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27. October 2008, 21:27:16
Subject: Re: Finding Games?
BrainKing64: You won't see your own games because you can't accept them. After all you can't play against yourself. Or at least not legally.

16. January 2008, 01:23:18
Subject: Response time
I've really taken my time trying to decide if I want to jump in here, but I'm realizing that it is important to change this perception that it is just a few malcontents who are having trouble with the site. It's not. There are many of us who are having speed issues, but just don't make a big deal about it.

However, I am finding myself having to use vacation days to keep up with my games, an issue I never had before. This morning it was taking forever, right now, my pages are loading fine. I too have a top of the line computer with a fast internet connection. I also have no problems with any other site. This has just started in the past few months. All any of use would like to see is a review of what has changed recently that has seemed to impact so many of us.

Also, I agree with baddessi, just because Fencer isn't giving you the response you want doesn't mean he isn't working on this behind the scenes. And while we may have legitimate gripes, the "tone of voice" on this board from some people is not conducive to getting someone to help you.

And before you feel the need to flame me and defend yourself, ask yourself why you think I'm referring to you.

Ok, I'm off to try and get some moves done while the site access is quick.

10. February 2007, 20:06:00
Subject: Re: bugs
WellyWales: I know you can do it with 5 dice, I was clarifying for Unikum why 4 dice made a small straight.

10. February 2007, 19:40:44
Subject: Re: bugs
unikum: A small straight is 4 in a row, a large straight is 5 in a row.

10. February 2007, 19:35:44
Subject: Thank you Fencer!
I just went to sign up for a tournament and noticed all those pretty little check boxes by each game. Thank you! No more flipping through page after page to sign up for more than one game in a tournament! Well done.

3. January 2007, 22:28:29
Subject: Re:
Czuch Czuckers: Go to "My profile" click on "Fellowships" at the bottom of the list is all the teams you are on.

30. October 2006, 21:53:25
Subject: Re: Why did I time out?
Fencer: Oh, so there was a gap between time suspensions?

30. October 2006, 19:33:26
Subject: Why did I time out?
Are Fischer clock games not affected by the time suspension? I've timed out in two games during the the time suspension.

16. February 2006, 19:06:51

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