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Marfitalu: Oops, I missed that subtlety ... when a piece is in the opposition's pink squares (traps) they can be eaten by anything. My previous answer related to eating in the wilds not at home (so to speak). You probabaly need to reread the Jungle rules, in particular the notes right at the bottom under "Other important rules".
Can a mouse capture another mouse in the water?
Csn a piece jump into the lair from any distance or does it need to stop in the trap first ... for example in the rules sample board showing captures if it were white's move could the white wolf win by moving into the black lair?
(gem) Spil i realtime med en online modstander! For at gøre dette skal dig og din modstander vælge "Træk og bliv her" som standard og opdater siden med F5. (TeamBundy) (vis alle tips)