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Moderator: Walter Montego 
 Chess variants (10x8)

Sam has closed his piano and gone to bed ... now we can talk about the real stuff of life ... love, liberty and games such as
Janus, Capablanca Random, Embassy Chess & the odd mention of other 10x8 variants is welcome too

For posting:
- invitations to games (you can also use the New Game menu or for particular games: Janus; Capablanca Random; or Embassy)
- information about upcoming tournaments
- disussion of games (please limit this to completed games or discussion on how a game has arrived at a certain position
... speculation on who has an advantage or the benefits of potential moves is not permitted while that particular game is in progress)
- links to interesting related sites (non-promotional)

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30. September 2004, 15:34:57
Walter Montego 
Emne: I unbanned bwildman's banning of me
OK, you're turn. You're banned bwildman.
I see you didn't edit the cuss word out of your post, so I'll do it myself.

30. September 2004, 15:31:56
your lead moderator,Walter....lets see if you can unban yourself.

30. September 2004, 15:28:37
Walter Montego 
Emne: bwildman Re: Ed
Though I didn't see the original post, the two copies that I received did not have that word in it bwildman. A close word, but not that word. You're asking to be banned, bwildman? Before I do, could you try to ban yourself first? Let's put rabbitoid's conjecture to a test, eh?
Oh, could you clean up your post with the one word you said you found objectionable and deleted other's posts?
Ed's post is what I heard from two other people in private messages to me complaining about your moderation and playing favorites. I'll go ahead and ban you in about 20 minutes, unless you're successful in doing it yourself. That will be 6:50 AM my time Pacific Daylight Saving Time (PST)

The game isn't going anywhere, and I'll soon have proof to add to the fire.

30. September 2004, 01:04:29
Grim Reaper 
That was not the post bwildman, he used the word sh*t and p*ss in the post in question.

30. September 2004, 15:16:03
the game is not long for this site....just remove me Walter.

30. September 2004, 15:12:52
Grim Reaper 
Tilpasset af Grim Reaper (30. September 2004, 15:13:37)
bwildman left ugh's post with the curses aimed at me sit on this board in plain view for 2 hours 45 minutes. bwildman deleted MY post, which was a fully delineated, well worded response to a concern Caissus had about international law, in about 7 minutes.

The reason bwildman is under examination is because of this. Curses are OK as long as it's his friend, but any response from me over something serious is clearly in need of being deleted immediately.

30. September 2004, 15:10:51
Walter Montego 
Emne: Re: bwildman Re: red dragon
So, why did you tell them to stop talking about the lawsuit business? Depriving me of some enjoyment watching the carrying on about that which no one is too sure about, but all have an opinion of, including myself. Besides, we need to know how the case is going and if the patent is defendable or not. What better place than here at the Gothic Chess discussion board, especially when one of the posters is Ed Trice himself? Please do not censor things of this nature again. It's arguable that it is on topic, but even if it's not it doesn't sound like it was a flame war or cussing session.

As for the messages posted during your absence that you found objectionable, could you do it as I asked in the previous post the next time and just hide the posts and the poster? While the post is hidden and after the other moderators have had a chance to review it, we can come up with an action to take.

I might ban you yet, though it would be a favor to you in the long run. Maybe I'll ban myself instead and then we can see what will happen with rabbitoid's conjecture. :)

30. September 2004, 15:05:19
Emne: Re: Chancellor pawn gambit
Cerebro...if you want a "test" game..we can start an unrated game and try t if you like...send me an invite.

30. September 2004, 14:53:34
Emne: Re: red dragon
it wasnt a "few days ago" but a few weeks.It could be,Walter....there was no track record for Red Dragon to base an opinion?
When I came on here yesterday afternoon...everyone was at each other over this lawsuit business.I as a moderator said enough.I left th site for a few minutes,and when I came back...the conversation had continued.I deleted the posts and said again to stop.Ed and others immediatly complained about offensive posts containin a curse word.I deleted it,and notified the poster who assures me it wont happen again.
If you feel it is neccesary o ban me for doing what moderators "are supposed to do" its your choice.
its all I'll say on this matter.

