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Profil: Peach Wine

Peach Wine (Harald Woelfl) - BrainBonde, 105 Brains, 125 præstationspoint
Total score: 433 vundne, 13 uafgjorte, 1044 tabte, 0 vundne turneringer

Wall (59)
Peach Wine's seneste poster (offentlige forumer):
General Chat
4. Juni 2021, 15:45:07
Peach Wine 
Emne: Re:
Bernice: It is nice to know that you are from Australia. I visited Geraldton and Hutt River Province while I was in the DOD U.S. Navy. I invited you to a game of Dice Chess 10x10.
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Peach Wine's indlæg på offentlige forumer.:

Generel diskussion
  • - 4 meddelelser - Board for everybody who is interested in BrainKing itself, its structure, features and future. (modereret af Hrqls,, rod03801)

  •  General Chat - 2 meddelelser - Board for any kind of discussion (within reason). Please no rude words. (modereret af MadMonkey, Jason)

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Reversi og varianter
4 på stribe og varianter
Backgammon og varianter
Sænke slagskibe og varianter
Andre brætspil
  •  Run around the Pond - 1 meddelelse - Discuss about this new multiplayer game or comment current runs. (includes all versions of the game) (modereret af Vikings)

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