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Emne: Re: Largely ignored by the mainstream,but pure genius
Jim Dandy: I'm working on a piece that includes them. But, as I told you, I'm not setting anything up on this site anymore, it just destroys my links, and blitzes my messages. I posted some stuff last night, and it's not even here. I might just post a link to, and you can enjoy it there.
Emne: Re: Largely ignored by the mainstream,but pure genius
TexasToest: The Great White involved in the infamous fire? not sure. White Stripes had to grow on me,it took me awhile to adjust to the two piece concept.I like the tune that is featured in the video with the multiplying drum sets
Emne: Re: Largely ignored by the mainstream,but pure genius
Jim Dandy: Do/did The Angels and Great White share any people?
I always appreciated Brian Eno. What's wrong with me then if everybody ignored him.
One band I'm enamored of this week is White Stripes. It's a woman and a man who went to school together, and all the time they were in school, they talked and dreamed of forming a band when they graduated. Well, they graduated, and they formed a band - a 2 person band. She plays the drums, and he plays the guitar. I intend to do some more research on them this weekend. I'll put up more as I find it.
What lovely music to come home to after a grueling day. Thank you, Dandy-Pie.
I heard of a band I had never heard of before this morning on my way to work. I'm going to be researching them the next few days, and I'll put something up for everybody. Not only are they talented, their story is interesting.
TexasToest: thanks TT!that was great!! hadn't heard that one in a while!! you like those novelty songs you'd like Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini!!! or Wooly Bully or Lil Red Riding Hood!!
Jim Dandy: thanks Jim Dandy, that was a nice video clip of Duane Eddy, didyou check out hisclip of him playing his Grammy winning Peter Gunn theme?? an will always like his Rebel Rouser, if you like instrumental, you may also like the Safaris(Wipe Out), the Ventures(re-did Safaris Wipe Out, also played theme from Hawaii 5-O, and a bunch of other great stuff, how 'bout Booker T. & the MGs'(Green Onions, BootLeg) and some of the border instrumental from Herb Albert and the Tiajuana Brass( Lonely Bull, Tiajuana Taxi)
While I was looking for Taj, I kept running into Yanni at the Taj Mahal. I did watch that video twice, and found this woman, Karen Briggs, on violin (fiddle) and she's quite a star.
This piece is a performance at the Acropolis. I'm not a big fan of Yanni, but I do love fusion. This embodies fusion, and is quite exciting to me. It contains a violin duel between Briggs (the beautiful, passionate woman in red), and the conductor Shardad Rohani. Karen Briggs gives me chills that start at the base of my spine and end at the top of my head. There is some stunning tribal percussion in this also. Within Attraction
So, off I go looking for more Karen Briggs, and what do I find? Karen Briggs, Bella Fleck (be still my beating heart) on the banjo and Stanley Clarke on bass. A little improv
Taj Mahal - I was looking for Taj's "Cajun Waltz", but YouTube came up short on this one. But, I did find this, and it's timely. If you live in Washington D.C., oh you bourgeois thang. Bourgeois Blues
Ewe: 1958???? Umm.....yeah, prolly so. Actually, it came out before 1958, because we came home in December of 1958. There was a coup in Pakistan, and we weren't American government employees - no protection if all hail broke loose. So, we skeedaddled. Dad was finished with the pipeline, anyway. We left Karachi in mid-November, and made it to San Antonio on Christmas day, 1958. (That's a story in itself.). Lemme just check the release date on that number.....OK, possible. It was June of 1958.
TexasToest: ok,the Fleer company were clearly into marketing God's gift to bubblegum via the music arena.I remember getting a 45 of Glenn Campbell singing "True Gritt" along with the bucket of bg I bought at our local fair back in 69 or 70
OK, wind the clock back. My grandparents sent this 45 rpm to me along with a whole box of Fleer Double Bubble when we lived in Pakistan. This will flat take you back. Sheb Wooley
Tilpasset af TexasToest (16. December 2007, 02:29:10)
rod03801: I caught a Brian Setzer solo concert last night on Wolfgang's Concert Vault, and I wanted more today. So, I played a few of the YouTubes, and thought to share. I'm glad you had fun with it.
