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 Chess variants (10x8)

Sam has closed his piano and gone to bed ... now we can talk about the real stuff of life ... love, liberty and games such as
Janus, Capablanca Random, Embassy Chess & the odd mention of other 10x8 variants is welcome too

For posting:
- invitations to games (you can also use the New Game menu or for particular games: Janus; Capablanca Random; or Embassy)
- information about upcoming tournaments
- disussion of games (please limit this to completed games or discussion on how a game has arrived at a certain position
... speculation on who has an advantage or the benefits of potential moves is not permitted while that particular game is in progress)
- links to interesting related sites (non-promotional)

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23. November 2004, 15:58:23
Emne: Birds Chess can lead into GC.
After 5 moves for each side. With ChessV for example. So, it´s somehow better to see GC as not so strong protected, but the best Capablana variant with Gothic Vortex as the by far strongest engine.

23. November 2004, 10:02:02
very cleverly named game..unlike other variants here!

23. November 2004, 08:58:20
Emne: Re: Janus
Janus is also a nickname of the bad guy from James Bond's movie "Goldeneye" :-D

23. November 2004, 08:13:33
Emne: Re: Janus
is the double faced god and our piece got his name because of his two faces - knight an bishop.

23. November 2004, 03:46:17
Emne: Make Gothic Chess known in your country. is the biggest encyclopedia on this planet. In 100 languages it offers high quality of information, at least in the English and German version which are already extremly popular. You yourself can edit information whenever you want, you don´t even need an account. So far Gothic Chess is included at least in the Portuguese, English and German version. Looking forward for French, Czech and Russian for example. ;-)

23. November 2004, 03:11:31
Emne: Re: Janus chess.
Googled "Janus" and came up with some interesting results.

I expect the Janus of Chess variety is reference back to the Roman god of gates ... more can be read here

23. November 2004, 01:19:27
Emne: Re: Janus chess.
Wolf is the German word for wolf (it's pronounced volf).

20. November 2004, 19:49:16
Emne: Re:
I have taken my Gothic Board and peices to regular chess tournaments;and between rounds have had very little trouble getting other younger players to play;after I explained the differences. I also have taken it to our local chess clubs and gotten a few people to play. Also,about 4 or 5 of us meet regularly at each others houses and every 3 or 4 days just to play Gothic Chess. We are beginning to get others interested to.

20. November 2004, 19:41:39
Emne: Re:
Okay,maybe I'll give it a new try.

19. November 2004, 23:20:50
Emne: Re:
shoot! I'd love to find a chess club,or a park setting where folks played chess.the only over the board games I when my brother visits.

19. November 2004, 23:11:48
Do any of you play over the board gothic? I find when I take my set to the park (chess club there) and chess clubs is that most people prefer classic chess over gothic because gothic is something new. Some people can be coaxed into trying and they play a game or 2. Others are more enthusiatic about playing, but even if they are good chess players, they usually find it difficult to get used to the new pieces. I find it takes a few games to get the basic feel for the pieces.

Regular chess games are very good, but if I could play gothic games it would be even better.
I have had some experiences where at the park some people play and many others huddle around to watch, so there are some good experiences.

Do any of you have expereinces of trying to popularize the game?

19. November 2004, 19:04:40
I guess we can welcome Ted to the paid members roster?

19. November 2004, 18:30:18 
What are you talking about tedbarber? You are the only person who has posted on this board for the past week!

Once Trice left the board, this board has now settled down very nicely. Hopefully some good Gothic talk can start again.

19. November 2004, 17:13:44
Since no one seems to prefer discussing games, but prefers silly flamewars;I intend to join Mr. Trice and boycott this board.

18. November 2004, 10:37:43
Emne: Re: Discussion on this board
tedbarber ... there has at times been discussion hereon Janus Chess, but soon after Janus Chess was introduced on this site Fencer also implimented Gothic Chess which seems to have been played more. There has certainly been more discussion on the Gothic Chess boards than here.