30. September 2004, 14:37:16
Walter Montego 
Emne: red dragon
It's not as ludicrous as you might think. I find it interesting that you didn't defend Thad a few days ago when I threatened to ban him, and yet you're quick to vouch for bwildman. It's a simple enough of a thing to hide a person's postings. Why not do so and let the other moderators help with the decisions? If each of us willy-nilly decides to ban/unban various people nothing but anger and chaos will ensue. I've been told, but do not know if it's true or not that bwildman was a moderator before and was thrown out of the position. Anyone know, one way or the other? As for why Fencer choose him and Thad, you'll have to ask him. Fencer's choices aren't set in stone and he was just helping me out getting people to share the moderating duties. Maybe they asked him if they could be moderators, I don't know.
I do know I don't like censorship. I also know that we can't just let things spiral out of hand or trouble will happen and that'll be the end of it. Each person has their own limits and tastes as to what they find objectionable. Setting the standard to the person with the most sensitivity will obviously please that person in every case. What about the rest of us that like things a little more free and loose? Or maybe even posts about Gothic Chess itself? All this talk about these other issues is starting to bother me and I'm getting tired of it.

Let me state how I want offensive posts handled while I'm moderator. If none of us moderators find the post offensive, but you do, write us. If one of us moderators does find the post offensive, put it and the poster on hide and then message the other moderators about the post and person in question. It should be fairly clear cut about what it is when this happens and I'm sure we'll quickly come to a consensus about what action to take. Hiding will work as a unilateral procedure and it can be undone, whereas deleting is permanent and takes away from the other moderator's imput. If the other moderators are OK with this, then there it is. If not, please state your objections. As for everyone else, what do you think? Good enough, or do you have a better plan that'll keep in mind my feelings about censorship. I hope this is good and it seems like it'll work just fine without stepping on anybody's toes unduly.

Now, where's that Gothic Chess discussion board at?

30. September 2004, 14:37:09
PhatPlaya 臭臭小指 
Emne: Chancellor pawn gambit
Has anyone succeded in playing a game in which you sacrificed the chancellor pawn? For example, the opening:

1. f4 e5
2. d4

Attempts by black to play d4 or c4 lead to loss of the center. Maybe somebody out there succeeded with such a gambit. If you have a nice game, can you please share?

30. September 2004, 14:25:57
can we get back to discussing Gothic Chess now?

30. September 2004, 14:16:09
Emne: I really don't envy sincer ambitions
Tilpasset af danoschek (30. September 2004, 14:18:47)
of making board moderation happening more smoothly, sure also would love to have
a board to post sometimes for, what subject I'd love to bring down, - as I didn't envy
Mr. Trice having an axe to grind, either, but on his private gothic lumberfields please ~*~

30. September 2004, 14:10:13
red dragon 
Sorry, but the moderator in his interminable post brought the subject up.

30. September 2004, 14:07:36
Emne: The Untouchables after all
we play gothic chess, you know ... a tournament just begun. hope I don't
disturb anybody with this my odd interest possibly not welcome here ... ~*~

30. September 2004, 14:04:34
Emne: what about
a respect board ? endless public bickering oh my ~*~

30. September 2004, 14:01:38
Emne: bwildman
No way can he be banned for removing offensive posts! Thats ridiculous. Thats exactly why he's here, to keep posts like that off the boards. The words in Ughaigbu's posts were clearly way out of order. I would have deleted them without a seconds hesitation, and probably banned Ughaibu from posting for a while too.

30. September 2004, 13:59:48
red dragon 
Emne: Re: Walter--Stevie
Fencer obviously had enough respect for bwild to make him a moderator. I suggest you do too, Walter.
Bwild has done nothing to deserve a ban and for you to come on here and say he might be banned is ludicrous.

