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Discuss about the BrainKing Stairs.

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  • To find out what stairs you can currently challenge someone in, first go to the Main Stairs Page, then click on "Show your stairs only" link. The ones in BOLD are ones you can make a challenge in.

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    5. February 2006, 22:39:52
    Subject: Re:
    Fencer: ohhhhhh: after i click "Stairs" i have to click "Show your stairs only" before i see which ones are bold (like rod said). i forgot about that - i thought i should see my stairs in bold when i just clicked "Stairs" in the main menu. it would be nice if i did, hint-hint...but this'll work for now. ;) thanks, Filip.

    rod03801: you can find a server at the mall if your mall has an Apple Store. a low-end Power Mac G5 plus the server OS will run you about $2500.00 US before tax.

    5. February 2006, 09:01:32
    Modified by plaintiger (5. February 2006, 09:02:49)
    are the names of stairs in which it's my turn to challenge somebody supposed to still be turning bold to let me know it's my turn to challenge somebody? because mine haven't been. i have to look through all my stairs every so often to see if i need to challenge anyone. it's really tedious...

    i thought that turning-bold feature was brilliant, but it seems to be gone now.

    thanks. :)

    5. February 2006, 01:05:48
    we could use some more anti-froglet players in the very fast fischer's stairs, if anyone's interested...

    15. November 2005, 01:21:01
    Subject: Re: what's a Fischer's Stair?
    playBunny: aha. thank you, pB.

    15. November 2005, 01:11:00
    Subject: what's a Fischer's Stair?
    what's a Fischer's Stair? how is it different from regular stairs? thanks...

    13. November 2005, 10:07:34
    Subject: Re:
    BerniceC: right - what Fencer said. because Your rating is well higher than SandyH's, the system (quite logically) regards Her drawing a game with You as something of an accomplishment on Her part (and thus something worthy of reward) and conversely it sees Your drawing a game with Her as - shall we say - an incidence of Your not playing up to Your potential (and thus something worthy of demerit). She's rewarded with some points; You're demerited some. and there it is.

    11. November 2005, 09:46:46
    speaking of a lot of draws, i know this is far-fetched, but it's happened to me so much that i'm compelled to ask: there isn't some bug or something in the stair code that greatly increases the likeihood of a two-game match ending in a draw, is there? i don't think i've played a single two-game match in any stair that hasn't ended in a draw, and when i commented on that just now to an opponent (with whom i'd just drawn a two-game match), he said he's seen the same thing. whole lotta drawin' goin' on...

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