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 Missing people

This board can be used as a missing folks board for people who are away from the site for a period of time. This rpobably would mean a month or longer.

If anyone has info on some one who hasn't been at the site for some time please let others know. The original intent of this board was to get and give info on missing people after Katrina and Rita hit the US..

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    10. October 2005, 12:23:35
    Andre Faria 
    Subject: Re: Closing this Board?
    Nirvana: agree with you. The tendency is to happens this kind of disasters more and more...

    10. October 2005, 12:14:26
    Subject: Re: Closing this Board?
    Modified by Nirvana (10. October 2005, 12:43:00)
    I hope Fencer considers leaving it here, maybe broadening it to include other world emergency situations? Clearly whilst the hurricane season isn't yet over there may be more to come, plus the earthquake in Asiatic areas, where the total so far has reached 40,000 dead and many thousands more missing.
    From the posts here, there is a clear need for it here. To put it in a fellowship would be unfair to pawns (Linda for example) who would be unable to share vital information with us directly but via other members posting on her behalf.

    *editted for spelling!

    9. October 2005, 02:02:21
    Linda J 
    Subject: Re: Closing this Board?
    alexlee: Thank you
    It's horrendous down here, No pictures or video could ever come close to what it was like and still is in some places. Coffins washed up and were in ditches on the side of the road in Slidell. It left slabs where homes and business were and in one case picked up the concrete slab and put it in the bayou.
    Our area is swollen with over 100,000 more people than normal. A 10 minute drive takes hours now.

    8. October 2005, 23:46:21
    Subject: Re: Closing this Board?
    Thank you and yes this can stay here a while? Fencer has not said anything about closing it but it was a temporary board used for looking for missing members so I expect he will be asking about closing it soon? Maybe someone could create a club for posting what help is needed and who and where to send things? Only I do not know how members would know of the club unless ya come up with a good name for it? I have no idea how to start a club but would join it if someone wants to do it!
    Thanks Linda for posting your letter and I hope members here will help out with anything they can!

    8. October 2005, 21:59:16
    Linda J 
    Subject: From general chat board
    Hurricane Katrina
    Hello and thank you for your concern.
    I'm just fine and so is my home. Both of my neighbors received damage to their homes. It was if God wrapped his arms around my home and sparred it. Maybe because he knew I'd be so willing to help others. All I can say, it looked like a war zone here. The following is a letter I wrote to our family asking for help. If anyone is interested in helping Please e-mail me, write or call.
    Linda Jones
    26050 East Elm Street
    Lacombe, Louisiana 70445
    (985) 882-7502
    Katrina relief Shoe Box Fund
    Hello Everyone. I hope this finds you well & happy.   Some time ago Bob sent around a letter he called a shoe box fund. It has now become necessary to do this again. Before you start reading this I want you to look around your house and imagine saving one thing IF you could, what would it be? Now imagine losing everything you own. Now look up. You no longer have a roof over your head or a house to call your own.
    On August 29th 2005 the lives of some of our very own family members was changed forever.
    Hurricane Katrina roared onshore with a mighty vengeance. Affected were Larry Havard
    Perry & Belinda Gill, and their two sons Tyler & Andy Gill As if that wasn't bad enough Katrina's evil sister Rita took the home of two more of our family members. This time Wesley Roberts & Megan Roberts. These family members now can carry what they own in a car. Hard to imagine?
    Even harder to live.....
    All they want is their lives back. Something to call their own, a little normalcy. It will be months if not years to get back everything they lost.
    Imagine going to sleep tonight and the very pillow you lay your head on doesn't even belong to you. Starting to get the picture? This is what they live everyday.
    I also bet not one of these people has asked for anything, other than can I wash a load of clothes or something similar. We need to open our hearts, our homes and reach out to each of them with a hug a kind word and maybe a little financial help. It will be cold soon....Can you imagine them cold? When they evacuated, the last thing on someone's mind was a coat. It was well into the 90's. I didn't think about a coat, it never crossed my mind.
    God spared my house and I had a home to go home to. Unless you live through it it's hard to even imagine.
    All they want to do is go home and can't... Christmas is right around the corner. The flood water took Andy's bike, Tylers four wheeler, Larry's new boat and I'm sure some of Wes & Megans favorite things. These family members are all spread out in different homes in our family. A few of the things they have left, are their faith and lots of tears.
    Let's make this a Christmas to remember for each of them. I would like to collect money to do just that. Who knows better what they need then they do.
    I'm asking you to open your hearts & your wallets and please help by donating to this go around of the shoe box fund. This could of happened to any one of us or our children. And God forbid our family never sees this again. People all over the country have opened their hearts,their homes to strangers, plus their wallets. Surely we can too for people we know and love.
    Belinda is staying with me while working so she can help me handle this. Please send a donation in the form of a check to me Linda Jones my address is 26050 East Elm Street Lacombe, La. 70445 Let's make it a Christmas they'll never forget and let them have something to call their own.
    Thank you
    I love you all,
    I'd like to do this not only for my family but for others too. People are still in tents on the coast. It's getting cold here at night. They could use blankets & coats. I will make sure these get into the hands that need them if I have to go from tent to tent. God bless you and thank you from the bottom of my heart

