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22. August 2013, 16:41:38
Subject: Re:
Aganju: There's one problem with skipping Wednesday and Thursday: Vacations would get shorter. A three week vacation, for example, would only last 15 days - and 6 of those days would have been weekend days anyway. Maybe we could make this feature optional? I would like to be able to change my preference from time to time...

1. May 2013, 10:13:28
Subject: Re: Poor form?
Carpe Diem: Seems like you came up with a good answer yourself :-)
I think the option to create n game matches is a bit silly anyway. If this had be 2 win match instead, it would have been over by now.
And yes, some people have so many games going that they don't seem to pay attention at all. I have a game where I've literally been winning for years, and my opponent doesn't seem very excited at all about playing on - but still does so.

19. April 2013, 11:12:34
Subject: Re: long tournament
Pedro Martínez: Yes, that looks worrying. Round 2 started quite recently, 20. September 2012. And the site clearly got the Sonneborn-Berger score wrong.

6. February 2013, 21:50:56
Subject: Re: Skewed Games
likewowman2cool: A simple way to take away any bias is Battleboats would be to have 'simultaneous' moves like in Logik: Even though the players take turns, the outcome is only revealed after the second player's move. And the game is drawn if they use the same number of moves to reach the goal.

6. February 2013, 19:20:21
Subject: Re: Maharajah chess
Raistlin: I wonder if 3 Maharajahs would be too much? As White, I would try to combine threats against f7, c7 and g7, as a capture on any of these squares with a protected Maharajah would be mate. So Black would have to either protect each of these squares twice, which looks difficult, or create an escape for the king, which looks risky.

21. November 2012, 09:14:09
Subject: Re: BKR Lottery
Hrqls: Yes, that would solve the problem rabbitoid pointed out - but not the problem with a strong player getting a ridiculously low BKR because he timed out in a bunch of games. His future opponents would still suffer from that.

Maybe the solution is to use the BKR from the start of the game AND delete someone's BKR if they time out in three games in a row? And (still) delete them from any tournament they have signed up for.

20. November 2012, 20:47:28
Subject: Re: BKR Lottery
rabbitoid: I think it was essentially the same with the old vacation system, the difference being that the BKR decline happened over the course of a day, not an hour.

In my view, the main problem is that if such a player decides to come back and play more games, his next many opponents will be punished BKR-wise for playing a strong opponent who now has a 700-ish rating.

Maybe it would be possible to suspend a player's BKR if he times out in a certain number of games? His opponents who win on time would all be rated according to the player's BKR at the time of the suspension. The player himself would have to start over and play 25 games to establish a new rating. And, perhaps most important: The player should automatically be deleted from all tournaments he has signed up for, to limit the number of time-outs.

7. June 2012, 18:48:34
Subject: Re: fevga and plakoto errors
Fencer: Let me try again: Now there is also a problem with the smaller set. It must be recent, speachless was the first one to notice. But it's in my games too.

7. June 2012, 18:20:17
Subject: Re: fevga and plakoto errors
Fencer: Oops, I posted 5 seconds later than you :-)

Take a closer look at those Plakoto games, though. It does look like something is wrong. The same thing happens when I play through some of my older games, which suggests that it is a recent problem with the graphics, not the gameplay.

7. June 2012, 18:15:07
Subject: Re: ERRORS of RUNNING fevga and plakoto games
speachless: The Fevga game I can explain: You can't make a legal move with the 6-6 roll.  "A player's first checker must pass the opponent's starting point before he may move any of his other checkers."

The Plakoto thing is funny, it actually looks like a piece disappears. But if you play on, the piece reappears when the trapping piece moves away. I guess it is (yet another) problem with the special image files used in Plakoto.

The problem used to be that some of those image files were missing. That meant that you had to set the game settings for backgammon type games to the smaller version - if you didn't, sometimes some tiles of the plakoto board would not show at all. That's probably why you were told to change the settings. But it seems that now some image files have been swapped around somehow, the result being that some trapped pieces don't show on the screen. This should be fixed.

18. April 2012, 08:45:43
Subject: Re: Brains?!?!
JungleBurger: You can use brains to play in prize tournaments that offer brains as a prize... I think that's pretty much it.

2. March 2012, 22:21:20
Subject: Re:
Bernice: Very sorry to hear it 
Hope he gets well soon.

2. March 2012, 19:20:24
Subject: Where is Pedro?
Has anybody heard from Pedro Martínez lately? I hope he is ok and that he is coming back to this site.