You are quite welcome to raise any issues or discuss any games or strategies you would like to.



17. November 2004, 20:01:52
Emne: Janus chess.
I thought janus was german for wolf;am I wrong?

17. November 2004, 19:05:28
Do you people discuss games or something else? if you discuss games I'll use this board;if not,I will not use it.

17. November 2004, 01:16:01
Emne: Re: chancellor and arch sacrifice
I meant to ad,I already found this game with Mr. Trice's help.

17. November 2004, 01:14:25
Emne: Re: chancellor and arch sacrifice

12. November 2004, 18:21:14
The gothic chess computer tournament starts tommorow.

9. November 2004, 05:48:42
Emne: chancellor and arch sacrifice

Here is the full game and animated

9. November 2004, 00:23:46
Emne: Tedbarder:

8. November 2004, 20:21:19
Emne: My Mistake.
In my earlier message about Mr. Trice's game in which he had a mating combination using sacrifices of both his Archbishop and Chancellor to obtain mate;his opponant was Mark Bittle,not Ed Bittle. It is a remarkable game and was a pleasure to watch unfold;I only wish that I still had a copy of its moves to play over and enjoy once more.

8. November 2004, 00:57:19
Emne: Re: Joust at the Realm #3
Thank you

5. November 2004, 19:00:03
I am still having trouble with my game boards;any other suggestions.

5. November 2004, 02:25:58
Emne: Joust at the Realm #3
Tilpasset af ChessCarpenter (5. November 2004, 02:26:36)
Congrats to Matarilevich for winning the Joust!!
Well done! Thanks for everyone else for playing in the Tournament!
Joust at the Realm #3

4. November 2004, 16:06:55
Emne: Re: Re:
I know you are a strong player from the games we played;so I believe you about your not needing outside help. But;what about weak players who play much better than their level of skill indicates they should;and they do so repeatedly.

3. November 2004, 18:29:08
Emne: Gothic Chess Reviews
Have can I get copies?

2. November 2004, 18:13:58
There is a difference between Server-based (e.g. brainking) and correspondence (e.g. ICCF) chess. If I play with someone under ICCF rules why can't I post/fax/email him 1.e5?
On brainking, server doesn't let me.
There is no mention of that on ICCF rules. NO , there is , it refers me to FIDE rules. FIDE rules explicitly mention how to move a pawn.
What about using a chess engine? why the rule 4.3 is valid but 12.2 isn't?
I don't say there is a way to solve that problem. I just want to say if I use a chess engine in ICCF games , I'm a Cheater, acting against their principle philosophy.

Ok schachdmt, that was my last post about this :)
I left because I don't like this kind of chess. And no way to solve it, but they are CHEATERS.

2. November 2004, 18:07:04
Emne: Re: Oops.......
This game was in one of the early Gothic Chess Review Magazines;I think July 2000;it was also an animated game on the the old Yahoo website.

2. November 2004, 17:54:29
Emne: Re: Oops.......
Ed also played a game in the early days of gothic chess in which he sacrificed both his Archbishop and Chancellor and still managed to checkmate his opponant(not sure;but I believe the opponant was Ed Bittle;maybe Mr. Trice can furnish more acurate information on this.) I think this game was played in 2000.

2. November 2004, 17:46:43
Emne: Re:
My answer as to why I play turn based and not live is that I do not own a computer and must use The public libraries computer. The only allow us 30-60 minutes on it;Monday-Saturaday. Otherwise, I would be happy to play live games on the computer. I do play live games at my 2 chess clubs and with several friends I have;these are over the board games. Thank You!

2. November 2004, 17:25:08
Emne: cheating and so on
cheers! please flame about cheating and so on not at this board ... i think we cannot solve this problem and when it should be discussed, then not here, PLEASE!