30. September 2004, 13:56:31
Walter Montego 
Emne: Re: Walter--Stevie
Yes, but he could've put the offending messages on hide along with the poster and waited until the other moderators had a chance to decide for themselves. Now, as it is, all I have is heresay about postings that no longer exist. True I might keep a more watchful eye on ughaibu, but it is possible that I might've not found the messages offensive and could've unhid them. Then they wouldn't be lost. With them being deleted unilaterally, I am given no chance to make a decision or to have something to refer to in the future should a simular occurance happen. If I also found the messages offensive while they were still hidden, then they probably would be deleted. When someone is on hide, I can still read their posts. No one else can, except maybe the other moderators, so no one will be offended while the posts remain hidden.
This is one very good thing about having more than one moderator, it gives the board more coverage for moderation. I suppose I could've also switched the "Mode" for who can post to "All posts must be approved" when I was the only moderator and was going to log off. I hadn't thought of that then, but it would've been a workable solution and might've precluded a lot of the things that have gone down since that time.

30. September 2004, 13:37:24
Emne: my hidelist here
Tilpasset af danoschek (30. September 2004, 13:49:21)
grows productively today - here, merely take a tissue yet ... buh ♫ bye . ▼ *click* ... ~*~

30. September 2004, 13:35:31
Emne: Walter
Considering Bwild was the only moderator on here at the time, should you not respect what he done? Just as he would repsect your decision had it been you on here and not he.
And he dont nowt to be banned for why?

30. September 2004, 13:16:06
I tend to agree with you Dano.
This stuff should be done behind the scenes.

30. September 2004, 13:15:04
Emne: instead of declaring a public upset
Tilpasset af danoschek (30. September 2004, 13:23:31)
we should perhaps request a board for moderation issues
all this strained aftermath undermines the beauty of chess ... ~*~

30. September 2004, 13:14:19
Emne: philosophycal dilemma
Tilpasset af rabbitoid (30. September 2004, 13:14:45)
just curious: what would happen if Walter and bwild nuked, I mean banned each other simultaneously? would the GC board then just vanish in a puff of logic?

30. September 2004, 13:11:32
What has bwild done to be banned???

30. September 2004, 13:10:27
Walter Montego 
Emne: Re: ughaibu
Very well then. bwildman might be banned soon. In the meantime please try to keep the commonly accepted swear words out of your posts to this board. I have no problem with you attacking someone's position, but please don't attack the person. In fact, I'm glad to see diverse views. It keeps me thinking and stops one person from dominating the rest us and the discussion.

30. September 2004, 12:59:28
I think three of my posts were deleted, one after Bwildman had already asked for the "fighting" to stop and the other two because of complaints about their lexicology. As all those posts were part of the dynamics of an interchange involving several members there is no reason for me to re-post Bowdlerised versions.

30. September 2004, 12:52:09
Walter Montego 
Emne: Re: Walter
Yes, there is a difference between using words considered profane and actually swearing and cussing at someone. Some people don't see that though and will have a word list that has words to never be uttered. I believe that is how this site is towards the seven words that George Carlin lists. It is certainly possible to swear without using a cuss word. The person that such a post is directed toward will feel a lot stronger about the wording than a person that just happens upon it. The message I received from Ed Trice about your posting definitely had swear words in it. If it was a true cut and paste, then you should have known that the words you used in it weren't going to just fly on by on this or any other board on this site. I'm not happy about the other moderator's handling of it, but one of them made the call and your post was deleted. As I said, I would've put the message and you on hide if I found the message offensive and waited until I and the other moderator had a chance to read it. Perhaps you can rephrase the post without the "offensive" words and put it back on? As I never saw it you'll have to use your discretion if you decide to post it again. It might be best to just let the matter drop though. Maybe you could send me a private message with the posts in question and I could tell you how I feel about them?

30. September 2004, 12:45:35
Emne: Re: Walter
Not true, ughaibu. Your post was inappropriate on more than one level. Walter, I will PM a copy of it to you so you can be aware of what it said.

30. September 2004, 12:31:30
Emne: endless bickering .... begone.
Tilpasset af danoschek (30. September 2004, 12:51:14)
aware of that riot, I'd like to mention yet, indeed only Walter used to vanish
here randomly, for days - and Thad not - as also the brainking-datestamps
should prove. Volatilize now ! *click* Yay ! .. (and so I'll know why, after all) ... 0:) ... ~*~

30. September 2004, 12:29:43
Emne: Walter
I didn't use any "swear" words although my terms were impolite and taboo in some circles. Whether or not the content was "mean" or merely reflective of facts as derived from the evidence is unclear but I feel no reason to regret any sentiments I expressed.