19. February 2012, 14:18:05
Subject: Re:
Ladybird68: You can play any game without thinking if you put your mind to it  The main point of playing ludo for these record attempts is the low click-per-move ratio: You click the piece you want to move, then you click the move button; and sometimes when you can't make a move, you only have to click the move button. That means you have an average click-per-move ratio below 2, while most other games typically require 3 clicks per move.

I think the average length of a ludo game is slightly more than 50 moves, so 200 games of ludo should do. Make sure to be playing a lot of games at any time so that if one of you needs a short break, the other will still have moves to play. It's also a good idea to have several more opponents lined up on the side in case one of you needs a longer break.

I'd love to attempt 10,000 some day, but I won't have time for it anytime soon.

11. February 2012, 09:28:44
Subject: Re: Slow games
Chimera: Is this a competition? I played 915 moves once. But I think games only get that long when both players play defensively.

10. February 2012, 22:57:20
Subject: Re: Slow games
Vikings: we may be talking millennia then!

10. February 2012, 22:40:48
Subject: Re: Slow games
Bernice: It's just a bit of light-hearted fun 

10. February 2012, 22:31:56
Subject: Re:
norrsken: I'm not convinced that such a limit is really needed... this way it'll appeal to the wannabe turtles as well. Btw., I know people with 1500+ games that are not turtles, so it's difficult to set a relevant limit.

10. February 2012, 21:28:13
Subject: Re: Slow games
pedestrian: Something like this?

10. February 2012, 19:18:55
Subject: Re: Slow games
norrsken: I like the idea... but I'm not sure the turtles would confine themselves to the sanctuary. 

10. February 2012, 09:10:13
Subject: Re: Slow games
norrsken: I very briefly considered playing in the same 21pt tournament you're in. Then I did a few calculations and realized that if two turtles play each other under those conditions, it could easily take 50 years. Apart from everything that's been said (most of which I agree with) it doesn't make sense that one can create a tournament that can last 50 years.

19. December 2011, 16:45:17
Subject: Re: lol
Justaminute: Good point! Although some paying members are no longer active.

17. December 2011, 03:21:11
Subject: Re: Users Stats
rod03801: Yes, that's my impression too. But how many are there? Out of the 2000 to 3000 active profiles, how many are here to play (board!) games, and how many are just hanging around? To estimate those numbers, I guess you would have to have access to the server and do what Aganju suggests.

What I'd like to do is to somehow find out if the number of actual people on the site is going up or down. Those multis are disturbing my circles...

17. December 2011, 02:57:34
Subject: Re: Users Stats
Aganju: Yes, the number of active profiles is probably in the 2000-3000 range. 

Then there's a "background noise" of people who log on once, then leave again. Seems to be (roughly) 5000 a year, or 100 a week.

And there's some "multinicks" like Bwild suggested, people who keep multiple accounts for whatever reason. But it won't be easy to make an estimate of those.

I may try to keep track of these numbers over time and see if there is any significant change.

17. December 2011, 02:33:46
Subject: Re: Users Stats Thanks, that's great - very helpful! Now we're getting somewhere :-)

I get these stats:
Number of profiles logged in the last...

... 24 hours: 1907
... 48 hours: 2218
... week: 2617
... month: 3188
... year: 7695

This is a long shot, but does anybody have any idea about the corresponding numbers from earlier times? Did the number of active members go up or down?

17. December 2011, 00:50:01
Subject: Re: lol
Aganju: Not looking at any particular time frame, actually. I'll more or less sign up for anything, unless the tournament is designed to take decades.

You're probably right that large tournaments might have a periodic impact on the level of activity, but my hunch is based on long time observations anyway. It just feels like the number of "usual suspects" has decreased.

17. December 2011, 00:25:14
Subject: Re: lol
Thad: I get the feeling that the number of active members in slowly decreasing; it seems increasingly difficult to fill tournaments up. But I don't know, it's only a hunch. Maybe Fencer can enlighten us?

5. December 2011, 16:11:08
Subject: Re: thisbeme
Pedro Martínez: Fencer is checking it, see November 29th. Seems to have something to do with the light bulb action.

29. November 2011, 19:15:08
Subject: Vacation days when paid membership runs out
I think this subject has been discussed before, but I was under the impression that the bug had been fixed:

When someone lets their paid membership run out, it seems as if they're rewarded with another 10 vacation days because they are now a pawn. I don't think this is the way it is intended to work?

