Den højre kolonne viser eksempler på startpositioner for hver spiltype. De reelle startpositioner kan se lidt anderledes ud for visse spiltyper da det kan afhænge af en tilfældighedsfaktor (Corner skak, ...) eller på spillerens eget valg (Slagskibe, ...).
Dam Standard implementering af velkendt spil. Målet er at at erobre alle modpillerens brikker eller at gøre ham/hende ude af stand til at trække. (læs alle regler)
Anti Dam Formålet med denne variant er at få modspilleren til at erobre alle dine brikker. De øvrige regler er de samme som i almindelig Dam. (læs alle regler)
Tjekkisk Dam Tjekkisk Dam (kaldet "Dama" på tjekkisk) er en udvidelse af standard dam med en dronning (der erstatter kongen i dam), som bevæger sig et vilkårligt antal felter diagonalt. (læs alle regler)
Hjørne Dam Hjøre Dam er en variant af Tjekkisk Dam. Forskellen er (ud over startpositionen) at bønder kun kan forfremmes til dronninger i brættets øverste venstre hjørne. (læs alle regler)
En vejs Dam I envejsdam bevæger alle bønder sig i samme retning og begge spillere ser brættet fra samme side. De øvrige regler svarer til Tjekkisk Dam. (læs alle regler)
Faldskærms Dam Faldskærmsdam tilføjer en ny brik - faldskærmsudspringeren. Faldskærmsudspringere venter på modspillerens første række, og de kan kun springe baglæns over en fjendtlig brik (og fange den). Efter springet bliver de straks til almindelige brikker. (læs alle regler)
Gotisk Dam En af de nyeste varianter af Dam. Brikkerne er placeret på både mørke og lyse felter og kan bevæge sig vandret, lodret og diagonalt. (læs alle regler)
Tyrkisk Dam En ikke særlig kendt men interessant variant af Dam. Brikkerne kan kun bevæge sig vandret og lodret og er placeret på både mørke og lyse felter. (læs alle regler)
Alquerque Alquerque, en mere end 3000 år gammel forløber for Dam, er en interessant tilføjelse til denne spilkategori. (læs alle regler)
Hawaii-dam Hawaii-dam (også kaldet Konane) er et strategispil som kombinerer reglerne for dam og froglet. Spillet starter med at alle felterne på brættet er fyldt af brikker. Spillerne kan kun hoppe vandret eller lodret, og den som først løber tør for lovlige træk taber spillet. (læs alle regler)
International Checkers This is one of the most widespread checkers variants in the world. The game is played on 10x10 board and each player has 20 pieces. Pawns can capture diagonally forward or backward, jumped pieces are removed from the board after the full move and it is mandatory to capture as many pieces (as one multi-jump) as possible. When a pawn reaches the last row while jumping and can jump more pieces backwards, it does not promote. (læs alle regler)
Russian Checkers Russian Checkers (Shashki) variant is very similar to International Checkers. It is played on 8x8 board with 12 pieces of each player, pawns can capture diagonally forward or backward and jumped pieces are removed from the board after the full move is performed. Unlike International Checkers, it is not mandatory to make the longest possible jump and if a pawn reaches the last row while jumping, it promotes to a queen and continues jumping immediately. (læs alle regler)
Canadian Checkers Canadian Checkers variant is identical to the International Checkers. The only difference is that the game is played on a bigger board (12x12) with 30 pieces of each player. (læs alle regler)
Thai Checkers This checkers variant is played on 8x8 board with only 8 pieces of each player. The rules are similar to Czech Checkers with these differences: 1) A queen can make long jumps (over more empty squares) but must land just on the next square after the captured piece. 2) A queen does not have a jumping preference (if a jump can be done with a queen and a pawn at the same time, any of these pieces can be chosen). (læs alle regler)
Brazilian Checkers Brazilian Checkers variant is identical to the International Checkers. The only difference is that the game is played on a smaller board (8x8) with 12 pieces of each player. (læs alle regler)
Portuguese Checkers Portuguese Checkers (also known as Spanish Checkers with rotated board) variant is played on 8x8 board with 12 pieces of each player. Pawns can capture only diagonally forward, promoted pieces (queens) move and capture any number squares diagonally forward or backward, jumped pieces are removed from the board after the full move is performed and and it is mandatory to capture as many pieces (as one multi-jump) as possible. If a position allows 2 or more longest captures, it is compulsory to choose the one which captures the maximum amount of queens. (læs alle regler)
Italian Checkers Italian Checkers is played on 8x8 board with 12 pieces of each player and black starts a game. Pawns and kings move and capture like in American Checkers with these important differences: 1) Pawns cannot capture kings. 2) It is mandatory to capture as many pieces (as one multi-jump) as possible. 3) If a position allows 2 or more longest captures, the one made with a king is preferred. If this condition does not produce an unique result, it is compulsory to choose the one which captures the maximum amount of kings. 4) If the previous still allows different jumps, the one which captures a king first has a preference. (læs alle regler)
Dameo This game (created by Christian Freeling) is one of the most modern Checkers variants. Pawns move forward or diagonally forward, either one space to a vacant square or jumping over a solid line of friendly pawns to a vacant space (linear movement). Promoted pieces (queens) move any number of spaces horizontally, vertically or diagonally. Capture moves are allowed only vertically and horizontally, and the capture rules are the same as in International Checkers. (læs alle regler)
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