    8. October 2005, 21:17:35
    Subject: Re: Closing this Board?
    alexlee: yes- if you go to linda's post in general chat earlier today- you can see what she posted.
    I left her a message to post that information here. I thought people might not read GC and would not know about her post. Could you hold off for just a little bit alexlee? : )

    8. October 2005, 20:44:46
    Subject: Closing this Board?
    I will ask Fencer to close this board unless there is some reason anyone wants to keep it?

    26. September 2005, 00:43:03
    Subject: Re: Crusaden Catman
    Thanks very much for your help!

    25. September 2005, 21:22:18
    Foxy Lady 
    Subject: Re: Linda J
    rod03801: Thats great to hear.

    25. September 2005, 20:25:45
    Subject: Re: Crusaden Catman
    Mousetrap: there was a whole list of catman's at IYT.. the 33 I think was Dale's car number.. not sure.. but, I do know Catman loved the races.. I think the two are different ones..

    25. September 2005, 17:41:22
    Subject: Re: Crusaden Catman
    I had a PM off Catman,s son, I believe him. It is a damn shame.
    I don,t think Catman33 that we know is the same person although he did,nt confirm it as he is upset about his dad.

    25. September 2005, 17:33:04
    Subject: Linda J
    Linda must be safe.. I see she has been on brainking today.

    25. September 2005, 06:20:33
    I hope so also..

    25. September 2005, 06:17:21
    Foxy Lady 
    Subject: Re: Crusaden Catman
    ScarletRose: Does he play here also? I hope you can find out if it's true or not.

    25. September 2005, 06:12:55
    Subject: Re: Crusaden Catman
    Foxy Lady: I am wondering if it is the same Catman.. ?? I mean it could be a different one.. I will know shortly since I posted about putting the boys mom on.. I know her..

    25. September 2005, 06:11:20
    Foxy Lady 
    Subject: Re: Crusaden Catman
    Mousetrap: There seems to be a question if it's true or not on IYT.

    25. September 2005, 05:45:41
    Subject: Re: Crusaden Catman
    Foxy Lady:
    I do not know if it true.

    25. September 2005, 05:44:21
    Subject: Re: Crusaden Catman
    Go to iyt and read the general thourghts board, and see what you think please.

    25. September 2005, 05:43:06
    Foxy Lady 
    Subject: Re: Crusaden Catman
    Mousetrap: I don't think so Mouse i haven't seen it anywhere.You should post it on GC so everyone knows.

    25. September 2005, 05:40:45
    Subject: Re: Crusaden Catman
    Mousetrap: What??? you mean Catman from IYT??

    25. September 2005, 05:38:48
    Subject: Crusaden Catman
    A post was made about Catman being killed in Iraq. Does anyone know about this?

    23. September 2005, 01:09:50
    Subject: Re: Spamin for a Good Cause!!
    Great idea, please keep us updated on this board for any members who are not in a club and may not know of a collection to help someone in need!
    Does anyone have any information on Linda J yet?

    22. September 2005, 17:56:24
    Subject: Spamin for a Good Cause!!
    Goodfoods and his wife went through hurricane Katrina.. their house withstood the winds.. they lost lots of trees.. and due to the power surges lost their A/C and their Refridge and Freezers.. amongst the smaller appliances.. which those smaller ones he says can be replaced easier.. he did mention though.. the larger appliances are a bit harder to afford at this time..

    If any of you would like to help donate even 5 or 10 dollars would be of a great help.. and when we have reached the goal of getting him his needs perhaps the extra money can go to someone else in his area.. :)

    TT and I, amongst others are anxious to help.. so please contact one of us privately to find out how you can help him and his family..


    19. September 2005, 19:58:53
    Subject: Re: The Chef is back!
    what a relief to all of us to know you're ok.
    i'm sure you have a lot to clean up. keep smiling:)

    19. September 2005, 06:53:49
    Foxy Lady 
    Subject: Re: The Chef is back!
    goodfoods: So glad your both ok and up and running again.