2. November 2004, 17:21:59
Emne: Re: Re:
It is very simple : If there is nothing mentioned,there is nothing forbidden.
And I think using helps correlates with the sense of correspondence chess. The using of engines is one of these helps (beside books,common analyzing in the chessclub and databases).The last decision has always the player himself,he must decide what is a good or a bad advice.Surely he can describe only the moves from a book or a chessengine.But I think most players analyze with these helps and to win against a strong correspondence chess player you need more..
Btw,has it sense to forbid someting,what you cannot control and to make the most players to cheaters? You cannot look in their living room.

2. November 2004, 17:07:00
Emne: Re: Re:
So they should mention it separately in their rules that what is cheating what is not.
Now anybody who doesn't find it in their rules should search in FIDE rules!
I see it against their principle philosophy (Amici Sumus ) , if I play with someone who I think dosen't use a chess engine but he does.
Unfortuanetly I don't know German :(
I can't find a rule about that on brainking also.

2. November 2004, 16:34:06
Emne: Re:
Tilpasset af Caissus (5. November 2004, 12:19:39)
Fariborz,such an important fact would be mentioned separately!.We have had this discussion often at our German serverchesspage (,where some ICCF-functionaries are present often.
The German correspondence chess federation (member of ICCF)has also explained it on his webpage

2. November 2004, 16:02:09
Emne: Re: Chessmaster
The ICCF rules refer us to FIDE rules. It just defines time controle, move transmission,...
So the EE101-12.2 rule of FIDE is as valid as the rule of how knight moves.

12.2 During play the players are forbidden to make use of any notes, sources of information, advice, ...

Also a tournament director's job is to decide about lying and CHEATING. If any help is OK so what is cheating?

2. November 2004, 15:53:12
Emne: Re: schachmdmt
Tilpasset af Caissus (3. November 2004, 16:58:51)
You can use the freeware MAX .(Misc/dowloads)
But unfortunately the PGN ist not compatible with the BK-PGN:


1. h2-h4 e7-e5 2. i2-i3 d7-d6 3. Bh1-i2 Ni8-h6 4. Bi2xc8 Qd8xc8
5. Ag1-h3 f7-f5 6. Ce1-f3 Ag8-e6 7. e2-e4 f5-f4 8. Ah3xe6 Ce8xe6
9. Ni1-h3 *


1. h4 e5 2. i3 d6 3. Bi2 Nh6 4. Bxc8 Qxc8 5. Ah3 f5 6. Cf3 Ae6 7. e4 f4 8. Axe6+ Cxe6 9. Nh3 *

A PGN-viewer for BK 8x10 games would be great!

2. November 2004, 14:13:14
Emne: gothic chess database; web view interface
at the moment i can play gothic chess only with a "virtual" board - and i will soon order a board and figures from ed. a gothic chess program is less interesting for me - more interesting would be a database (such as chessbase - maybe gothicchessbase). Does everyone know one? Or is there no database out?
Interesting would be a PGNviewer for gothic chess so thatgames gan be comfortable replayed with comments on the web. Is there anything? If not it would be a nice project for me when i have time for that.

2. November 2004, 14:08:30
Emne: Re: Chessmaster
Tilpasset af Caissus (3. November 2004, 17:05:59)
Internetchess can be differentiated in "livechess" and "turnbased chess".

In "livechess" you play with your opponent one game only, both players must be online,there are no breaks,mostly short time limits (5 ,15,60 minutes,two hours for the whole game): both players play "synchron"!
It is the same as in OTB games:Helps and aids are forbidden. At livechessservers like "" (the Fritzserver) players will disqualified automatically if they use software.Every day if you play there you can see such messages in the display.There can control it!

But in "turnbased chess" you play many games,both players must not be online at the same time,there are breaks of sometimes several days,the time limits are in days and not in minutes or in hours : the players play "asynchron".
That means we have here a kind of correspondence (server)chess (beside cards,fax,email) and in correspondence chess a l l kind of helps and aids are allowed.All strong correspondence chess players worldwide use programs to analyze their games.Look at the homepage of the ICCF
Do you find there any prohibitions? (because prohibitions make only sense if you have possibilities of a control)
The chances are now equal again,the question is only : how good can a player work with these helps?

