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Profil: wfroelich

wfroelich (Bill) - BrainBonde, 5 Brains, 370 præstationspoint
Total score: 1930 vundne, 326 uafgjorte, 2782 tabte, 54 vundne turneringer

wfroelich's seneste poster (offentlige forumer):
14. Juni 2007, 17:21:39
Emne: Drivecleaner Hijacking
I have also been plagued with this recently and can confirm it is specific to an ad on this site (affecting me on IE and Firefox). I do not believe it is not the result of my machine(s) being infected with spyware.

My solution was to download the flashblock add-on which has solved the problem. One of the flash ads is hijacking my browsers. It appears to happen when the add area at the top or bottom displays a blank white banner. Then the next click hijacks everything.

Not sure how to best get this resolved but thought I would pass this along.
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