30. September 2004, 12:21:16
Walter Montego 
Emne: re: Re: My, oh my!
Is that right, Thad? Hmm, then I stand in error here. Perhaps bwildman will explain his re-instating of those two without conferring with me then. I apologize for assuming it was you, though he did complain to me just recently about banning danoschek and you re-instating him! Whatever is going on here and why haven't you guys sent me messages before doing anything? He said you twice in the recent past have unhidden danoschek after he put him on hide. Is this true? If so, then you've lied. If not, then bwildman is misleading me. A public forum it shall be, since neither of you has felt the need to send me messages prior to any action that either of you may, or may not have taken. It's too bad that the banning/hiding of posters to the board doesn't have a history so that I could verify the tales I'm being told. Not that it'd matter all that much. This seems so petty at times, yet it has importance in ways I'm still trying to fathom. Maybe I should ask danoschek about who put him on hide, but we're not on speaking terms. Plus, I believe there's no way he'd know since there's three of us now and no one to point a finger at for sure.
The old saying, "When there's more than one person responsible, no one is at fault." seems to hold true still. Though I've lost authority having you two as moderators, it's saved me from having to constantly monitor this board and worry about things in my absence. Then again, having you two onboard has caused me nothing but worry and consternation!
So bwildman, why'd you re-instate them right after becoming moderator? And why have you put danoschek on hide? Thad, why unhide him? What's the deal? Who's been censoring people? Did ughaibu really post all those swear words and mean posts as Ed says he did? If so, why wasn't he banned along with his messages being deleted? Couldn't the messages and him have been put on hide until I had a chance to come online and read them? And again, why wasn't I sent a message about it?
Before I change the setting to "All posts must be approved" and ruin the atmosphere of this board, I'd like an honest accounting of your guy's actions. If you'd rather give up your positions as moderators, I will search for a replacement or two. I now realize that I can't cover this board 24 hours a day, nor can I even do it every day. So I rather have moderators that leave well enough alone, but will step in when the need arises. Kind of like how Fencer does it. Lots of pushing and shoving, but a hands off approach until forced into action. This pre-emptive stuff ain't cutting it in my book. Sounds like you are now taking this approach Thad, but I'm still not sure what's what. Instead of banning you, maybe it should be bwildman that is banned?

This computer seems to be holding up now. I've finally moved in all my games, and might be able to research the Bird's/Capablanca/Gothic Chess deal. I would've liked to have read the posts that had the links before they were deleted on the other sites. If anyone has the text or knows where the posts were moved to, please send me the information. Regardless of how I feel about the patenting of Gothic Chess, it will help it survive if it can get through the ordeal and critisms the skeptical people have towards the ownership of it and who just want to play a good game. After seeing Fencer add a whole bunch of new games, I am still hopeful that Ultima might be added some day. This Grand Chess sounds like a fun game. Any chance of adding it to the site? I suppose that's a question for the request board, eh?

Thanks all for your indulgence. Hope to hear from the other moderators soon. Publically to explain themselves, and then privately to figure out what to do. Thanks again.

30. September 2004, 12:07:51
You're moderators for God's sake! You're not gods.
All you have to do is keep the conversation on topic and delete bad language and personal attacks. Now you're personally attacking yourselves. Or is that self abuse? :D

30. September 2004, 10:21:47
Emne: Re: My, oh my!

I think you need to get your facts straight. Forgive me for quoting from an earlier post, but I think it is the best way to make clear exactly what I am referring to:

...Thad, though, is trying my patience. Unbanning people without my input, censoring people for no reason, and then vanishing without a trace. He's sent me one message and sounded quite high faluting in it at that.

For the record, I have unbanned NO ONE!! The only two people who were unbanned since I became a moderator were Ed and Dano and Bwildman unbanned them both.

I have censored NO ONE. To date, I have not edited or deleted a single post!

