this is a board that talks about issues concerning animals...your own pets as well as animal rights,alerts,bills before congress that need our attention.This is a family board but as abuse cases may be posted it may not always be for the sensitive readers.Please be kind to each other,thanks!
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Jim Dandy: I have 3 cats, and the 2 boys ( brothers) will only drink out of the tap in the bath, if i go to use the bathroom, they rush straight in there, jump in the bath adn wait for me to turn the tap on, and they queue up, so Dexter first with Oliver waiting behind is soooooooooo funny to watch.
I was watching a report on the news last night, about people who flush used cat litter down the toilet. Please do not do this, as cats carry a parasite in their faeces (sp) , which actually ends up in the sea water through the sewage and is now starting to make ill and kill, dolphins , whales and porpoises.
Modified by Adaptable Ali (13. January 2007, 01:34:55)
anastasia: Honestly, i laughed that much i was crying, it was the look on his face, when he broke wind the second time, looked at me like to say " oh yeah what do u think your laughing at " He looked so disgusted that i was laughing at him LOL
Tuesday: Let me tell you something, hopefully it will cheer u up abit. Oliver my ickle pussy cat was asleep on the bed this afternoon, and broke wind while he was asleep, fell off the bed, woke up, looked at me broke wnd again and walked was so damn funny
Modified by Adaptable Ali (12. January 2007, 09:12:09)
spicieangel: You can also by special kitty grass from all good pet shops that they can eat and that lthem get rid of the fur balls, also special dry cat food, designed for fur balls can help, that also can be bought at pet shops
Gr☺uch☺: I would have loved a dog, but becasue of the job i was in, ii was out all the time, and Jess being at school, the poor puppy would have been left at home on its own, for hours on end, and i am a firm believer that puppies need constant one to one in their early months, and i wouldnt have been able to give him/her that because of work committments.
Gr☺uch☺: I know it does hurt tremendously, i have always put the loss as the same as losing a child. We had a cocker spaniel when i was 6 and we had to have him out to sleep when i was 18. It was devastating, he had one of his concvulsions, adn afterwards, he sat in his basket, and looked at me and my dad, like to say " I have had enough, please let me go" So my dad took him to the vet, held him in his arms whilst he went to sleep, it brings a lump to my throat and a tear to my eye, even talkign about it now.
Gr☺uch☺: I have 3 cats, twin brothers and a a little fluffy ball of fur her name is mitsy-Moo. Mine are typical lap cats. They dont have litter trays, they are so good, they go out the cat flap do their business and then come back in again. They are so intelligent, and always show u that they love you, either by nudging you if you are doing something, head butting you lol or the all important purrrrr, which shows they are happy and content. Oliver purrs that loud he sounds like an outboard motor. Also if i have been out and open the front door, all thre of them will coming rnning downstairs, and will all roll in front of me , onto their backs, that is their way of greeting you and telling you that they are pleased to see you.
I jsut love them so much, they are amazing, all have their individual personalities.
heavenlyemma:Unfortunately and it is very sad, alot of peope have to have pets put to sleep for various reasons. I did i had a cocker spaniel since the age of 6, and had to put him to sleep through pure kindness to him, because he was having convulsions constantly, the question i would like to ask you, is why does having a familypet put to sleep, make one nasty to peeps, as you put it.
I hope this is ok to put here, but just wanted to put a little note so Summerflame knows we are thinking about her and her little boy Liam, who were both so upset today after their little 9 month old kitten died today
my dad has just sent me a wav file which is sooo funny about a cat, i want to post it in here so you can all click on it and play it, does anybody know how i can do it
anastasia: 2 years ago i opened my front door and found my ickle mtisy-moo in a box, just left on my dorr step, to be honest i was reluctant at first, having 2 boys already i wasnt too sure how they would react, but Jessica (my daughter) slowly introduced her to them and they were fine. Mitsy was riddled with fleas and was quite poorly, took her to the vets, and a quick drenching of flea sparay, and anti-biotic injection and she is wonderful. I am so glad i kept her and not taken her to the Cats Protection League.
Tuesday: I agree, i find my 3 cats very theraputic. A hard days work and come home and sit for a while with one of them on my lap, no TV on , no radio on, jsut me and one of my cats, bliss
anastasia: Not sure if you have it over there, but here, if you have a cat or dog, and you dont want them to have kittens or puppies they offer free neutering and spade service, which i think is an excellent idea.
srnity: She is obviouls ylooking to you now, she is showing her softer nature, maybe this is a turning point for her, sometimes that happens when you lose something close to you.
srnity: Yes of course she knows it, at a time of need you always go to the one you love and feel safe with , this is what she is doing, like humans would do too.
srnity: I know you are giving her plenty of TLC, right now she is confused, she wants to be by your side, she feels safe and secure when she is around you
srnity: It certainly sounds like your doggie is missing her mate, i would expect she is quite fractious. Give her time and plenty of TLC and i am sure she will be fine.
Ok, I have noticed that my cat OLiver has been taken to eating rather large black slugs, which he seems to vomit back up again. I know this doesnt sound very nice, and i apologise to anyone who maybe reading this whilst eating their breakfast, lunch/dinner. Does anybody know if the common garden black slug is harmful to cats?
anastasia: I know animals especially cats like the warmth, but i just hate seeing them panting when they are asleep. I have already put the ice in the water bowl, and left a few bowls of iced water in different shaded areas of the house.
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