2. November 2004, 13:53:51
Emne: Re: Chessmaster
<>Personally i don't care if my opponent uses a program to play Gothic Chess, since i can crush all available >Gothic Chess program at correspondence Gothic Chess.

I should add a horrible mistake i have made here.

Yes, it is true that i can crush all available Gothic Chess programs at correspondence Gothic Chess so i would not care if any of my opponents uses one, but i forgot the case that one is using a program to analyse his games and not play the moves the bot is saying.
So i guess i should also care if someone uses a program for playing Gothic Chess, since the computer combined with the human brain, creates something that i can't beat it easily. And it is unfair too......

2. November 2004, 13:47:04
Emne: Re: Chessmaster
Well if we define "cheating" as:

someone is cheating in a game, if and only if he uses anything else except from his brain and his knowledge to play the game,

then anyone who uses a program is cheating.

With another definition it is not. By the way why you don't think it is not cheating? What is your definition of cheating?

But i would definitely call it cheating if the opponent doesn't know it and the other uses the help of a program to play Chess-Variant games.

Personally i don't care if my opponent uses a program to play Gothic Chess, since i can crush all available Gothic Chess program at correspondence Gothic Chess. But with Chess is different. Now that Chess programs started to prevail over humans at this area too(correspondence Chess), i find it unfair, if my opponent used a program without me, knowing that.

2. November 2004, 13:12:34
Emne: Re: Chessmaster
Tilpasset af Caissus (2. November 2004, 13:46:01)
<>Caissus Ed plays a very aggressive game that is much better than Vortex.<>

Undoubted! Even so I am sure he uses his own program to analyze his games and this is surely one of the reasons for it.
And to make it really clear: I don`t think this is cheating - in turn-based chess!

2. November 2004, 13:00:55
Emne: Oops.......
<>Btw,tedbarber,do you really think that Edtrice doesn`t use the "Vortex" at analyzing his own games?

Caissus Ed plays a very aggressive game that is much better than Vortex.

Look at this position.
chancellor sacrifice

Ed plays 8. Cxf7+ next, sacrificing his Chancellor. No matter how long
Vortex thinks, it will never play this move.

Even better example: knight sacrifice

Ed threw away his knight here with 9. Ng5+ to destroy the position.
No program right now would ever make such moves!!!!!!

Ed is a strong programmer and a strong player which gives him a great advantage when it comes to playing against programs. He beat Deep Thought,
the strong chess program, and he beat a World Champion Checker program too.

So what programs did he use to beat the world's best programs?
His brain i guess!

So i don't think he has any need for using a program.......

2. November 2004, 12:59:15
Emne: Caissus..........
<>Btw,tedbarber,do you really think that Edtrice doesn`t use the "Vortex" at analyzing his own games?

Caissus Ed plays a very aggressive game that is much better than Vortex.

Look at this position: chancellor sacrifice

Ed plays 8. Cxf7+ next, sacrificing his Chancellor. No matter how long
Vortex thinks, it will never play this move.

Even better example:

1. November 2004, 19:14:41
Emne: Re: Thad.....
Geez, I think that's my most embarassing typo/misspelling of all time!

1. November 2004, 18:06:02
Emne: Re:
What I think is: If you play turn-based (with breaks of sometimes several days) you must live with the fact that the players use all helps they can have! The chances are equal again for all!
Btw,tedbarber,do you really think that Edtrice doesn`t use the "Vortex" at analyzing his own games?

1. November 2004, 17:56:52
I dont know about Ted,Cassius...but I cant while on webtv.
But I have noticed the number of 2000 plus rated gothic players climbing with the increased sales of vortex.

1. November 2004, 17:40:39
And I ask me,why people like tedbarber play "turn-based" and not "live",without breaks.
At "livechess" like USCL or,for instance,the using of computers is forbidden and will be punished by immediate automatic disqualification.

1. November 2004, 17:28:02
vortex is also making it easier to cheat.

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