I have not "vanished without a trace". I have been here at least twice a day, everyday, since becoming a paying member.

Again, for the record, here is my PM to you. What is so "high faluting" about it?

Subject: Just wondering...


Just wondering if there was anything you wanted to say to me about everything that happened last week on the GC message board or if there was anything you wanted to know. I can forward the PMs I have to/from both Bwildman and Danoschek, etc.

Also, I wouldn't mind knowing what it is that you disagree with from my "little missive" as you mentioned in your last post on the GC board. I really want to try to get along with everyone here and contribute in some small way.

I could go on and quote other things you have said about me that were untrue, inaccurate, rude, and uncalled for, but I will stop here.

I don't understand why you chose to flame me in public and why you did not send me a reply to my PM. I would have preferred to discuss moderating this board in private, but we can go this route if you prefer.

I have tried to be a good moderator. Obviously, this board is more difficult to moderate than many of the others, but it is also more enjoyable?/informative/interesting to read than most. I guess we have to take the good with the bad.

Whenever I have done something as mod., I have made a post indicating what and why.

Two weeks ago, I got Dano to promise to keep his posts on topic after Bwildman unbanned, then hid him AND sent me a PM saying I had his blessing to unhide him. Dano's posts have at least been as on topic as anyone else's lately and they have been clearer than usual. (Thanks, Dano.)

I posted a yesterday asking for people's input on whether I should step in, try to get people's posts more on topic, etc. I got only one reply, so my conclusion is that most people seem to prefer all the posts, even the OT ones, so I did not take any action. There was some cursing and there were some insults, but I believe they have all either been deleted or edited (and not by me).

Walter, I don't understand what it is about me that seems to have so angry. You have threatened to ban me on more than one occasion since I became a mod. You have accused me of doing things that I have not. I am undeserving of any of that!!


30. September 2004, 09:09:57
Emne: or perhaps I should retire a while from this board - extensive studies prove that a lot of people seem to show an amazingly increased tendency to screwing up
Tilpasset af danoschek (30. September 2004, 09:12:42)
when I happen to be around, even General Abizaid wanted my help already, I was
asked to prowl Afghanistan shouting, 'Osama Dear, here's your Chinese Gingerpork !" and when he comes out then "I'll kill that idiot !", the hidden marines blow him to bits. :D ~*~

30. September 2004, 09:04:38
Walter Montego 
Emne: Re: Or's that..
Too many chiefs, and not enough braves?

30. September 2004, 08:55:16
proof that too many cooks spoil the broth!

30. September 2004, 08:29:34
Emne: one flaming off-topic post yet, walter
Tilpasset af danoschek (30. September 2004, 08:38:10)
and you're on hide as well - I begged for being spared out from your
entirely personal problems unless Thad thinks, I really should know about.
there's enough of ego-polish misuse here, hope you got my humble english ... ~*~

30. September 2004, 08:24:20
Walter Montego 
Emne: My, oh my!
What a bunch of knuckleheads! As I said earlier, off topic talk is OK. Why is it that some people have such a problem with that? Perhaps a little clarification is in order? Just because it's OK by me and whoever else the powers might be, doesn't mean you can go so far off tangent that we just don't know what planet you've beamed down from, but don't worry about it. Just don't cross the line, OK? Since I've been having computer problems, plus the timing of Fencer adding two moderators, a lot of grief and misapprehension has come to me. Taking advantage of it is not going to help. I'm sure Fencer meant well, but I've come close to banning both of the new moderators. Thad for acting unilaterally, and bwildman for inciting riots. Of the two, I'm inclined to let bwildman stay. He atleast is online everyday and does care about the going-ons of this particular board. Thad, though, is trying my patience. Unbanning people without my input, censoring people for no reason, and then vanishing without a trace. He's sent me one message and sounded quite high faluting in it at that. bwildman has apparently been deleting postings that I wasn't able to read before he did so. It is the drawback to this type of communication, but if people are posting and using curse words, then I suppose I'll have to side with him about the deletions. I would like him to use his power of deletion and editorialship to leave the posts more or less uncensored, and then warn the offenders, but it is lots easier to just delete the offending post and be done with it. I would also prefer that the postings themselves not move him to do something like this, but them's the breaks. I do have half a mind to force all postings to go through me before they can be posted, but that's not how I live life or this site.