Winchester didn't always play with Setzer, but I would have liked to have seen that whole concert. He was awesome, I agree with you.
Thanks for the post. I was trying to catch different times, and different venues. We should have flown to Japan, and caught that concert, don't you think?
TexasToest: WOW!!! Thanks for that!! I just spent about an hour looking at Stray Cats/Brian Setzer videos after watching those 3. That upright bass player in the 2nd two videos was just fantastic.
Rock this Town was always my favorite Stray Cats song.. so I HAD to try and see if there was a video of that song at the same show as those 2 videos. There was! I was figuring there would be another great solo by that guy playing the upright bass, but there wasn't. He was still great though!
Jim Dandy: I haven't thought about Corkey and the Juice Pigs in several years. I have a friend in BC who used to send me their stuff by the bushel. I loved all of it. Are any of them doing anything these days?
I don't know about you with a monocle. Just wear your tux. You'll wow 'em.
The maple leave was a little hard to see being white on blue. I kept looking for red. Ya'll shouldn't try to mess with us suth'n chicks' haiyuds.
Brian Setzer, an unsung hero pulled these Japanese youth out of their staid heritage and had 'em rockin' and a rollin' with Mark Winchester on bass, and Bernie Dresel on drums.
Emne: Re: These guys began,and were very much like The Barenaked Ladies
Tilpasset af The Col (15. December 2007, 07:10:00)
Ewe: Dashing is a good descriptive of this cultured up soul at intermission,time to deprogram,at the 3:59-4:01 mark,there is clearly a lad sporting a Toronto Maple Leaf jersey,imagine that
Jim Dandy: Oh my! Don't get any on you. Hahahaha! That looks lovely, I would enjoy it. Maybe you will too. That's what it looked like to me too, a city within the building. That set is really elaborate.
i'm not going to any of those kinds of things. I talked to my sister-in-law today, and she invited me to come to the country. So, I took her up on it. I may have to stay at the lake, but it's called Hidden Lake, because it is. There's a fireplace out there, and a nice big picture window on the lake. I will probably enjoy it. There'll also be midnight services at one of her churches. The other one has to have theirs earlier since she's the only minister in town. Their two grandchildren will be there, and kids make it fun. Her brother will be there, and he's a good friend of mine online and off. We talk for hours and are oblivious to anyone else. There'll be 17 of us, maybe 19. So, it's a party!!!! And a road trip. So, y'all will have to do without me for a couple of days.
Jim Dandy: I agree with you there! We are going to get our culture by going to the Philharmonic Orchestra's Christmas show and we have season tickets to the touring New York theatre group. So far it has been quite good!!
TexasToest: Yhis ole boy is gettin some culture Friday night.Personally this stuff doesn't excite me normally,but this tour is one for the ages,I'm going for the pure majesty and sensory overload..........ok,I got free tickets too,lol...............
Jim Dandy: You don't need to be forgiven, Jim Dandy. You express a sentiment held by millions. Everytime I see or hear Tina Turner, I thank God she got herself out of that marriage alive, and that she has been able to spend the rest of her life as far away from the devil as she could get. At least now her life is full of the good. You described Ike Turner to a T. My first reaction to the news of his death was, "finally". Beyond that, I did not go. Thank you for voicing your true feeling.
srnity: It's difficult to watch those videos when one feells so powerless. It's like being socked in the face. What I'd like to see is a solution, and an attempt to put that solution into action. We know what the problem is.
Nirvana: This post may seem like one of the coldest cruelest things I have ever written. And I ask God's forgiveness for it. But I am going to stick to my own truth and feel the need to write about it.While I am sorry for Ike Turner's friends and family in his passing, I am not sorry to hear he's gone. He was, in my humble opinion, a malignant narcissist. Talented, brilliant but evil, selfish and cruel.
Emne: Re: Where Is The Love? .............................
Tilpasset af The Col (13. December 2007, 11:58:13)
srnity: I almost clicked off the song when I saw the band,I don't take Fergilicios too seriosly.I'm happy I gave it a chance,an excellent song and messege,................speaking of messeges,this song has a good one.Ex Waterboy Karl Wallinger's band World Party,the man's a genius composer
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