15. January 2011, 16:45:22
Subject: Re:
rod03801: I'm pretty sure the site checks for timeouts every 10 minutes. That would be consistent with the time that these two games ended: 16:00:01 and 15:50:01 respectively. So to be sure to win on time in a fast-paced game when your opponent has overstepped the time, you would have to wait until the site's clock shows xx:x9:50 or something and then make your move. Not an ideal way to play fast-paced games, but then again, it's not the site's main focus.

28. December 2010, 10:56:06
Subject: Re:
Bernice: There was a message displayed on saying something like "the site is currently down". So I guess that technically speaking it wasn't really down, since it could show this message.

4. September 2010, 11:00:41
Subject: Re: ponds
Hrqls: Both tenuki and Pedro Martínez are strong players, and I want to be able to respect them both. What they have achieved on this site has taken a lot of effort and deserves respect. And when one of them accuses the other of cheating, I still want to respect them both. Apparently, tenuki hasn't broken any rules even if there was team play - but the current discussion has shown that nobody (perhaps except Fencer) is really happy with this interpretation of the rules.

I do think it was wrong of Pedro to make public accussations, especially without proper evidence, and I have made that argument earlier in this discussion. But the problem is, I don't know what else he could have done. Clearly, if Fencer's position is that he doesn't really care and we shouldn't take the games too seriously, there's noone to turn to with your frustrations. I think that's the biggest problem here, and I think Fencer's disgraceful goodbye to Pedro confirmed this.

I don't like it here anymore, and I'll just finish the games I've started and not start any new ones. As for BrainKing3, I couldn't care less at this point. 

2. September 2010, 19:32:11
I have to say that this 865 bet seems a bit odd - nauars played 865 in the previous round too, but there's no * next to the number like there usually is to indicate that a player was offline and his/her last bet was automatically repeated. I don't see how somebody would guess that it was safe to bet 866 in this case.

But Pedro, how come you present your strongest argument only after you have announced your resignation from the site? I would at least give Fencer a chance to change his mind and look into it.

2. September 2010, 17:56:00
Subject: Re:
Fencer: "Fine.  The problem is solved."

That's a somewhat disturbing attitude imo.

Fencer, Pedro may have been wrong in this particular case, and while I don't think it was right of him to go public and name names, I don't think he can be blamed for his concern that it is possible to cheat in some games. When you decide if you want to fix a problem or not, the decisive factor should be if there really is a problem, not whether or not you take that particular game seriously. I take my games seriously too, like Pedro. Would you prefer if I leave too?

2. September 2010, 14:42:25
Subject: Re:
Bwild: @ "it seems highly unlikely that these 2(?) players can be 1 apart for so many turns."

If people don't pay attention to each other's actions and pick a number more or less at random, then yes, that is extremely unlikely. But if one person uses a formula that is based, for instance, on the average number from the last round, and sticks rigidly to this formula, and somebody else figures out what he does and takes advantage - then this is not unlikely at all. In fact, what we see in these two ponds is exactly what you would expect to see.

2. September 2010, 10:44:43
Subject: Re:
MadMonkey:  It does look very suspicious, but I think MadMonkey has a point. It is possible that nauars has a formula, and that tenuki simply guessed his formula and played 1 higher every time.

16. August 2010, 08:41:20
Subject: Re:
Universal Eyes: "The way i see it, the longer it takes for BK3 the better it will be."

So we should actually be dissapointed when it finally comes, because that means it's not as good as it could have been 

1. August 2010, 20:46:03
Subject: Re:10000 move achievement
Snoopy: Finally made it to 5000... I know, it's nothing in comparison 

I was impressed that both 10000-movers offered their help when they saw I was still struggling 

1. August 2010, 16:09:20
Subject: Re:
furbster: Congrats furbster! 

Looks like Snoopy will make it too. If anybody still haven't had enough Ludo for today, I've posted a few matches in the 'waiting games' area. I'm only trying to make the 5000 moves achievement, but still... :-)

6. June 2010, 02:14:08
Subject: Re: "score of finished games"
plaintiger: "score of finished games" is the score in previous, finished games (or matches) between you and your opponent in this game type. It doesn't concern the current match at all. Note that if you play a match of several games, it is counted as one game for all statistical purposes.

So 1:4 (=0) means that the player mentioned first has won 1 game, the second player has won 4 and no games have been drawn. When your current match is over, one of those numbers will go up by 1.