Hi danoschek! You know, you've been more or less coherent and tolerable of late, and yet my co-moderators are having quite the battle about having you able to post here. I posted a few weeks ago when I was the only moderator that you'd never be back here. Low and behold, Thad said you're back. I didn't instantly override him, nor ban you both, but I'm still tripping on how it's gone down.
Yes, I've been an absentee moderator, but I think that's why Fencer added a few more in the first place. Someday soon I'll have a real computer and a little more time on my hands and we'll not have to deal with it so much. IN the meantime, do as you'd like, but it will eventually be moderated or censored or just let go as is happens. Those that work the system or abuse it will have their play and chance, but it will come to light and be fixed sooner or later.

Now, where'd I leave that Gothic Chess discussion board at?

30. September 2004, 08:00:27
The only problem though, is that with an even number of files both corners have the same color. So if you use RNB...BNR, then both bishops are on the same color. White has both bishops on black and black has both bishops on white. Unless there is a better setup. First we need a nice setup before it can be implemented on this site, or have a random setup, but castling rules are difficult to program.

30. September 2004, 07:55:25
that sounds great, Cardinal, I'd love to try it!

30. September 2004, 07:25:57
Emne: sounds fascinating - maybe a good stuff for 'feature requests' or,
Tilpasset af danoschek (30. September 2004, 07:28:14)
for the 'other chess variants' discussion board. we could also talk about my
own invention, Three-D Chess played with the standard chess-set in a 4x4x4 cube.
I am going to patent it in america soon to be a big voice with all the big boys. ~*~ 0:)

30. September 2004, 07:19:40
Has anyone played a 11x8 chess with the gothic pieces and the amazon piece? I wonder if the game would be good and harmonious. In regular chess there are 6 minor pieces to one 2/3 hybrid. In gothic there are 6 minors and three 2/3 hybrids. In this game there would be 6 minors, three 2/3 hybrids and one 3/3 full hybrid. The games shift more from minors to hybrids as you add more pieces. Since I've played gothic and just a few moves of amazon chess, all I can do is wonder since I've never played such a version. On cowplay there is a version called Alekhine which has only 6 minors, double the 2/3 hybrids- 2 A, 2 Q and 2 C per 1 amazon. This is a huge number of hybrids compared to minors. And the board is 14x8 meaning you have to stand/sit farther back to take in the width of the board. This is a big overkill in my opinion, though I am just speculating.

Heads up to the first person who can patent a balanced 11x8 chess variant.

30. September 2004, 05:22:24
why is it so difficult to keep on topic here?
There are other discussion boards for "general chat"

30. September 2004, 05:18:14
Emne: *walks in.. Shakes head in disgust*
Tilpasset af ScarletRose (30. September 2004, 05:19:05)
You know how silly you boys look now? Half convo..??

You know.. I don't even know why one party was removed when at least he wasn't cussin.. Yet, some others here.. well.. they should learn some manners.. UUGgg.. *ahem*..

*HHHMMmmmm.. scans down page looking for that link Edward left for me.. Muy Guapos .. *Giggle*

Correction on spelling

29. September 2004, 23:57:09
look....lets try to keep the conversation on gothic chess?

29. September 2004, 23:53:28
Emne: Send me an email to and I will give you a login ID and password to a Lexus-Nexus database where you can see it for yourself.
oh then he removes traces of offer and does you for hacking LMFAO

29. September 2004, 23:50:41
Emne: Re: re:Eds last post
Threatened or "warned?"

29. September 2004, 23:48:14
Emne: re:Eds last post
I dont doubt that people were threatend...I doubt you won 300,000.00 against a kid.

29. September 2004, 23:43:23
danoschek....posts like that need a reciepient,not just thrown out for all to think it could be them.
I am leaving it there as a reminder for you,so if you have me on hide...its your bad next time you post like that.

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