An outlet for players whose creativity extends beyond the board. Post your original works here!
The posting of song lyrics is not the purpose of this board and as such please refrain from doing so. Exceptions can be made to this rule if you are the copyrighted owner of the lyrics and the lyrics are not found offensive by the majority of the population. This board is a place to post your original works of poetry and prose and also a place for discussion of poetry and related areas.
We have received word from Fencer that other's poetry can be posted to this board. These are the two conditions: 1) When someone posts a known copyrighted poem, he must add the author's name as well 2) If the author is not known, the poem can be posted without problems
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Tilpasset af MindyzTaken (26. Februar 2005, 20:28:49)
Take me back to the time
when things were simple-
when playing football in the street,
king of the mountain & marco polo
was such a blast-
Take me back to the time
when things were innocent-
playing marbles in the schoolyard
with the rest of the boys & girls,
barbie dolls,army men & matchbox cars,
Yeah,those were cool back then~
Take me back to the time
when good feelings and laughter
spilled from everywhere-
Grandma knitting,Grandpa working with wood-
homemade this and homemade that~
Kickball,soccer,dodgeball,climbing trees,
coloring books and pick up stix..
Yeah,those were cool back then.
Waiting for a morning
That never seems to get here
Searching for a spring
from winter's wicked sting
Anticipate a heaven
that never seems to get clear
The world awaits away-
the world awaits Someday
The aeroplanes are playing
Tic- tac- toe in skies
While the telephone poles
Are singing out their souls
Holding hands, up high,
To transmit intermittently-
if they can, so urgently,
Then so can we, so can we
A sift of sprinkles in the dark-
There powdered light sprinkles in
if we can't dance by day,
in the splashing stars we'll play
'til heaven wipes her face of sleep
and shows her sunny grin,
we'll await a way-
How I dreaded this day would come
though at this time you don't realize
the hug and kiss you offered so...
was the start of just letting go...
Then deep pain within, will shortly start
tearing at your precious heart..
I will offer my caring arms..
to comfort you.. and protect from harm..
Your father is a good man, he tries..
yet confusing will make your innerside cry..
How he could move so far away
and promise to you visits for a future day.
I shall not promise the lies he's made.
I don't walk in his path.
I have facts that he has done this before
I know it won't be his last.
You are young and innocent and try to believe
Yet only inside you will grieve.
The anger has yet to come I know.
and I your mother will help let it out.
I don't know how a parent could do this.
he knew he could never be there
why does he do this... does he care?
I am surprised BJ's rhymes were taken off.
That doesnt seem fair to me.
Everyone has a differing opinion on poetry, doesn't make anyone wrong or right, just different.
Very poor moderation I would suggest
JamesHird: Inflammatory, in my opinion. Speaking of cop-killing & using the n-word not my idea of creative expression. Some may feel differently. I see it as rude, tasteless & disrespectful.
Usurper: Those type of lyrics are played on the radio for all to hear these days.
Why is your opinion better than others? I think part of the reason behind the lyrics is to offend. It is still valid though.
JamesHird: Valid on some stations, sure. But not here. My opinion may be no better than others but I must make a judgment according to my best insight. There are some deep, inciteful, politically incorrect & even rebellious poems on these boards. But poems designed to offend the very readers of the Poetry DB...that's where I choose to draw the line.
Usurper: rather weak of you, however, you are a mod so your choice stands.
Wouldn't be fair to BJ though if I didn't air my views. I actually quite enjoyed his gangsta rhymes.
I guess some people are born weaker than others and feel the need to hide. That is also fine. Everyone is different.