22. May 2010, 10:18:08
Subject: Re: tournaments
rabbitoid: That's odd. I fooled around with it a little, and if you choose a tournament type (rather than leaving it on 'all tournament types') it actually shows more running tournaments! I don't know if it shows them all, though:

one game for each two players - running (482)
two games (switched colors) for each two players - running (226)
single elimination - running (423)
triple gammon - running (4)

13. May 2010, 12:18:55
Subject: Maximum number of waiting games?
It seems you can only have a maximum of 50 games on the "waiting games" list at a time. I guess it's fine to have an upper limit, but shouldn't it be stated somewhere, for instance in the membership conditions? If it is, I can't find it.

Moreover, when I try to create waiting game no. 51, I get the usual message:

"New game has been successfully created."

even though the game wasn't created.

22. April 2010, 18:52:31
Subject: Re:
Nothingness: Yes, of course

It will take a lot of moves and probably a lot of online time, though.

18. April 2010, 11:18:32
Subject: Re:
Nothingness: I still don't think you understand how the fischer clock works. If you move 10 times a day, you DO get credit, and you will NOT time out if you leave for a couple of days. If the time control is .../0.6/... (which is very fast) and you respond immediately 10 times in one day, you'll be credited 60 hours. If your opponent responds after one hour 9 times that day, he will only be credited 45 hours. And if you make the last move in the evening, you won't lose time during the night, but he will.

As for going away for 2 days, the 60 hours you saved should be plenty of time. But on top of that, you also have your initial time (the first number in the description of the time control). if the time control was 7/0.6/..., that means you have 7 extra days that you can choose to use now or later, plus the 60 hours you saved which you can also use now or later.

17. April 2010, 19:07:51
Subject: Re: understanding the fischer clock
AbigailII: "With ../0.6/.., if you sleep 7 hours a day, and be online the other 17 hours, you still may lose the game on the clock. It all depends on when your opponent moves - which is outside of your control."

I've been thinking about that for an hour now, and I don't think it's true. Remember that every time you move less than 6 hours after your opponent, you gain time. If you're online for an unlikely 17 hours a day, two things could happen:

1. Your opponent makes moves during the day. If you respond quickly (i.e. in less than 5 hours!) the time you save will more than make up for the time you lose during the night.

2. Your opponent doesn't move until you log off. When you log in the next morning your clock has been ticking for 7 hours, so in this case it's true that you lose 1 hour. But meanwhile, your opponent has lost 11 hours because he didn't move all day. If this goes on for several days, he'll time out long before you do.

In general, if you're able to log on four times a day and there's more than 12 hours between the first and the last log on, I think this reasoning applies. You can't possible lose on time, because you'll either make four moves a day or play faster than your opponent.

17. April 2010, 17:15:37
Subject: Re: understanding the fischer clock
Nothingness: I think the short anwer to your question is 'no'.

You can't have a time setting of 1 day and a bonus of 6 hours, because 'time setting' and 'bonus' are basically the same thing with the fischer clock. Let's look at the way the time is written, for instance 7/1/15: In this case 7 is the number of days you have in your 'savings account' when the game starts; 1 is the number of days that is added every time you make a move; and 15 is the maximum of saved time you can have. You only time out when your 'savings account' is empty, in this case that won't happen the first week no matter how slow you play.

But what you need to care most about is the middle number. If you change it to six hours, it would look like this: 7/0.6/15. That means if your opponnent moves very fast and is always online, you will have to move four times a day to keep up. If he moves at the same pace as you, you will both have to move approximately two times a day. I think that may be close to what you're looking for.

9. April 2010, 14:40:32
Subject: Re: language barriers
Nothingness: You can make a move and check the box that says "Offer draw with this move" before you click "Move". This way, your offer stands while it's his turn.

You might want to make a comment like "½-½?" too, to make sure he sees your draw offer.

21. February 2010, 18:21:41
yes, BrainKing is slooooooooooow today... has been slow on an off the last few days.

19. February 2010, 19:01:17
Subject: Re: i know ive properly
hagaren: To be counted as one of those 25 games, a game has to be rated. That means it must last at least 2 moves (not 10). If you play a game that only lasts 1 move, it is still counted under 'My profile'-> 'finished games', so unless you keep your own score of those unrated games, you won't know for sure when you'll reach 25.

1. February 2010, 07:36:13
Subject: Re:

Slow here too....
Spent all morning setting up my start position for a game of screen chess, took up to a couple of minutes to place each piece...

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