rule of "no days off" has been set which should also exclude weekend days
That was my understanding. This is different to the other option where you can select weekend days off only as denoted by the green dots
I have a few games going of hyper where I set 1 day limit with no time off and the time left still shows as almost 3 days. I Think something is not working right
alanback: thats only 4.769 points per game average which makes sense with a max of 8 for you alanback.
Very good going and a well deserved #1 spot I say
redsales:what gets me is I have my last game against chessmaster in a tourney I am about to be finished with and he has already viewed the game, cannot move and yet refused to click send.
The only way I can see his next dice is if he has been there.
Very poor sportsmanship delibverately stalling like that.
rod03801: I agree with you Rod and I am sure that is what James meant.
They have proven beyond any doubt that it is pointless keeping track of the longest game. I mean, if you can shatter the record on only the very first attempt, that proves it right ?
In looking at some of the top ranked players , I noticed claifornia girl had only played 4 games.
Having such a high rating isn't so abnormal, yet it makes one stop and think something fishy is going on when they receive a resignation such as this.
I just joined this site to play some backgammon. I was referred here from another games site and I will be putting some games in the waiting room so if you care for a game, please join up thanks.
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