Pond type: Løb omkring ponden Pond ID: 8497 Mindste antal spillere: 16 Højeste antal spillere: 16 Tid per træk: 4 dage Start: 5. August 2013, 00:05:12 Slut: 19. August 2013, 00:05:05
(26. September 2018, 11:48:40) goseji, Y B WORKN for months always bids 2 when he is in last place. Anyone can see this but no one takes advantage of it
Træk: 13
(22. September 2018, 09:48:46) the last move of Y B WORKN's is very irrationaland unexpected, and how alexlee predict this move is more irrational, I met such things several times in other ponds too. I have been loosing my interest in this game