    18. September 2005, 23:31:32
    Subject: Re: The Chef is back!
    So very glad to here you are both safe and welcome back. We have been trying to find you, we sure did alot of searching!!! I hope you did not have to much damage to your home?

    18. September 2005, 20:17:50
    Subject: Re: The Chef is back!
    goodfoods: Hooray!!! Hello!! Soooooooo pleased to hear you are back & are ok!! Catch you in our game, big ((((hugs))) :o))))

    18. September 2005, 20:05:03
    Subject: Re: The Chef is back!

    18. September 2005, 19:45:44
    Subject: Re: The Chef is back!

    18. September 2005, 19:39:05
    Subject: Re: The Chef is back!

    18. September 2005, 19:31:48
    Awesome!!! Welcome back Tom!

    18. September 2005, 19:16:31
    Subject: The Chef is back!
    Hello everyone Just wanted to post and let everyone know that Mywayrthehiway(Tammy) and I are OK I don't know about Linda J yet, she lives in LaCombe, La. just west of Slidell, La. and they got hit pretty bad also is there anybody else that plays here that lives around these parts we might be able to check up on let us know for now back to cleaning up i'llrelax and move games later

    18. September 2005, 08:02:47
    Foxy Lady 
    Subject: Re:
    Modified by Foxy Lady (18. September 2005, 08:46:34)
    ScarletRose: I sure hope he is ok,a pond has been posted for him and his safe return to his family and BK friends.

    17. September 2005, 06:34:31
    I took Bernices suggestion and wrote a letter to the editor to Picayune Item which is the one newspaper I found a link to earlier ..

    I mentioned we were all here waiting anxiously to at least hear a quick I am fine message.. so maybe they will print up the article and hopefully GoodFoods sees it..

    15. September 2005, 09:14:04
    Thanks everyone for your help

    15. September 2005, 02:01:58
    Subject: Re: ray of hope
    BerniceC: OMG Bernice.. thanks so much for that.. whoa..

    15. September 2005, 00:00:39
    Subject: Re: ray of hope
    Rose: Just a thought....
    Has anyone thought of writing a letter to the editor of that Newspaper explaining that people from here are worried about "GoodFoods" as his nic is...If he is OK, then chances are he would read the letter if he was still in the area.
    Worth a try I would say

    14. September 2005, 21:14:35
    Subject: Re: ray of hope
    ScarletRose: mine too. I have been reading papers and sites all afternoon trying to find a death toll. It almost appears as if in Goodfoods area there was major damage but no deaths

    14. September 2005, 20:49:24
    Subject: Re: ray of hope
    Rose: Thankyou.. that does help my tummy a bit .. :)

    14. September 2005, 20:11:49
    Subject: ray of hope

    14. September 2005, 16:33:43
    Subject: Re:
    Thanks, let us know if you find out anything!

    14. September 2005, 15:51:12
    Subject: Re:
    cariad: Kool Cariad thanks on the Linda info.

    14. September 2005, 15:50:31
    Subject: Re:

    alexee, I know Linda's address and I know someone there that will try and check it out.

    14. September 2005, 15:49:41
    Subject: Re:
    alexlee: Lindaj lived/ lives a few miles out side of N.O near the coast. I am hoping she and her hubby got out Sunday when they got the warning.. If not Im sure her house was badly damaged. I used to have her address but no longer have it. Maybe someone else does?

    14. September 2005, 15:47:44
    Subject: Re:
    cariad: GMTA kiddo! (great minds thinking alike)

    14. September 2005, 15:46:13
    Subject: Re:
    Yes I found it to, does anyone know where she lived? Seems a little early to be connected with Katrina? Same with Linda J...where did she live??

    14. September 2005, 15:43:33
    Subject: Re:

    Her last action was the 16th, 13 days b4 the hurricane.

    14. September 2005, 15:43:05
    Prisca Pan, last action 16th August.

    14. September 2005, 15:41:24
    Subject: Re:
    That name does not show up when I try to find it here? If she had stopped playing before August 29th it probably has nothing to do with the hurricane. Have you tried other game sites? Maybe she plays at IYT or some of the others?

    14. September 2005, 13:33:17
    Hi there, did anyone play PriscaPan that is the only name I have for her, she did say to call her ginger. I have not heard from her for ages and all her games have timed out on me, I hope she is ok. Does anyone else know her ?

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