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A WHAM BAMS#89 (Pondside of points!!!) (edit) Creator: Universal Eyes
All points will be calculated after the first 100th pond is complete,and top 30 will be listed on the fellowship and pond discussion board for the next (Brainking T Shirt prize) Back to the list of ponds
Pond type: Run around the pond Pond ID: 2599 Minimum number of players: 16 Maximum number of players: 16 Time per move: 2 days Start: 23. July 2006, 06:00:00 Current round number: 9 Current round deadline: 19. August 2006, 12:00:09 Time left: 1 day 23 hours
Tilpasset af Universal Eyes (22. November 2005, 18:35:52)
SueQ:You can remain at 0 but the next bid you'll have to bid 0,lol
No one knows what to bid now,the'll all try and keep it low someone will be to low.
Sorry i see it already happened,shoud be an interesting finish,same situation.
Tilpasset af Universal Eyes (25. Oktober 2005, 16:56:17)
BIG BAD WOLF:What if several people joined an unlimited pond,then they were divided into brackets of 16 with the the top 4 advancing to the next round or last round.
Would make for an interesting finish,especially if there was 3-4 left in the final round.
It would only take 4 brackets (64 people)to fill a complete final round of 16,with all brackets going at the same time or,alternating every day.
Good luck to all that joined (FIRST POND PRIZE)T SHIRT TOURNAMENT.
Universal Eyes
Honey Lo
Scoote r
grenv:We shall see when A WHAM BAMS Pondside of points!!! reveals his own mathamatical conclussion.
It's very simple but does not allow other players to drop 1 or 2 bids to allow others a higher rating,that is for sure they will only hurt themselfs,so that's when there going to say NO WAY!
Oh BTW there is still some positions left for the latest ponds be quick they fill up fast,which made me decide to expand to 20 rather then the basic 16,alot more complex to the volume of minipulation of the games.
BIG BAD WOLF: Regarding fellowships,if you have a fellowship,no one outside the fellowships are allowed to join,so there is no need to erase them,due to fact they can't join.
Czuch Chuckers: Your very correct on that issue,in my eyes alot of time outs are due to having to go around the boards and defend yourself,big time shame due to the harrassment and ignorance of other members.
grenv:Why is there a section implemented by Fencer to play privite games.where no on can view your game?Hrqls you made perfect sense and have my respect,as you already are a mod of one of my fellowships,you get to the issue at hand and it's greatly respected.
Scarlet don't ever ask my Father for his email again and let him tell me he seen what he seen at th Motel,and right after you requested a family set of pictures you did'nt even wait for the 2nd one to go through before you deleted the account,would you like me to page it for you of the scanner?
You can play some of the people some of the time but your really playing with fire if you try it with me,are you ready to
And when you refer to some of the places you just look can you please explain what you were just looking at,i'm sure CC and several people are waiting for your reply,don't worry your not on trial
Scooter:Interesting concept but that still does not explain the 1-2 and 10 bid.
BBW already pointed out a similar situation where i believe he lost a pond because of it as well as one of the bidders being the same person in regards to this pond and futher more,that person has told me that they hate the cloak mode,which use to allow them to get moves from other players instantly.
I know for a fact that person will read this and know the've been caught with proof on more then 3 occasions.
Walter Montego:Very simple,the creator of the pond should then delete the person or persons after the fact.
The rule would be simple,if a person declares they bid 1 2 or what ever the case may be,then everyone should not be allowed to bid and have Fencer automatically start the next bid,providing the creator checks the bids and give him the pond # and restart the bid minus that person.
Walter Montego:agree but in the first rounds should have the limitations placed ect like the first 5 rounds but then again if they stayed in the game it would eventually ruin it in the end.
Time for my math to go to
296 pond players to date 96 over the provisional.
ClayNashvilleTn:Thanks I and BBW have observed the same issues regarding what i would call team betting,but on the pondside of points,there only hurting and sacri(frying)themselves!
Czuch Chuckers:It could always be pre timed,with an allowable 3 minutes per bid and let the time run an addional 1 minutes past due,causing the late bidders a penalty per minute against there points,which would calculate to a 1 hour and 4 minute game.Also using that method there would be people that don't make that last minute,therefore lowering the time of the game even lower.
Czuch Chuckers: Correct it could possibly be turned into a minimum bid per round,therefore people would be falling in when there unable to keep up to the required bid (example)500 minimum first bid,2nd round,1000,3rd round 1500 and so on,it could be played quicker then a Bingo game.
Pedro Martínez:Sure Pedro thanks.
after all the starts and pond finishing should be interesting,we can even add like a pecentage statistics.ponds divided by wins=the percentage. :o)
That mean when the first 25 ponds are over,whoever entered them can join a prize tournament in the ponds for a (BRAINKING T SHIRT of there choice.Fencers already agreed to the idea.
I could for my pond tounaments create for example like a Baseball players average,which is based on number of times at the plate divided by there number of hits,in the ponds game a percentage of lasting in the game would be a great way for rating the ponds.
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